
Baby shopping

Chris was glad that Mo understood his sentiments, if he thought that Greg was dangerous than he might really be dangerous. Since they don't know anything and how far he might've already gone to stalk them he must be extra careful like Mo instructed. He went back to sit and eat with Lily and they talked about Africa, Chris told her that they were sticking to their plan to leave during the weekend to avoid stressing her unnecessarily the plans were only being changed because of a suspicion so no need to frighten Lily.

They soon got done with their snack and went shopping for baby clothes at the mall, it was their first baby and they had no idea that babies needed many clothes and accessories and gadgets. The two had so much to learn in so little time.

"I hope one day our baby would be able to visit his grandparents, even my parents" Lily said in a sad tone. Her parents might've been cruel but they were still her parents she could not deny or change that, she hoped that one day they'd open their eyes to their mistakes and start doing the right thing. But if they never stopped their greedy and cruel ways then it would be okay because she still had aunt Lucy and uncle Dan to support her.

"For now we need make sure that you're safe with the baby, that will take some years to ensure but once it has worked then I'll take little junior to visit both our parents" Chris said as he kissed her forehead. Laying low for a few years was the best way to ensure Lily's freedom and his son's arrival into the world, once that was accomplished then he would take his family to visit their families. Eric would've given up looking for Lily if she stayed off the grid for five to ten years he would not keep searching for her for that long right? Those were his thoughts and hopes.

They bought cute baby onesies and socks and hats including diaper bags and toiletries and a ridiculous amount of diapers. In order for his plan to leave earlier to work and not scare Lily he had to play along with her outrageous shopping, everything they bought would have to be left behind, he was planning to have them leave with nothing but the clothes on their back they could start over for the last time once they reached their new home.

Baby clothes were so adorable and addictive, Lily started to understand why people would have more than one baby. She also bought a stroller and a car seat and a potty that their child would be able to use until he was at least a year and half. The two needed someone to advise them to only get the necessities and not so many things because babies grew so quickly and that meant that they outgrew their clothes and toys just as quick.

For a pregnant woman Lily was an active one, she was not tired at all from the shopping that took over three hours , Chris had to literally pull her out of the mall and head home before she bought every store in the Centre. He made dinner that consisted of a lot vegetables cooked the meat til it was well done, he read that raw meat could be bad for the pregnancy. If they'd known about the pregnancy earlier he would've force fed her and she would be bigger and perhaps even showing a little bump but he still had four months to pamper her and fatten her up like balloon so it was fine.

Greg had sent his minions to follow the couple all day to avoid being spotted by the couple since they were starting to suspect him. The people he sent never noticed that Chris made a phone call from the restaurant which meant that Greg was going to be outsmarted by Chris. But as he was watching the couple, there was a knock on their door, one of their guards walked in and handed Chris their passports and plane tickets, Greg immediately put up the volume to hear why they were delivered early but the guard just handed the items and left without a word. Being the investigator that he was he knew something was amiss, according to the phone call Chris had with uncle Dan the documents would be delivered on the day of the departure why then were they now two days earlier when neither of them mentioned it. There no texts or calls between them that day, he called the guys that followed their target around and asked if they saw the couple do anything out of the ordinary and all off them agreed that the couple behaved normally and did some shopping. His men never thought of entering the restaurant and the customers were hard to see from outside otherwise they would've seen Chris making call.

He thought for a while then opted to just watch them even closer, if they tried anything he would be way ahead of them. He watched them cuddle on the couch and then took a shower together and back to bed to cuddle again. The sight of Lily being happy warmed his ever cold heart in an instant. He was falling in love.