
Chapter Two

After heading back inside the darkroom, I looked around the vault waiting for my eyesight to adjust to the darkness again. Once adjusted my eyes landed on the pool of blood I had woke up in, as I continued to look at the blood I noticed a pair of feet hanging out of the corner of my vision. Turning my head around, I walked towards the feet to take a closer view of the body, "AAAAH" I screamed rushing backward to get as far away from the body as possible.

In the process of walking backward, I fell down on my ass which resulted in crawling as fast as I could. Once I had gotten as far from the body as I could, I stopped and breathed heavily trying to process the image I saw. It turned out that the body belonged to my master, his throat looked to be clawed out, I'm sure that if I observed the area around the corpse more closely I would discover pieces of his Larnyx and upper Esophagus.

'Could it have been me' is the question I ask myself thinking back to when I woke up with all the blood-splattered throughout my clothing and the dried blood stuck between my fingertips. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when I felt this clenching thirst at the back of my throat, I realized that since I've woken up I hadn't had anything to drink there wasn't any water hanging around as my observation from earlier pointed out.

As time carried on the burning in my throat was getting worse and worse, to the point that I can't or organize my thoughts properly. Unable to think and not in my right sense my body started to move on its own, later I would come to realize that I had pushed the metal door open and my sense had pushed me towards the closest breathing creature possible, which turned out to be some of the servants that worked for the masters.

Moving closer towards the servants I smelt a horrid and expired eggplant smell coming from them. At the sight of the servants, the clenching thirst in my throat doubled and became unbearable, in the next few moments all I saw is red and the breathing pulse of my prey. My teeth start to protract and all I can think is 'what's happening to me' next minute I know I'm waking up in the middle of the forest that resided next to the mansion I used to live in.

I press the palm of my hand against my forehead and start to continuously hit the same area for at least a minute or two. By the time I had finished abusing myself and properly look at my surroundings I realized that the servants weren't anywhere to be found and that I'm in the middle of the woods with nowhere to go, and that my skin isn't burning anymore. "What is going on with me," I think out loud with no one to hear.

*Crunch Crunch*

The sound of leaves crunching behind me interrupted my words, and as I slowly turn to look back at what made the sound I am overwhelmed with a wave of darkness, the last image I see before completely blacking out is a pair of deep, scarlet red eyes.

HongJoong Pov

It was around eight in the morning when I finally decided to walk out of the underground club that I had discovered around two weeks previously. Accompanying me was two of my best friends, Yunho and Mingi, however, I don't get why they joined me when they both don't drink but I went along with it in the end.

"So then I said, she's a real beauty" Yunho was talking about his vacation in Australia and how he tried and supposedly succeeded in learning Australian slang. Honestly, I think it sounds idiotic when Yunho says words like barbie and bootle-o, just leave it to the professionals honestly.

"Yunho I just want to say this in the nicest way possible, and only I can say this because I'm one of your best friends but your flirting skills are disappointing and if you ever say another Australian slang word I will personally beat you..." Mingi was interrupted from threatening Yunho by a horrid scream that pierced our ears. I stopped in my tracks noticing that the other two followed not long after, following their gazes I realized that the scream had come from the forest.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking Joong" Mingi spoke to me in a tensed tone hinted with excitement and wonder.

"Well, we might as well go see if anythings wrong right Yunho?" I spoke trying to convince Yunho that while knowing that he wasn't the biggest fan of forests or the dark. "I guess it wouldn't hurt if we go and check out if the person ok, but this will be the only time we go into forests guys remember that" Yunho replied trying to sound confident but I could tell from his wavering voice that he was afraid.

Gesturing to Mingi to grab Yunho's hand we carried on into the forest remembering to leave a trail of X's on the trees so it would be easier to get out if something bad were to happen. With Mingi leading the pack I knew that he could smell something, deciding to take a risk I asked: "what do you smell, Mingi?".

"Blood" he answered back, the answer was something I expected but hoped it wasn't true, it makes the situation we're in a whole lot more dangerous. This wouldn't be a little field trip that was something I knew the minute I heard that scream but realizing it all over again is something I dread.

My thoughts were interrupted when I ran into the back of Yunho, it seemed that both he and Mingi had stopped and had been looking at something on the ground. Moving around Yunho to where Mingi stood I finally realized what they were looking at, it was a PERSON. What's unusual is that they are covered in blood but it appeared that the blood wasn't their own as the body had no indications of wounds.

Mingi suddenly ran towards where the body was lying face down on the ground, quickly following after him, I came to a short stop on my names and turned the person over to get a better indication of who or what the person was. The sight that greeted me made my stomach churn, I had never expected to see this face again in my life after he left at around seven years old, that had been ten years ago

So funny thing about this chapter in the original layout this would've been chapter four but I had changed the layout to better suit how the story progresses. I hope you like it and I'll try and follow up with a new chapter soon.

Chloe_Lea_2973creators' thoughts