

Nihilism the belief in where life is but nothing, existence means nothing , Nothing matters Humainty is but so insignificant that nothing we do ever matters in a universal scale.

There exists many ways one can look at this point of view Nothing matters meaning I am truly free, nothing matters but even than we are in the pursuit of something no matter how insignificant, Knowing nothing matters but still enjoying in this nothing we live in, Ignoring all pain for it doesn't matter.

Dusting the dirty and dusty book I paused thinking on these words interested and intrigued, Not thinking much of it though i click off the only source of light in the room, Needing to prepare I left for work, A cigarette between my lips as the cold winter breeze brushed against my Skin.

I needed this for the word count 🗿


I wanted to know why I was born In such conditions and why I riser Phoenix was left in such a place, Living like a dog I wondered what I did wrong I guess I was an idiot picking this world even though my knowledge barely scratched the surface of this world, I thought it would be easy for me survive as a Phoenix and having even more potential and power than most I would be given even more support how wrong have I been about this world.

In the anime the world was always shown in Issei's perspective he never struggled or encountered much of the dark and cruel things about this world, all he saw were beautiful women power wealth the plot really did favor fools.

I distasted it but it's not like I can do much with my current power barley even reaching Top high tier in terms of magical power, Izana while I hated to admit it was scarily powerful just his aura alone made me tremble, It's not like my parents could help or anyone for that matter, My family had agreed to send me to the human world with Izana alone for "Training in controlling my powers', The trip would only last 5 years I was sent here when I was seven only when i turned 12 can i truly let my wings free.

Thankfully I had Phoenix regeneration or else I would've died tens of thousands of times over, It not easy surviving with a psychotic chicken Ie. Izana.

The past me had tried escaping several time all of them however, had ended in failure though in turn Izana just upped my beatings I just wanted to cook the f**ker alive.

Chicken soup was one of my favorite dishes back home so I wouldn't mind.

I knelt on the floor barely dodging the metal door that flew across the room it breaking of it hinges and completely discarding itself in the process, Great the flaming Turkey is back.

"RISER What are you doing?! You're meant to be training not writing idiotic things in your pahthic little notebook" The same obnoxious voice yelled i swear to god *ouch* one day I am having chicken soup with this bastards heart as the appetizer.

I tuned the idiot out at this point, I was already used to his daily beatings and torture it didn't bother me as much.

I ignored him well that was what I tried to do, however Izana seemed even more angry at my blatant lack of respect, with his face turning red he sent a small ball of flames at my face, again I ignored it I couldn't be bothered it didn't affect me anymore, Was it painful? yes though now I didn't take that into account.

He seemed to be expecting this result by the fact the blood vessels in his face didn't explode like they always did whenever I disrespected him, Disgusting I thought ignoring him I walked out the room.

He stopped me and put a hand of my shoulder now I wanted to kill him even more, He seemed to be channeling his fire elemental magic into the palms if his hand smoking was any clue, burning a hole through my clothes he dug his fingers into my skin burning my blood I ignored not even bothered, I grabbed his burning hands forcefully removing it, I heard some cracks in his bones as I did, I almost cracked a smile seeing his twitching eyes, obviously a little broken bone wouldn't make him scream him pain but it still satisfied me nonetheless.

If anything it made me even more disgusted by him These were new clothes and new blood that I had just regenerated for God's sake *ouch* I really needed to stop taking Gods *ouch name in vein, It gives me headaches all the damn time.

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Izana seemed to have resigned himself, sighing to himself he left as if depressed he couldn't torture me some more, he apparently had some business to carry out or something I don't know nor do I cared enough to know.

Carrying my notebook I enjoyed the fresh breeze of the ocean the soon to be chicken soup and Me had come here for some training well in this case torture.

I carried a fishing rod and threw bait in the ocean hoping for a catch, I never thought I would actually adopt Fishing as a therapeutic solution from all the abuse, this world made me do some strange things.

An hour passed quickly with me scribbling on my notebook looking at the clouds for inspiration, It was also another way I coped with having to deal with Izana everyday of my life.

Feeling drowsy I had decided to go back in being bored and going so long without the smallest of signs of fish.

I felt a tug on the rope my eyes widened feeling excited I quickly reeled it in fast enough for my hands to leave after images,I almost felt my hand was smoking.

Pulling even harder I finally saw the thing I had reeled in, It was a small sea snake it was however extremely beautiful for a snake, it had sleek sliver scales with red eyes and black dots in each of its scales, it was beautiful, it even matched my eyes and hair, the light seemed to reflect of its scales, In its red eyes also held a crafty look of wisdom as if it was self aware.

Untangling the little thing I held it up to my eyes, surprisingly it didn't immediately jump out at me or even try to escape for that matter, while it wasn't uncommon for some normal animals to be self aware and have intelligence I didn't expect myself to encounter one all the way here.

Incredible I thought this snake was just intelligent and good looking i had checked it's Magical reserves as I held it, and surprisingly it's reserves were that of a middle class devil almost breaking into high class not only did it have intelligence it had incredible potential.

Say I still don't have a familiar and Izana would rather peel my skin then take me to the familiar forest, so why don't I make this little guy my own, I had studied summoning magic over the course of these two years I had reincarnated/transmigrated, it was complex and took a sizable amount of time, but I should be able to make this snake my summon or familiar.

"You will be my new familiar little snake" I paused thinking what to call it I already knew it was a Male but I didn't have a good name for it, Thinking to himself Riser didn't notice the snake slithering out of his hands and moving in a strange way.

Snapping out of my trance I looked at where the snake went and what it was doing, It seemed to be writing something in human language, The first letter was L the second O the third K the last it seemed was I, In full It wrote Loki.

Cracking a smile I pulled up Loki happy I had a companion in dealing with Izana