

"tianjing lui Waltz! " dad shouted using his angry voice

"what dad? " I coldly ask to dad

"what have you done ?"dad ask me calmly

" I just punch the son of head master in E. U(extreme university) cause of what he did at me he touch my breast" I coldly reply to dad

"sorry my sweetie I didn't know the exact reason so I got angry at you"dad said in sad voice

"it's okay dad don't worry I'm not mad at you" I said with my sweet voice

"but you need to face the consequences sweetie you know the rules here in immortal world and your punishment is you will be in mortal world untill you've done in your studies don't worry you get school in our own school sweetie"dad expalain to me I have no choice I need to face the consequences

"okay dad" I coldly reply at dad

"and one more thing sweetie your powers are always in you it wouldn't lost when your in mortal world"dad said and I just nooded at him then go to my room I have to rest tomorrow will be the start of my journey

believe yourself, you can write

DaoistZhUrWZcreators' thoughts