
Cold Hearted Devil Fell In Love

When Ivy Hughes meets Ceo and Underworld boss Noah Adler sparks and fists fly. The first time she meets him she hates him, the second time she meets him she saves his life. Burnt by love before she wants to be free with no ties but Noah wants her everything. This domineering CEO is determined to have her and she is determined to run. Can he tame the firey kitten and can she warm his cold heart? _______________________________________________ EXTRACT "But." "No buts, not any more you have to stay with me you are mine forever." His deep cello voice melted her heart, she would ask no more of her man tonight. Ivy for the first time initiated a kiss, she was too impatient to wait for Noah. She grabbed his face and turned it towards hers. She kissed him with everything she had and hoped that he felt her sincerity. He promised her she was his, his only lover. She accepted that, she didn't want more than to know she had someplace in his heart even if it wasn't love, as long as he had wanted her as much as she wanted him. Noah was relieved, he kissed Ivy back and was careful with her not to touch her back or sides. He held her and kissed her, he had missed this and didn't want to ever be alone again. He got a taste of his old life in the last twenty-four hours and he didn't enjoy it. _______________________________________________ Discord: https://discord.gg/VeHkknJ6A2 Instagram: alexia_author (Mood boards and book related pictures) I do not own the book cover all rights go to the original owner. I will take it down if requested.

xAlexiax · Urban
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172 Chs

I'd Much Rather Have You

We returned to the underground car park and again Thomas lifted out my stuff while Ivy took Zeus out of the car and we enter the lift. We walk to Thomas apartment first. It was a floor below Noah's.

Thomas apartment had warm colours again minimalist and had floor to ceiling windows. All the apartments must have them. Ivy got Zeus settled and took a look around. Thomas has a collection of samurai swords on one wall and other knives displayed on cabinets. He must collect them.

"You like?"

"You have a nice collection, I'll get you something as a thank you for looking after Zeus".

"No trouble at all".

We leave together to go to Noah's apartment on the next floor. Once she got inside Thomas leaves her bag and laptop at the door. She turned to look at him.

"You aren't coming in?".

"No, if the boss isn't here I won't enter".

"Ok, then see you later".

"Call me if you need anything".

Ivy closed the door and waited a while. Opening the door she sees Thomas still standing there guarding the door.

"Ivy, you ok?"

"Yes, so you won't come in but you will stand out here".

"Yes, just encase".

"Got it".

Ivy closed the door very irritated at the thought of being under house arrest. Sure it's a nice house and the other occupant is extremely good looking, she may as well get used to it for now. Ivy put away the groceries and went to the bedroom. She added her clothing to the others in the closet. Happy with where everything was she picked out hot pants and a tank top she then went into the bathroom and got changed and put my hair up in a high ponytail.

Going to the living room Ivy put out a candle she had bought and lit it, then another in the bedroom. Then returning to the kitchen Ivy pulled out the dinner ingredients and start to cook.

Outside Noah's apartment

Noah exited the lift with Aiden behind him. His eyes cold and hard from a long day. He saw Thomas outside his apartment and stopped in front of him.


Thomas filled Noah in on the day's events and even said word for word what had happened between Lauren and Ivy.

Noah was happy with Ivy's responses but angered at the bitches at the supermarket then the adulterous scheming best friend.

"That's all for today."

Noah dismissed both Thomas and Aiden and entered his apartment. Entering he heard humming and smelt lavender. Is this what it like to come home to a wife he wondered. The house was warm and welcoming. He wouldn't be having a whiskey alone and then bed tonight.

Noah hung his coat and took off his shoes. Going to the kitchen, Ivy hadn't noticed his presence yet. He leaned on the wall watching her cook and hum along to a song, her hips slightly swaying. He couldn't help the smile on his face.

"Hey... how long have you been there. Quickly go wash up and I'll put out dinner".

"I'd much rather have you".

Turning the stove off Noah picked up the irresistible Ivy over his shoulder ignoring her protests and entering the bedroom. Ivy didn't get to leave the bedroom till five hours later. Dinner was truly forgotten about.

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