
Cold Moon Like Frost

After a chance meeting, the handsome stranger asks for her name. She waits in hopeless anticipation, but the marriage proposal never appeared. What appeared is an edict from the Emperor killing 3 generations of her family. She lives for revenge, only to realize when she sees her enemy, that it is the last person she would have expected meeting again. *** Original work by Fei Wo Si Cun Disclaimer: I do not own anything, this story is the work from the original author Fei Wo Si Cun

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Chapter Four

After the kabuki dance, add more wine. King Darkhan was slightly dizzy, probably a little drunk. The wine in the cup is called "Pear Blossom White", the color is like pear blossom, the first drink is like honey, the aftertaste is strong and mellow, and you will drink it without knowing it. King Darkhan was used to drinking the crisp and spicy highland barley wine outside the pass, but he didn't want such light and sweet honey water to be intoxicating. At this time, squinting his eyes and looking at it, the tulle gauze skirt of the maiko is like a beautiful lake with flowing light, with gorgeous waves gently rippling around. There are countless gorgeous and exquisite buildings in Shangyuan, dotted among the green mountains and clear waters, and the sound of singing and playing the orchestra floats in the misty spring rain, as if it can take away all the strength of people.

  Such landscapes can't be blamed for making people feel depressed. King Darkhan thought, that Prince Rui who was sitting on the west seat looked lazy and relaxed, as if he had no interest in anything in the world. The prince of the kingdom of heaven lived in wealth and wealth, without the slightest masculinity, which could not help but make the horse-backed King Darkhan feel contemptuous. On the contrary, although Prince Yu is young, he treats people with a noble demeanor, which makes one dare not underestimate him.

  As the imperial boat approached the bridge hole, there were several officials kneeling under the Chuihong Bridge, as well as a dozen or so women, all of them tingling light yellow and green, very eye-catching. Seeing this, the emperor casually asked the eunuch Zhao Youzhi, who was standing behind him, and found out that the twelve court ladies who were originally selected for King Darkhan went to Mingyue Continent to receive the banquet, and did not want to meet Yu Zhou. The emperor didn't care, the imperial boat had already slipped out of the bridge hole slowly, heading for the depths of Yuqing Lake.

  The inspector of ceremonies by the bridge whispered to everyone to get up, Rushuang gritted her teeth lightly, that was the moment. The success or failure of this life depends on it.

  If you don't want to die humblely, then let her live vigorously.

  Before everyone straightened up, she had already stood up suddenly, crossed the bridge railing, and before everyone exclaimed, she flew into the lake. There was only a "flutter", and the icy green lake water rushed up from all directions, like a huge green silk wrapped up quickly, tightly wrapped and airtight. The crowd screamed in an uproar, which became a faintly audible distant sound. The dark green water light was far above the head, and the water poured straight into the mouth and nose, and the feeling of suffocation poured into the limbs and bones again. The light above her head gradually deepened, and the green light became less and less. As the darkness pressed up, her consciousness gradually became blurred.

  Just like that day, the cold plain silk had already strangled her throat, she couldn't breathe, her consciousness gradually left, but the last chaotic footsteps could be heard.

  She will surely get what she wants.

  It seemed that after a long time, there was a sudden tenderness in her chest, which was so painful that she instinctively opened her mouth to breathe out the pain, but she choked out the first sip of water. She coughed violently and choked out more water. Someone whispered "Okay, it's all right." She coughed so hard that she couldn't even open her eyes, her whole body was shaking violently, and she spit out the water in one mouthful. Someone wiped her face with her sleeves indiscriminately, and then she opened her eyes. , it turned out that he was already on the deck of the royal boat, surrounded by several people, all of them were dripping wet, they were all guards in their attire. Seeing that she was gradually regaining consciousness, the leading guard breathed a sigh of relief, winked, and all of them bowed and retreated with their hands down. Finally, a corner of the bright yellow brocade robe finally appeared from behind the guard, approached slowly, and finally stopped within a short distance from her. The huge umbrella moved with him, covering the continuous rain above her head. She could clearly see the fine rice beads on the toes of his bright yellow boots, forming a pattern of endless life. Being so close to her, the lake water dripping from her clothes gradually Soak the soles of his boots. She coughed uncontrollably, her whole body was trembling so hard that she could hardly breathe, her cold wet hair was sticky on her face, and the thin clothes were dripping with water, she almost had no more strength, just Crouched there panting.

  A hand stretched out, with bright yellow and gold nine-dragon patterns, and the cuffs were pricked with gorgeous gold threads, but the fingers were barely warm. She lifted her chin, and she slowly raised her head, finally seeing a pair of deep and familiar eyes. Eyes, almost at the moment when she saw her face clearly, a strange light suddenly flashed in those eyes, as if astonished, as if surprised, those eyes stabbed her like a sharp knife, and she could almost hear her own pulse The beating, chug is like a fountain, pouring more blood into his chest, him!

  How could it be him? How could it be him? It turned out to be him! In the blink of an eye, there was a sudden earth-shattering, and she could barely keep her eyes open, but her mother's shriek was faintly heard: "Shuang'er!"

  Blood feuds all over the family, so much blood, pouring in all over the sky, only a sea of ​​blood-like crimson in sight, father, mother, brother, sister... so many people, so much blood... Mu's family is full of hundreds of people. The remaining lives, blood all over the sky, kept coming, coming up... She suddenly pulled out the silver hairpin from her hair, and rushed towards him with all the strength in her body. Prince Yu yelled: "Guardian!" A stride had already rushed up to block the emperor, and more guards rushed forward one after another. Countless people rushed up and dragged her away. She struggled desperately, and the silver hairpin in her hand Swinging and stabbing wildly, a guard snatched her silver hairpin, and the extremely sharp hairpin scratched herself, but she didn't feel any pain. Drop by drop, whether it was rain or lake water, she was like the most desperate little beast, tearing away everything within reach. "Huh", the wind hit her face, someone gave her a heavy palm, she couldn't stand steadily, and the whole person fell backwards, countless hands held her down, and some people kicked her, she felt that she had become a rotten piece Chen Juan could almost hear the sound of every warp and weft breaking. At that moment, she suddenly heard a shout: "Let her go!"

  If the guards touched the red-hot iron, they all let go immediately, and she was hit hard on the head, half of her face was covered with bruises. It was hot, and the left eye was too swollen to open. I saw the blood stains all over my clothes in my blurry vision, and then I realized that the back of my hand was cut with the hairpin tip, and the blood was dripping down. with. A heart is so noisy that it cannot be peaceful. kill him! How can I kill him! Even if his body was broken to pieces, how could he kill him? !

  He opened his arms towards her, as if he wanted to hug her into his arms, Prince Yu grabbed her up to stop him, but he pushed Prince Yu staggeringly with his backhand. The other hand stretched out to her persistently, she grabbed his arm and bit down deeply with all her strength. He paused slightly, but still forcibly pulled her into his arms. After several layers of clothes, the sweet taste of blood finally filled his mouth. He didn't move at all, but hugged her tightly with his other hand, and she almost bit off a piece of his flesh. The strong hatred made all the strength in her body almost exhausted in this bite, she tore at the skirt of his chest indiscriminately, and bit down deeper and harder. Prince Yu called again, "Your Majesty." He remained motionless, his lonely and cold face finally stopped Prince Yu from speaking, and after a long time, he lowered his hands and slowly backed away. The internal officials and guards were clustered in the distance, not daring to take another half step forward, the rain shone brightly, and gradually wet his clothes, and the dragon pattern with bright golden threads, silently soaked into a gray color, and the wet clothes gradually became cold when they were attached to his body, But there is a heart in the chest, throbbing so much that there is a dull pain under the ribs.

  He let out a long breath and patted her back lightly with his other hand.

  Suddenly there was a tear, a huge one, slowly dripping out from the corner of the eye, and fell down with a "click", the blood mixed with the lake water and rain, trickling down drop by drop. She finally broke down and let go of her teeth exhaustedly. Crescent-shaped bloodstains quickly soaked from the sleeves with bright yellow dragon patterns, but he hugged her tightly, his tone was like whispering: "I am here."

  Her head was pressed tightly against his chest by him, She could hear the sound of his heartbeat, his breath was strange but familiar, mixed with the depressing rain and the sweet and bitter breath of Ruinaoxiang, she suddenly felt her heart relax, her whole body relaxed like never before, his arms were warm and firm , as if able to resist everything, just hug her tightly. His whole body was originally as iron as a stone, but his eyes gradually softened, like sharp ice blades, gradually eroded by snow water.

  Unexpectedly, there would be such a day, Prince Yu secretly sighed in his heart, this is a wrong. Anxiety suddenly arose in his heart, he retreated to the front of the cabin under the eaves, and through the half-open cabin window, he saw Prince Rui lying on the desk, half a glass of residual wine dripping down, half of his sleeves were wet, he was already passed out.

  Rushuang had been ill for a long time, maybe seven or eight days, maybe more than ten days, every day she was groggy, had a high fever, woke up by chance, and was always frightened and talking nonsense. Three or four imperial physicians took turns to diagnose the pulse, drinking big bowls of bitter medicine, but it still didn't work. Later, the emperor ordered a flying horse to return to Beijing, and summoned Zhengji Chunrong, the director of the imperial hospital, to take care of him slowly, and then he gradually improved.

  By the time she was able to get out of bed, it was already April, the spring was getting old, and even the apricot tree outside the window was already full of green leaves. Concubine Hua, who was in charge of the harem, sent her maid Shu'er to wait on her, and slowly helped her to sit down in front of the dressing table, and said with a smile, "Let me comb the girl's hair." She didn't answer, and Shu'er took the rhinoceros horn Comb, slowly brushing her black hair. Due to taking medicine during the illness, my hair fell out a lot every day, and now I combed it, and the hair fell out even more. Shu'er remained calm, combed slowly with one hand, and lightly pressed the hair with the other hand, the movement was extremely fast, and the hair was already gently rubbed into the sleeve, so that she would not see it.

  The person in the mirror was so thin that it lost its shape, like a dried flower, so fragile that it would shatter to pieces if touched lightly. Although she has lost weight, she is strangely not haggard, but her skin is a faint sapphire color, and the sickly flush on her face is like the flush of makeup and rouge. The eyes reflected in the bronze mirror should be black lacquer. At one point, the paint faded over time, leaving only a little gray luster. Under the layers of brocade clothes, it seems to be just a lifeless doll. Shu'er loosely tied a bun for her, picked out a branch of emerald from the jewelry box and shook it, the long and fine wreath rattled at her fingertips, compared it before her temples, she had already shook her head, Shu'er had no choice but to let go.

  Rushuang got up on her own, her long skirt dragged silently across the mirror-like ground, she hadn't walked for a long time, her steps were a bit flimsy, but she walked extremely steadily. The road ahead is difficult and dangerous. Although she walks slowly, she must walk steadily. Sunlight came in through the window lattices in dense bunches, and in each bunch there were countless fine gold dust, spinning and circling. Sika deer and cranes are engraved on the window sash, surrounded by auspicious clouds and auspicious grasses, and the fine carved edges are painted with gold mud, which is rich and gorgeous, and the excellent slogan is "six harmony and the same spring". She pursed her lips slightly, and finally said, "I don't live here."

  For the first time in so many days, Shu'er heard her speak, her voice was hoarse and rough, Shu'er was taken aback, and wondered why such a beauty with a icy appearance had such an ugly voice, but still had a smile on her face. Yingying said: "The girl lives well, why don't you want to live here suddenly? This place is spacious, and the most important thing is that it is close to the 'Fang Nei Yan'an' where the emperor lives. Why move?

  " No more words, a pomegranate red beauty shrug bottle was placed on the table beside him, he took it off and flicked it lightly, and with a "clang" sound, the floor was covered with messy porcelain shards. She stepped over indifferently, her steps still light and soft, and the soft satin soles were cut through by sharp tiles, and bright red lotus flowers bloomed on the soles of her feet with every step. With a slight sound, the thin tiles were trampled into small pieces. She walked forward. On the black gold brick floor like a mirror, the blood that overflowed was more intense, slowly and silently dripping, like a child. Hands stretched out in all directions hesitantly. And she seemed to be ignorant, just walking lightly. Shu'er turned pale with fright, covered her mouth with her hand, and after a while she screamed, calling in more maids, and forced her to tuck her back on the bed. While rushing to pass on the imperial doctor, he dared not say a word of persuasion.

  Naturally, such things cannot be concealed, and the candles were passed on in the evening, and the light smoke scattered into the silent hall. The emperor always came to see her at this time, and suddenly got angry after learning what happened today. Rushuang didn't speak, she didn't like to talk in the first place, she was hanged in Prince Rui's residence, although she was rescued in the end, her vocal cords were injured and her voice was completely destroyed, so she became even more reticent and almost dumb. Her feet were wrapped with gauze, leaning on the couch, the lamp in front of the couch was also lit, and the red copper and gold phoenix held a gauze lantern in its mouth. The light is dim and red, like a weak heart beating slightly. The hazy light reflected on her face, giving her a little bit of blood, but that color was also illusory, like a thin layer of gauze, which could be peeled off at any time, still revealing the underlying paleness. She wore a light cherry-colored narrow spring shirt, which seemed too bulky to wear on her, and the neckline was embroidered with a small number of small pale crimson petals, clusters of delicately embroidered clusters, as if she would be a falling flower if she took a breath. Colorful, messy and chaotic like rain, scattered clothes. Originally a flowery face, there is only the usual indifference between the eyebrows and eyes. She seemed indifferent to the emperor's violent outburst.

  She thought indifferently in her heart, is it really because of Sixth Sister that she treats her like this.

  For such a long time, she never once thought of Sixth Sister. Sixth Sister was born by another Mrs. Di. There are many sisters in the family, and each has a wet nurse to take care of her. Although the age is similar, before the sixth sister was married, she was not close to her at home. Thinking about it carefully, even her eyebrows and eyes were blurred into a soft halo.

  When the news of Sixth Sister's death reached the prison, my father's face was shocked, but he didn't say a word.

  After the emperor sent the court lady down, he turned his face and stared at her fiercely. Before he could speak, she suddenly lowered her face slightly, and her whole body had already fallen into his arms.

  Although we have seen each other on a daily basis for more than 20 days, we are always on the sick bed and have not exchanged a word. Occasionally when he got closer, the cool and indifferent aura on her body always made him slightly stunned, and subconsciously wanted to run away, but he couldn't bear to dodge. Her body was thin and soft, weak and helpless, and the emperor's heart suddenly softened, like a sharp knife meeting a hot ice, and a deep scar was cut silently. Slowly raising his arms, he finally wrapped around her waist. Knowing that this is a Gu, it is poison, even if it pierces the intestines and eats the bones, he can't resist it, so he swallows it like that to quench his thirst. After a long time, Fang sighed softly, and said to her: "Since you don't want to live here, just order someone to pick another place, why bother?"

  His tone was surprisingly gentle, with a little bit of regret and helplessness.

  Rushuang said: "I want you here."

  I want you here... There was a mighty wind passing by his ears. On that windy and stormy night a long time ago, he wandered alone on the Taiping gate tower. There are no stars and no moon, the night is as thick as juice, the sound of the rain hits the roof tiles of the city buildings, and the wet and heavy cold soaks through the clothes. Behind is the continuous and silent palace glass in the Forbidden City, and under the feet are the lights of thousands of families in Xichangjing, flickering and chaotic, like a hundred pearls pouring down from the sky, dimly forming a sea of ​​Zhuhai in the swaying wind and rain.

  The watchman in the palace rang after the third watch, and a yellowish lamp gradually approached. The person who carried the lamp was wearing a black oil coat, and countless water marks dripped down the oil coat. He came out like a salute, but he was silent.

  "It's a little prince..." The pale warm air came out of Zhao Youzhi's mouth, and the cold wind and rain robbed the last trace of warmth in an instant: "I have no breath after birth... The imperial concubine went very quietly, and finally she became sane. It gradually became unclear, just now I called the emperor's name a few times, and the last sentence was: 'I want you here'."

  He held the cold battlement in his hand, and the hard stone corners were deeply pierced into his palm, countless The rainwater flows down the wrist to the bottom of the elbow, not pain, but dull numbness, a very thin thread, winding up, winding up, entangled with paralysis, even the heart is like a thick layer of cocoon. But in that seemingly thick cocoon, everything was actually shattered into powder in an instant. The unbridled cold wind lifted his bright yellow cloak, and the cold air penetrated his whole body. It was so cold, it was as cold as being immersed in the ice of a deep winter deep pool, and she never expected the day it would melt—she never asked him for anything, until the last moment of her life, she said Such a sentence.

  He is not there.

  The tens of thousands of hectares of lights under the feet are gradually blurred into countless meteors, each of which draws a blurred arc in the eyes, and finally condenses into thin water vapor. The wind and rain are indifferent, and they have been blown away in an instant.

  The face in front of him gradually became clear, as if a small lamp finally shone on the person's face after countless stormy nights. There are a pair of amazingly bright eyes on the pale and frail face, the eyes are like icy ice, and they seem to be able to pierce straight into the bottom of people's hearts. And everything in the past will eventually fall apart. He turned his face away, and said lightly: "You rest, I will come to see you tomorrow."