
Cold Moon Like Frost

After a chance meeting, the handsome stranger asks for her name. She waits in hopeless anticipation, but the marriage proposal never appeared. What appeared is an edict from the Emperor killing 3 generations of her family. She lives for revenge, only to realize when she sees her enemy, that it is the last person she would have expected meeting again. *** Original work by Fei Wo Si Cun Disclaimer: I do not own anything, this story is the work from the original author Fei Wo Si Cun

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Chapter Two

After a snowfall, two or three plum blossoms in Yihuatai bloomed sparsely. Passing through the corridor from a distance, you can smell the distant and clear cold fragrance. Aunt Gu was holding a small lacquered plate in her hand, and in the plate was a blue and white bowl with thick black concoction still steaming. Seeing her coming with medicine, Li'er hurriedly opened the curtain for her. Aunt Gu was originally the daughter of a medical officer in Luzhou, and was later selected as a maid in the palace. When the princes divided the mansions in the 25th year of Shengping, she was assigned to serve Prince Rui. Because she knew a little about medicine, she was assigned to the pharmacy all the time. Tube decoction. She has an easy-going personality and is cautious. As a rule, she can be released from the mansion at the age of twenty-five. She should have been out of the mansion when she was old. Unexpectedly, there was a great epidemic in Luzhou that year, and all her family members were infected. Due to the epidemic, she died one after another, and she had no one to rely on, so she begged the steward of the mansion to keep her. This stay has lasted for more than twenty years, and now she is getting old, so the servants in the mansion call her "Aunt Gu".

  Li'er opened the curtain and said quietly: "I still haven't eaten today. I think this medicine is fried for nothing again, ma'am." Madam Gu went into the inner room. Sure enough, she saw Rushuang sitting there with slightly drooping eyelids, motionless, like a wooden statue. Aunt Gu knew that she often sat like this for one or two hours, staring at a certain place in the sky, without focus, lifeless, and her eyes were empty and lifeless, and she didn't know what she was thinking. Aunt Gu put down the plate, took the bowl of medicine, and said, "Girl, I've taken the medicine. You have to drink it while it's hot so it won't be bitter." Rushuang also ignored it as if she had never heard of it. Mrs. Gu has seen the strange things for the past two days, sighed, and said: "Girl, the most important thing in the world is to keep the green hills, so you don't have to worry about running out of firewood. Depending on what a big thing it is, you can have hope when you live."

  Rushuang didn't move at all, and even her eyelashes never trembled slightly. I once thought that I was bound to die, but who knew that half of my foot had stepped into the gate of hell, and was dragged back again. A deep bruise had been strangled on her neck, which has not faded so far, and the burning pain in her throat was unbearable, as if the throat had already been shattered. If it weren't for the constant pain, she would always feel that she was already a hanged ghost, and she returned to the underworld only by accident. She didn't understand why he changed his mind at the last moment and left her life.

  She was here after waking up, and I heard that Eunuch Xia asked her to recuperate here. Yihua Terrace is located in a remote place, and has never been inhabited. All the towers, pavilions and pavilions are locked. The place where she lives is in the west wing of the backyard. It was originally a house on duty for envoys. It is bright and dark. Although the furnishings are simple, there is a kang and smoke cages. Compared with her original residence, it is of course a world of difference.

  She doesn't know what will happen in the future, it's ridiculous, what future does she have? They don't even let her die quickly, what else do they want to do to her?

  Aunt Gu saw that Rushuang was still like a wooden clay sculpture, so she had to put down the medicine first, and started talking to her like gossip. Li'er knew that Mrs. Gu would spend half an hour persuading her, but each time Rushuang acted as if she had never heard of it, and remained indifferent. At first, Li'er was still talking to her to help persuade her, but she saw that there was nothing she could do in the past two days, so she gave up, just doing needle pointing outside, and let Aunt Gu explain her away in the back room. Sure enough, after more than half an hour, I went in and took a look. Madam Gu was already parched, and Rushuang was still sitting there motionless.   When Aunt Gu saw Li'er

  coming in, she shook her head at her, reached out her hand to feel the cold medicine bowl, and said, "I'll decoct the medicine again for the girl."

Hou sent an internal official to look for her, so she went to see Xia Jinhou and told him about Rushuang's situation in detail. Seeing that Xia Jinhou was thoughtful, she said, "Grandpa Xia, this You have to come up with an idea quickly, if this goes on, I'm afraid that girl will die soon."

  Xia Jinhou thought for a while, and answered her: "You go back first, I'll make up my own mind when I turn back."

  Aunt Gu went on her own. , Xia Jinhou returned to Guibi Hall, this place was originally Prince Rui's study, and Prince Rui's daily life is also here. Seeing him coming in, the servant quietly came up and told him: "Your Highness is happy to have won Mr. Meng's chess."

  The Mr. Meng that the servant said was Prince Rui's Qing guest Meng Xingzhi. Hearing what the young man said, Xia Jinhou changed his mind, took the tea tray from the young man's hand, and personally served the tea into the Nuan Pavilion on the east side of the hall.

  Sure enough, the internal officials were cleaning up the mess on the chessboard. Prince Rui reached out to take the tea, and seeing that it was Xia Jinhou, he casually asked, "Where have you been?

  " Miss Mu hasn't had a drop of water in the past few days, so I'm afraid it's not good."

  Prince Rui frowned slightly, as if scalded by the tea, he put down the cup casually: "You are getting more and more eye-catching." Xia Jinhou was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground, and repeatedly said: "Damn it, servant!" . Seeing this situation, Meng Xingzhi just smiled slightly: "This old monkey deserves death and life at every turn, I'm tired of looking at it, I can't blame the prince for annoying him." Prince Rui laughed out loud, and said: "Let's go again Next game."

  It is still Prince Rui who holds the black and goes first, originally the two of them are equal in chess strength, after dozens of moves, black and white are entangled on the chessboard, Prince Rui holds the chess in his hand, ponders for a long time but never makes a move. Meng Xingzhi said: "My lord obviously has a plan in mind, why is he so hesitant? Is your lord not afraid of missing a good opportunity and giving up all previous efforts?"   Prince Rui said: "In the past few days, Mr. must have understood what I think in my heart. .It's just that this catastrophe may not be able to be defeated. If you beat the grass to scare the snake, you will suffer."   Meng Xingzhi said calmly: "My lord, this is the way to be cautious and successful. The old man speaks nonsense, but the lord may as well use his own heart, Saving people's hearts." The   pavilion was extremely quiet, and Ruinaoxiang was burning in the lily cauldron underground, and it was scattered into the depths of the Nuan Pavilion. After a long time, Prince Rui laughed: "Sir, that's what you said." He stretched out his hand to shake the chessboard, and said to Xia Jinhou: "Let's go."   Xia Jinhou blinked: "Where is the lord going?"   Prince Rui With a sneer, he raised his leg and kicked him hard. Xia Jinhou grinned his teeth in pain, not daring to pretend to be confused anymore, so he had to wait for Prince Rui to take the warm sedan chair to Yihuatai.   As soon as I entered the gate of Yihuatai courtyard, I could smell the faint fragrance of plum blossoms. Prince Rui couldn't help but stop, looked at the early plum blossoms in the courtyard: "The plum blossoms here have already bloomed." Xia Jinhou Shicai was so heartbroken that he didn't dare to answer indiscriminately, he could only answer "Yes". Suddenly, I felt a coolness on my cheeks, and it turned out that it started snowing again. He didn't dare to be wordy, he hurriedly ordered someone to open the big oiled paper umbrella to cover Prince Rui from the wind and snow.   The snow fell heavily in a short while, like fluff and cotton, falling silently. Li'er heard that the prince was coming, so she came out early to welcome him. Xia Jinhou came to Yihua Terrace twice in the past few days, and he was familiar with the way, leading Prince Rui to go back. I only felt that my eyes were dim, and it took a while to see the furnishings in the room clearly.

  Xia Jinhou said: "Miss Mu is inside." He opened the curtains first, and there are large windows facing south in this room, which are covered with bright paper to let in the bluish-white skylight, which is actually brighter than the outer room. The room is very quiet, you can hear the red charcoal in the fumigation cage, and the occasional "peeling" sound, and even the sound of the snow rinsing outside is almost audible. As soon as I entered, I saw Rushuang sitting there with a silhouette like paper.

  When Prince Rui first saw her silhouette, he seemed to feel a little familiar, but at the same time felt it was very vague, as if he had never really seen her in his memory. In fact, she doesn't look very much like Concubine Mu. Thinking of this, I suddenly felt startled, and my thoughts froze for a moment, as if I couldn't think any more. Seeing Rushuang sitting there motionless, Xia Jinhou coughed lightly, and said, "Miss Mu, the lord sees you coming."

  Rushuang's eyelids drooped, as if she had never heard it.

  Xia Jinhou had nothing to do, Prince Rui didn't think he was disobedient, and walked forward slowly, his voice was calm and calm: "Miss Mu, today the Ministry of Criminal Justice received a report that your younger brother Mu Yun has died of typhoid fever. On the way to exile. Now all the blood of the Mu family is gone, and you are the only one left to live in this world." His words pierced into his ears word by word, like countless small insects with wings, buzzing in his ears ringing. It was so loud that she was in a daze and couldn't hear it clearly... Mu Yun... the lively and lively Yun'er... grew up in the army when he was young, and traveled outside the Great Wall with his father and brother. Dinglan Mountain was always cold and miserable, and I never heard of him sneezing. ...and now suffering from typhoid fever ... dead?

  The corner of Prince Rui's mouth twitched into a faint smile, and his brows became even more serious: "Cutting weeds requires rooting out, of course Mu Yun can't survive, and the official Xie who escorted him is Prince Yu's confidant. My seventh younger brother is thoughtful and reliable. , I will definitely not let my brother worry about the future, Miss Mu, do you understand?" Rushuang finally raised her head to look at him, her black and clear eyes were piercingly cold, making people feel alive fear. Prince Rui pulled out the polished dagger from the bottom of his sleeve with a clang, and threw it at Rushuang's feet. The dagger was only one foot and two inches long, and the white light pierced his eyebrows, making the skin cold and sharp. Extraordinary weapon.

  Rushuang's pupils reflected the cold light of the sharp blade, as if a puppet's eyes were closed, and a gleam of light was ignited from the bottom of her pupils. She breathed heavily, her pupils contracted sharply, and looked at the dagger. who is he? How would he know? Who is he? Xia Jinhou didn't dare to vent his anger, he just watched Prince Rui helplessly. There was a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he had seen through all the struggles of living beings. Rushuang slowly stretched out her hand, holding the dagger, the cold hilt pressed against her hot palm, bringing a strange tactile sensation.

  How could this dagger be in his hand?

  She finally raised her eyes and looked at the person in front of her. The hatred that had been suppressed for a long time burst out from the inside out like a raging fire. The father died, the mother died, the elder brother died, the nanny died, Xiaohuan died, and even Yun'er died! What's the point of her living! In this life, she could not wait any longer. She was already dead, kill him! kill him! The frenzied anger made her pounce on him with almost all her strength, stabbing at him. Prince Rui's body turned slightly to one side, she couldn't hold back her momentum, and she fell forward. She hadn't eaten or drunk for several days, and she was exhausted by this throw, and fell to the ground collapsed, "Ding "A dagger fell to the ground.

  Prince Rui sneered: "Mu Dajun was once a hero, yet he gave birth to such an insane daughter like you."

  Rushuang only felt a buzzing in her ears, and it took a long time before she had the strength to struggle to raise her arms. Shicai exerted too much force, and rubbed a large piece of oily skin off her elbow on the gold brick floor. The pain was burning, but this kind of pain made her feel much better—he reminded her that she had a bloody vengeance, and she wanted revenge. To take revenge. Such thoughts, along with the surging blood, rolled in the sea of ​​​​qi in his chest, like the head of a raging tide, one wave after another, as fierce as a stormy sea, and could no longer be suppressed. She is the daughter of the Mu family, and her blood has the fierceness of the Mu family. She shouldn't be so cowardly waiting to die, she wants revenge! She gasped for breath, curled up into a ball. Prince Rui signaled slightly, Xia Jinhou hurriedly took out a silver box, opened it, poured out a pill, and stuffed it into her mouth. She didn't resist, the medicine was not bitter, and it gradually melted on the bottom of her tongue, her beating heart slowly calmed down, and the blood in her body gradually flowed smoothly.

  She struggled to raise her head, and was so weak that she couldn't even speak for a moment. There was only a faint light beating at the bottom of her eyes, she should use blood to cleanse the Mu family's blood, and use hatred to take revenge on that murderer whom she had never met.   Prince Rui walked back to the kang and sat down. He was so close to her, but his voice was so far away that it seemed to come from the sky: "The person you hate the most, took away more than a hundred years of the Mu family with a single imperial edict. He took away the lives of your father, brothers and clansmen, took away everything from you, yet he sits safely in the golden palace, don't you want to take revenge?" The corners of   her mouth trembled slightly, her eyes didn't blink for a moment, she stared straight at people in front of you. Because in the mansion, Prince Rui only wore homely casual clothes, and the brocade gown with the word "Fu" made his face look like a crown of jade, like an ordinary rich and noble son, only the bright yellow brocade and white jade buckle around his waist showed an incomparably noble appearance. The identity of the clan prince. When she raised her hands and feet, there was a faint fragrance of Ruinao in the sleeves of her robe. The slightly bitter fragrance was sweet and mellow. In the past... In the past... in the past, the upper room of the house always burned the best Ruinao incense, and her eyes gradually became sad and helpless. And he was smiling slightly, as if he was just looking at a branch of snowy plum blossom, hesitating where to cut it, so as to put this spring branch into the bottle.   She finally spoke, her voice was terribly hoarse: "How are you doing?"   Prince Rui leaned on the couch with a relaxed expression, "Miss Mu, what should you do right now?"   There was still pain in the spine while breathing, and every mouthful The air was so difficult that it seemed like the last ray of life, her nails dug deep into her palm, and every word she uttered was filled with the deepest hatred in her heart: "Kill him."   Prince Rui smiled half-smile, picked up the bottle A plum blossom in the tree: "Miss Mu, that is the Son of Heaven, the Lord of Ten Thousand Vehicles. If you want to go against the law and assassinate him, it's not easy."   Her mind gradually cleared up, and her eyes gradually became radiant, as if the charcoal fire was about to be extinguished before it was extinguished. The light burst out with frightening heat: "But please give me your lord's advice."   Prince Rui indifferently crushed the petals of the cold fragrance, and the strands of quietness rolled and shattered from between his fingers, and scattered red stalks: "If this king can give the girl a revenge... I don't know how the girl is willing to repay the king?"

  She raised her head slowly, her voice was still hoarse and ugly: "At that time, everything in the world will be within your reach, I'm afraid the prince will no longer care about the little girl's reward."

  Prince Rui laughed loudly, and said repeatedly: "Okay. Okay, okay." Looking her up and down, she said: "You are indeed the daughter of the Mu family." Rushuang felt a huge pain in her throat again, and seemed to be unable to utter a single sound, but a faint smile floated on her face. Prince Rui said: "As soon as you have to deal with it, someone will arrange it for you. In the days to come, you can take care of yourself and wait for the good news."

  She pulled her back together as a salute, and spoke with difficulty: "Ru Shuang thank you, my lord."

  Prince Rui smiled slightly . Yan: "Ru Shuang——Ru Shuang Ru Dui, that's a good name."

  He misheard, it should be Ru Shuang, Leng Yue Ru Shuang, because the night mother gave birth to her, she was sixteen, and her father picked her up as a baby. The baby with pink makeup and jade carvings saw the bright moon outside the window, and the ground was like frost, so she had this baby name. The window paper faintly penetrated the gray white light, not the moonlight, but the cold light from the snow. The snow fell more and more heavily, and she knocked on the window. On the table was the flat silver box with delicate patterns carved on it. She slowly stretched out her hand, and the box was full of emerald green pills, which smelled fragrant. cold. She held the silver box tightly in her palm, and the sour coolness of Cuitian permeated her palm. She thought of his mocking sneer just now, and she would remember what he said today, she must live, live well, and wait for the opportunity alive.

  She is the daughter of the Mu family, she is not even afraid of death, so is she still afraid of living?