
Chapter 8 An Incident in the Restaurant Xuanyuan Wuji Becoming Increasingly Curious About Her Highness's Skills

Translator: 549690339

"Excuse me, can you find a private room for just the two of us?"

Shangguan Zifeng, fully aware that Shangguan Linlang had become quite impatient with the scrutiny of the public, feared that this ancestor with a notoriously short temper would create a scene once his patience ran out. Thus, he hurriedly asked the waiter, desperately hoping they could quickly find a secluded booth to extricate them from this predicament.

"I'm sorry, sir, we have a full house at the moment and there are no private rooms available. How about the corner spot on the first floor? It faces the street corner park and offers an unobstructed view outside. Moreover, being in the corner, it's farther from the crowd and should be quieter. Would you and this beautiful lady be willing to dine there?"

The restaurant manager was a young and steady man in his early twenties who hurried forward to greet the striking pair as they entered his establishment. Although Shangguan Zifeng's wish for a private room could not be immediately fulfilled, the manager quickly found a viable alternative for Shangguan Zifeng and Shangguan Linlang to consider.

"Your Majesty, there really are no private rooms left. Shall we dine in that corner instead? After we fill our stomachs, we can leave this place quickly. Zifeng knows you don't like it here. I'll do my best to ensure you're not disturbed by others, is that alright?"

After hearing the manager's suggestion, Shangguan Zifeng quickly went to Shangguan Linlang's side and explained the situation to her in hushed tones, hoping to calm her down and signal her to be patient for a while longer.

Shangguan Linlang had clearly heard the manager's words and understood there was no other option. She wasn't so unreasonable as to compel Shangguan Zifeng to achieve the impossible. Thus, she meekly nodded her head, accepting Shangguan Zifeng's proposal.

Seeing the Empress so accommodating and not throwing a tantrum, Shangguan Zifeng became extremely happy and personally led Shangguan Linlang to the corner spot. Shangguan Zifeng, very gentlemanly, pulled out a chair for the Empress, signifying for her to sit. The Empress, without any hesitation, naturally accepted Shangguan Zifeng's chairmanship. Having been served and pampered from a young age, she didn't find anything amiss with this arrangement; it was only to be expected that others should serve her.

"May I ask what you'd like to eat? We have both Chinese and Western cuisine available. Here is our menu, please take your time to look through it." The restaurant manager approached as they were seated and presented the menu in a timely manner.

"Your Majesty, would you like to look over the menu by yourself first? It lists all the food they offer." Shangguan Zifeng took the menu from the manager's hands and softly explained to Shangguan Linlang, who looked puzzled.

"Zifeng, the menu here is quite exquisite. These pictures represent the finished dishes made with the ingredients, right? They look so fresh and tempting, it really makes one's mouth water," Shangguan Linlang said, elegantly flipping through the menu before lifting her gaze to address Shangguan Zifeng. As someone from ancient times, it was her first encounter with a tavern that used illustrated menus, and she found it fascinating.

Since Shangguan Linlang had entered the restaurant, aside from her initial impactful presence, she hadn't caused any other disturbance because she had yet to speak. But then her unique, gentle voice rang out, causing the diners to be stunned once again, as they were introduced to a voice as beautiful as a nightingale's.

"Yes, each restaurant here prepares its own menu for guests to peruse and choose from. What would Your Majesty like to eat? Zifeng guesses you must be tired of Chinese food; how about trying some Western cuisine? Is there anything you don't eat, Your Majesty? Any food you dislike?"

Seeing his little ancestor with her eyes brimming with smiles, Shangguan Zifeng felt his mood lift inexplicably. He patiently asked Shangguan Linlang what she wanted to eat, recommending that she try the Western cuisine.

"Zifeng, I don't have any dietary restrictions. Also, what exactly is this 'Western cuisine' you speak of?" Shangguan Linlang asked curiously, as the concept was completely foreign to her.