
COLD REVENGE( a taste of one's medicine)

My name is Adrian Rodriguez and I am what you call a hybrid. The werewolves and vampires had always been natural enemies, but two hundred years ago something happened. For the first time in the existence of wolves, a werewolf was mated to a vampire and this created a problem in the supernatural realm. Irrespective of warnings, they both went ahead with the relationship and I was born from the said unholy union, my parents did their best to hide me but then, they heard word of me. They hunted my parents and I for years, and we kept running until one fateful night my parents were murdered and I was kidnapped by the vampire association. They experimented on me and later forced me to be their killing machine. Now, I will stop at nothing to get my revenge but then, revenge tastes better when served cold.

JxTDiebere · Fantasy
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13 Chs


The lady dressed in a beautiful maroon red dress walked through a beautiful garden full of flowers of different kinds and amazing scents. The sky were the deepest blue as the slight breeze that blew added to the chill of the environment. Everywhere was quiet as the only sound that can be heard was the chirping of birds. There was melodious hum going on in the background but it seems like she was drawn to the song . She kept moving towards the sound, she walked until she came across a lake.

The lake was blue like the deep blue sea which was very surprising for a lake but as a strange as the lake looked, it was still breathtaking . She stared at her reflection on the lake, she noticed that her hair was no longer black as it use to be but was rather a platinum color, while her dress looked red was sin with the physical eyes, it was blue a shining sliver color in the lake. As she paid a closer look to the lady in the lake, she noticed that although the lady had the same face as she, there was still a big contrast to both of them.

The lady in the lake had a crescent moon on her forehead, the lady's eyes were a silver color and her skin were a pale skin tone. And the reflection of the moon moved to the head of the lady.

"My daughter ", she said

"Who are you?", the lady in maroon dress asked

"I am you, I am who was and who is", the lady replied

"I don't understand , who are you and what do you want from me?", the lady in maroon dress asked

"My creation has neglected me, they have forgotten my teaching and have desecrated my altar of worship"

" I still don't understand what you are saying "

"In time you would "

"what do you mean", the lady in maroon asked but the other woman was silent, " who are you?" Dhe asked again.

"I am Selene", replied the other lady

"As in the moon goddess", the lady in maroon dress said

"that you have said my child", the other lady said

"pardon me , my lady" , she said and kneeled down immediately

"it's okay my child, you may stand", she said " I know that my name isn't mentioned anymore among my creations"

"forgive us moon goddess ", she plead

"I know that you people have been misled by werewolf Council, those that forgot my teachings and created rules for themselves, they have created a rift between themselves and the creatures of the night forgetting that they are all creatures of night created by the me" Sighing slightly she added " and I have chosen you my daughter for a greater destiny ahead"

"A great destiny?", The lady in maroon dress asked the moon goddess

"A great destiny, don't worry it will become clearer to you in future but remember you must not disclose this to anyone "

"I promise to never mention it to anyone ", she swore

"Good, it is time for you to return , they are waiting for you", The moon goddess said

The lady in maroon dress felt the ground open and it was like it was swallowing her whole. All she saw was darkness then she heard her name

"Dahlia, Dahlia", it was the voice of her younger brother 'that little brat' she thought

She tried opening her eyes but was blinded by the bright from the window

"Shut the curtains" someone said it was her mother

'Mom is here', she thought 'perhaps she is here to prepare me for the party'

Slowly, she opened her eyes only to see eight pairs of eyes staring at her with worry

'Okay-y I was just sleeping, why does it look like I just I came back from the land of the dead to these guys'

She tried getting up but noticed that she couldn't feel her legs, she tired again but this time was stopped by her mother who placed a hand at her back "It is okay, dear ", She said "You just passed through a terrible ordeal "

'Okay-y, what is this woman ' she thought ' I know I just woke up from a sleep but heyy it was only a sleep '

Finally being able to sit up, she started " how long did I sleep?" but got no response

"Did I keep you guys from celebrating the party ?", she asked but still no response , she turned little Caleb " Caleb baby why is no one answering me and why is mom and dad looking worried?"

Caleb eyes were red like he was holding back his tears like he usually did, he had once said that since he was going to be the next Alpha, he had to start behaving like one, so he would never cry no matter how sad he was

"Everyone has been worried about you , Sis", he replied with a cracked tone

"Worried? What do you mean?" she asked

She turned to her mom, "Mom say something, Caleb said you were worried, why were you worried ",

The Luna , Rania was a strong woman who had won many battles in the past , she was known for being fierce and hardly showing any weaknesses but in the particular situation, She couldn't help but show the worry on her face.

"My child have some rest, we will talk about this later", Her father the Alpha said and with that the all left the room. Dahlia kept asking herself what was going on as her family has never looked that worried and she knows the right person to ask that question and it was no other than her handmaiden Alessia.

A few minutes later, Alessia came in with some food, she brought it to the bed

"Please eat my lady", she said

Dahlia accepted the food as she placed it on the bed pillow which was used in serving meals and then she said what made Alessia scared for her life

"Alessia sit", after hearing this Alessia widen her eyes

"My lady please you know I can't ", She pleaded

"Alessia I said sit or do you want to get punished?"

"My lady please ", she begged again

"I. Said. Sit ", she ordered

Alessia knew what Dahlia could do when provoked and decided to sit down on the bed

"Alessia", she started, "I am going to ask you a question and you are going to tell me nothing but the truth" to which Alessia nodded her head

"I want to know what happened while I was asleep and how long I slept, and I am not stupid, I know that today's not a birthday, it is past that" She said

"My lady, I wish I could tell you what you want to know but I am sorry I can't " Alessia pleaded

Alessia has never disobeyed her orders but did that today which left her perplexed.

"Did my father order you not to tell you me", she asked, Alessia nodded her head in response

"Take this food away, I am no longer interested "

"My lady please ", she begged while kneeling on the floor

"I. Said.Take. The.Food.Away", She said with her Alpha tone which Alessia immediately obeyed

Dahlia felt rage coming upon her and she needed to control it but she couldn't before turning into her wolf form and jumping out the window

She ran and ran and ran until she was out of breath, when she was sure she had tired out her wolf and couldn't run anymore in wolf form she transformed into her human form and Immediately went into the lake for a swim as she needed to calm her nerves

Dahlia swam out of the lake , she was in her nude form as she stepped out of the lake

"My my what do we have here a naked beautiful she wolf ", said a voice from behind

From the stench coming from them, she knew it was nothing but those disgusting creatures of the night also known as vampires

She turned, "What are you doing on my land?", she hostility

"Calm down princess, you should be more worried about your nudity, oh yeah I forgot , You dogs don't really care if someone else see your body, not that I am complaining, I could ravish that body all night"

"That's no we came for Luca", said another voice as the owner came out of hiding

"Come on Matteo, there is no harm in having a little fun" said the other guy

"You are right but we came here for business ", Matteo reminded

"A little pleasure before business won't hurt", Luca said to which Matteo smiled in agreement

"Your death wish", Dahlia said as she smiled devilishly as her eyes shone a golden hue

"Do you think we would come prepared princess", Luca said as he brought out a moonstone.

Moonstone was something known to weaken werewolves but then there was a secret which no one knew

Dahlia smiled and transformed her hand into Claws in which she used with her werewolf speed to take the moonstone from them and crush them

Which left the two Vampires confused

"You are immune to moonstones" Luca asked with fear

"Let's play boys"

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