
COLD REVENGE( a taste of one's medicine)

My name is Adrian Rodriguez and I am what you call a hybrid. The werewolves and vampires had always been natural enemies, but two hundred years ago something happened. For the first time in the existence of wolves, a werewolf was mated to a vampire and this created a problem in the supernatural realm. Irrespective of warnings, they both went ahead with the relationship and I was born from the said unholy union, my parents did their best to hide me but then, they heard word of me. They hunted my parents and I for years, and we kept running until one fateful night my parents were murdered and I was kidnapped by the vampire association. They experimented on me and later forced me to be their killing machine. Now, I will stop at nothing to get my revenge but then, revenge tastes better when served cold.

JxTDiebere · Fantasy
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13 Chs



I found myself in a forest, it was dark and cold.

"Hello anyone here", I asked but heard nothing, then I heard rustling nearby, I turned to see what or who it was but I saw a pair of red eyes, so I ran , I ran as fast as my legs could carry me but then I hit a stone and fell down.

The monster caught up with me it was a black wolf animal with a pair of wings and smoke was coming of it body. As it came closer to me I screamed.

I woke up only to find myself in my room. The bed was wet as I had been sweating profusely and I was covered in sweat.

" Thank God it was only a dream ", I said to myself, I looked out the window it was still dark outside since it was still early morning hours.

Getting off the bed I decided that I have had enough sleep for the day and won't be sleeping anymore.

I changed the beddings, put it in the laundry basket, and went to the bathroom to take my bathroom to take my bath. I didn't have the energy to go for my usual routine of an early morning run so I skipped it.

After freshening up I went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. I fried some eggs, prepared my favourite oatmeal with milk, peanut butter and bananas and let's not forget my bengali with avocado, spinach with shredded cheese, and strawberries. Yet I am quite the eater, don't know why but has always been like that.

While having breakfast, my phone rang, I checked the caller ID and I saw it was Damien, why would he be calling this early in the morning.

"Hi Dame", I said though knowing he hates being called that

"Hi Katrina, you okay? ", he asked, now that's a start, why does he sound worried.

"Yeah I am, why do you ask?", I asked

"I am coming over", he replied and cut the call


10 minutes later , there was a knock at the door, I was a bit startled but I went to check it anyway and there was Damien standing at the door. He immediately pulled me in for a hug. It took me some seconds to react but I did hug him back

"Are you okay", it was my turn to ask but he didn't respond but rather put his nose close to my hair inhaling my scent. ' I wonder why he was doing that but thank goodness I took my bath early , if not I would have been smelling like crap"

After what seemed like ages he let me go.

" I am sorry for that", he apologised

"No need, come on in", I invited him in since we were both standing on the seat-out .

He sat down on the couch in the living room

"So you're hungry? I literally just made breakfast so what do you say?", ' yeah I know this is awkward but what can I say at this moment , don't know '

He just kept staring at me, now that I looked at it his eyes seemed dark, like really dark almost black compared to his warm brown ones.

"Damien you are scaring me", I said as I moved backwards and that brought him out of his trance

"Sorry", he said yet again, this is second time his apologising for no reason.

"This is like the second time you are saying sorry since you came here", Still no response " You know what when you are ready we can talk", I said exasperated and was about to walk away when he held my hand .

"Don't leave", he said

"Only if you are ready to talk", I said and his face and he let go of me," I guess not", with I left the room to finish my meal.



For days now, only one thing has been on my mind and that was Jacob. How could someone I saw die come back to life. My phone has been powered off ever since then, I know it is cowardice so yes! I am a coward, what can I do?, couldn't take the risk, now I was in room pacing around like a frustrated salamander.

Rachel has been worried about me since I have been behaving weirdly these days, but she hasn't asked which I am happy for, because I wasn't ready to start explaining anything right now.

Today I have made a decision, one that will change mine and Simon's lives. I am going to call Jake to meet up with him, I need answers and I am going to get time.

I walked to the dress table and took my phone, my hands started shaking

"Come on Rose, you can do this", I encouraged myself, while catching my breath.

Finally I was able to Dail the number, it rang a few times before someone picked up, when I heard his voice my heart skipped a beat and suddenly I couldn't speaking

"Hello Rose, you there?", his voice brought me out my reverie

"Jake", my voice barely came out as a whisper, "Can we meet"

"Sure, why not?, I will send you an address?"

"Rose", he said " I am sorry "

I wasn't ready for that yet so I quickly said "we will talk when we meet".

I took a deep breath as I dropped the phone on the bed. Soon my phone beeped, it was a message from Jake, telling me the address .

I changed my clothes, picked up my car keys and went downstairs where I saw Rachel playing with Simon

"Going out ?", She asked

"Yep", I replied as I bent down to pick Simon up as he was pulling out his hands for me to carry him

"Hey babe, how are you?", I asked while pulling his cheeks lightly

"Ewww, I am not a baby", he said pouting

"of course you are mummy's baby", I cooed as I placed my head close his

"Mummy is going out , be good to Aunty okay"

"Okay-y", he replied as I put him down

"I guess we will see when I get back", I said to Rachel

She nodded her head and replied "Be careful"

Arriving at the said location, I began asking myself if I made the right choice by coming here, what if it was a trap? Or it wasn't really Jake that called me. The place looked abandoned, like it hasn't been used in years. It was an old industry for shoe production.

Though I was afraid, I decided to gather up courage and go in, I needed an answer and I wasn't going to get it if I chicken out now.

I stepped out of my car and walked to the building, even the door was broken, sighing exasperatedly , I walked in.

Not long after taking a few steps inside, I heard footsteps steps. I put my hand into my purse and gently brought out my gun, courtesy of Rachel, she made learn how to shoot and also some defence skills which I am thankful for right now as it as sure will come in handy.

Calming my already beating heart I turned with the gun pointing towards the intruder only to be surprised by who I saw in front of me.