
Cold Hearted Wife: Divorce me now!

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Ivy Crompton was a woman with a plan to exact revenge from those who caused her mother's untimely death. Hated by her family due to her actions to cover up her mission, she was the ghost of her family as the whole world was oblivious to her existence. Which served as a blessing disguised as a curse for her as she followed through her plan for years. But the only thing she did not plan for happened to her, Married off by her family for their own benefit, Ivy finds herself in a new predicament with a husband who has no feelings for her plus her little son whom she loves to death. After being forced by circumstances to leave the country three years ago with her son, Ivy is back now with more power and influence anyone can imagine as she starts to collect the debts that her so-called family owed her. **** "Huh...my father is forcing me with the power of his small company to behave? Let's just take over the entire company as it belonged to me nevertheless." "My trash of an ex-husband wants to fight me for my son's custody?.... Let him try I will see who has the power to force me anyway..'' Her husband who was listening to her from behind, "What are you saying, my wife? How can I fight for custody when the two of us are not even divorced..'' Ivy who erupted in anger after hearing him, "What wife? Whose wife! I sent you the signed divorce papers three years ago!'' A certain someone smirked, "Well, you see MY WIFE, in order to divorce I have to sign them which I did not so, you are still my wife!'' Follow Ivy as she navigates through her life with a very clingy husband and a very annoying family who just do not wish to leave her alone.

BelleFille · Urban
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

The Past (4)

Looking at them, Damon felt that he was missing something critical, but just before he could ask he was interrupted by a nurse who came out of the operation theatre.

Looking at the soldiers, she informed them.

"The child is out of danger, but the woman is still in critical condition. Since she is a member of the army, do you want us to stabilize her so that you can transport her to an army hospital, or should we go ahead with the surgery.''

The soldier with the highest rank present there took a moment before he came to a decision,

''Treat her here, we will transport her once she passes the critical stage.''

Nodding her head, the nurse once again went inside, and the corridor fell into silence.

Looking at Mia with undisguisable helplessness, he asked her in a low voice,

"What the hell is happening here?"

Looking at Damon, Mia felt rage swell in her heart, as she ruthlessly questioned him.

"You tell me what the hell is happening! Why was Ivy alone in a car with James? Where were they going?''

The soldiers who were standing there acted like they were not paying attention, but the truth was that they were all listening eagerly.

Damon looked at her as he painfully told her,

"Today, we found out that James is not my son....."

But just before he could finish, one of the soldiers suddenly marched up to him and angrily asked him.

"What nonsense are you spewing? How dare you question our chief's character?''

The other soldiers were also not able to hear this so even though they tried to hold back their comrade, they too felt bitter in their hearts.

Looking at this situation, one of the nurses who was on her way out, headed towards them as she suggested.

"Well if you are not sure, then why don't you take a paternity test?''

The soldiers who heard this felt that this was indeed the simplest solution.

Damon too thought the same, so he agreed with the nurse.

The nurse then quickly took out a zip-lock from her pocket as she took a strand of his hair.

Looking at Damon, she told him.

"You may collect the results from the lab tomorrow morning.

Damon nodded his head before he walked towards Mia and stood in front of her as he asked her.

"Now, will you tell me what the hell is going on?''

Mia just looked at him nervously as she battled inside her mind whether she should tell him the truth or not. Finally letting out a sigh, she decided to tell him what all she knew.

"I don't know much except for that Ivy is a part of the army and has been on an undercover mission.''

A shocked Damon looked at Mia, as he tried to confirm the news he just heard.

"Are you sure?"

Looking at Damon, Mia just made an annoyed face as she gestured towards the soldiers.

"Are they not the best proof you could have?"

Damon again looked towards them and nodded to himself.

'Yes, she is right. Those soldiers standing in front of her room and addressing her as chief are the best proof.

Walking towards the bench, Damon sat down as he tried to assess everything he knew about his wife.

Ivy was once a bright and happy child, but all of this changed after her mother was killed in a car accident. After that, she disappeared somewhere, and no one was able to find her.

After returning, there was a tremendous change in her personality as she made friends with particular infamous children. That is where she met her boyfriend Harry Evans, with whom she shared a deep relationship.

After that, she was forced by her father to marry him.

And then one day, the two of them got intimate, and as a result, James came into the world.

But during the entire time of their marriage, she never broke off with Harry and was still dating him.

'Then where is he?'

Damon asked himself as he tried to look around for Harry.

What he did not know was that during the time he was busy in the hospital, trying to figure out the mystery his wife was,

The world outside was an uproar, as news about several high families and their involvement in the drug export and import came out.

One of the major family being the Evans family.

A very happy new year to all my dear readers,

2020 has been tough on all of us in many different ways

While some suffered due to the virus itself, but suffered due to the circumstances it produced.

And some of us even lost those dear to us...

But I hope 2021 brings happiness to all of us and proves to a magnificent year.

Much love,


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