

It was about two hours since lily had fallen asleep, Chris was still awake trying to think of a way to soothe his girlfriend and have her keep the baby, the idea of marriage did come up but it would have to be a small ceremony and but not make it legal to avoid Eric. He would also have to move lily to a completely different continent to keep her safe, preferably in a remote country or town with the least technology.

Chris had to speak to uncle Dan about his plan and of course to let him know about the baby that was coming, perhaps he could help him convince lily to keep it. He made sure lily was comfortable in bed and then gave her a kiss on the forehead before slipping out to make a call to her uncle and aunt. He got to the lounge and pulled out the phone that Lance had sent and took a deep breathe.

Uncle Dan was not happy about him being in Lily's life but he accepted him and gave him several warnings to keep his niece safe. He wondered how would he take the news of being a grandfather soon, would he be happy or get angry about the fact that they're not married and it was still a dangerous time. He spent about thirty minutes contemplating about making the call that night or just waiting til morning. He finally swallowed his doubts and fear and made the call, there were only three rings until the call was picked up, evening had just broken in country A when uncle Dan received the call.

" hello, hello lily is something wrong?" Dan said without waiting for a greeting back from the caller, he knew it was late in country S so lily should be asleep he figured that something may be wrong hence he asked first.

"Sir, it's me, Chris, Lily is asleep and it's not urgent but I need to speak to you" Chris said nervously into the phone, uncle Dan was sure strict and he wouldn't want to cross him, he was quite protective of lily so he had to be careful with how he breaks the news to him.

"What do you need to speak to me about at this hour" Uncle Dan replied with a stern voice, this only made Chris even more nervous he was already regretting making the call at that time of night without Lily. Now How was he supposed to break the news to a stubborn old strict man like him? He bit his lower lip hard to gain some strength to speak to him man to man without fear.

"Sir, uhmm, Lily and I uhmm, ...we're pregnant and I want to take responsibility and marry her as soon as possible sir!" Chris said the last part quickly and little louder for uncle Dan to hear clearly. Then there was pin drop silence between the two men for a few moments, uncle Dan was processing what he just heard and his brain seemed to have a few twitches from the hearing the word "pregnancy" and well Chris was freaking out in silence waiting to get a scolding from the old man.

" You're saying I'm going to be grandfather, are you saying that we're going to have a baby soon in the house??" Uncle Dan sounded happy on the phone Chris was definitely expecting the opposite to happen he expected him to scream and curse at him since he knew that uncle Dan did not really like him. "Y-yes, sir I'm confused, are you happy to hear the news?" Chris said in a confused tone of voice.

"Of course I'm happy, we've wanted nothing but for lily to meet a responsible man to have a family with and the baby this could be a possible way to stop Eric from pursuing her for good my boy!!" Uncle said in one breathe, he thought that they'd wait to start a family until things settled down, of course it was not a good time but a baby is still a blessing no matter the circumstances that they come into the world in. He would be willing to raise the baby himself as his own if they could do it themselves.

Chris was speechless and relieved at the same time, judging from what he said uncle Dan would be more than willing to have a talk with Lily and convince her to keep the baby "Sir we have a problem, see, Lily did not take the news very well, in fact she wants to abort our child, I need you to speak to her sir" Chris went on to explain Lily's melt down to him in detail and uncle Dan listened earnestly and commented in between.

They both concluded that they'd get aunt Lucy to speak to her in the morning once she had calmed down. The call ended with a hopeful Chris grasping the phone tightly and let out a small prayer, "God keep my love and my little one safe and happy".