
Disturbing the peace

A few days went by since Greg paid a visit to Eric, he got into a plane and headed to country S where his current job led him. He found the couple pretty easy since they did not lay low like they should've but even if they did he still would've found them.

He tracked them through the calls that uncle Dan made to them once a week, he found that Lance had built a phone that was supposedly hard to be tracked or hacked but he was smarter and tracked them through the phone.

He landed in country S in in the afternoon and decided to go sightseeing, he loved traveling and wasn't in a hurry to capture Lily, he felt that the couple deserved a little more time together before they were to be separated by him.Country S boasted beautiful mountains and lakes and it was rich with history and culture, it was said that their way of living dated back to 3000 years ago and most people still practiced what their ancestors did. His day went by slowly with excitement and wonder that he decided that the next day he'd go for some more sightseeing putting his job in the back seat yet again.

The next day came and he went around to places that he could not go the previous day, he met the locals and ate their food and bought their clothes and souvenirs to bring back to his place once he was done. His expedition led him to a 200 year old temple that was still well maintained and used for prayers by devotees, the tour guide was feeding information about the place and its history when a call came into his phone. He then excused himself for a bit and went out of the historic building to pick up his phone.

The phone call lasted for about 7 minutes and then he hung up, the call was from his contacts that was uncovering information about Chris and his family.

He found out about Chris's father and his whereabouts, the new information he got gave him an idea, the game that he was about to play with his pawns was getting more and more interesting with the new information he just got. A huge Grin started appearing on Greg's face "Chris I'm going to give you an ally that will be instrumental in the rescue of your girlfriend" Greg whispered to himself.

Chris looked like a normal guy but his history that he himself didn't know was so intriguing, Chris was a powerful man that could actually put up a good fight against Eric DeGrasse but he did not know it yet. Greg felt that it was his responsibility to reunite father and son as soon he got Lily back to the madman. The investigator started laughing hard at himself, he had not seen so much action that was about to take place in a long time, he was so happy that he started dancing right outside the temple where by-passers watched him like he was an idiot. "Foreigners are so disrespectful, how can he dance in a holy place like this?" One by-passer said to another one. They did not know that the lives of certain people were about to be turned upside down and the dancing man was going to be orchestrating the chaos that going to go down.

Greg stopped his ridiculous dancing and went back to his tour guide to finish off where they left off. He listened intently to what he taught him and before leaving he went to offer prayers to the gods for luck in his conquest. He left the temple and had a dinner at a restaurant before retiring to his hotel room. He then got into the shower and walked out with a towel and threw his sexy lean body onto the bed, it was time to go to the same town that Lily and Chris were. He wanted to watch the couple first and arrange a few things in the mean time. He took his phone from the drawer and sent Eric an email that read "Get ready to see your wild flower soon"