
Chapter 8 An Incident in the Restaurant Xuanyuan Wuji Becoming Increasingly Curious About Her Highness's Skills_2

Translator: 549690339

"Manager, please serve us two of your restaurant's signature steaks, mine medium rare, and for this young lady, um, make it medium well, please. Prepare it as quickly as possible, our beautiful lady must not go hungry," Shangguan Zifeng instructed the restaurant manager with a rascally face.

Upon hearing Shangguan Zifeng's instructions, the restaurant manager hurried down to inform the kitchen to prepare the meal. Although the restaurant manager was quite puzzled about Shangguan Linlang. How could a woman with such nobility in every gesture be unaware of what Western cuisine is? But even if Shangguan Linlang was truly a country bumpkin, the restaurant manager found it hard to dislike her. Such is the unique charm of a ravishing beauty.

"Your Highness, in a moment, you will know what Western cuisine is. Zifeng recommends that you try the signature dish of this place. I bet you'll love it," Shangguan Zifeng said with a smile as soon as the restaurant manager left and engaged in a light-hearted chat with Shangguan Linlang.

"Zifeng, from what you said, it seems you have dined before at this establishment, um, at what you call a restaurant, right?" Shangguan Linlang asked again, tilting her head.

"Yes, that's right, this restaurant's dishes are exquisite, and the taste is pretty good, so I have indeed dined here before." Shangguan Zifeng poured a cup of tea for Shangguan Linlang and handed it to her.

"Hmm, this tea is not brewed properly; you are not doing it right," Shangguan Linlang took a small sip and then frowned, setting it down.

"Eh? Your Highness knows about the art of tea as well? That surprises me. My old man knows how to brew it. After we return, you could discuss it with him. I really don't understand it; I just casually pour hot water over it, and that's it," Shangguan Zifeng remarked upon seeing that Shangguan Linlang could also appreciate tea.

"Hmm, my mother and father both enjoy tea, and I naturally picked up a bit from being around them," Shangguan Linlang responded to Shangguan Zifeng without hesitation, now that they were more acquainted.

While the two were engrossed in their conversation, they did not notice that straight above them, on the opposite side, there were two equally attractive men who had overheard their entire conversation, word for word.

"Wuji, have you noticed that there is something odd about these two's conversation? Especially that woman in red. Leaving aside the strangeness of her attire, her speech—how should I put it?—I always feel as if I'm experiencing a sense of time travel, as if I'm watching a period TV drama right now, and this woman seems like a noblewoman from ancient times," Li Mufan remarked to Xuanyuan Wuji, having paid close attention to Shangguan Linlang since she entered the restaurant and heard her peculiar way of conversing with Shangguan Zifeng.

"Hmm, I also find it somewhat strange. However, it's probably not as mystical as you make it out. Nowadays, some well-established families still insist on having their children learn classical Chinese studies, right? Maybe this woman in red comes from a prestigious family where she was raised this way from childhood, so conversing in archaic language makes sense," Xuanyuan Wuji considered and ultimately came up with what seemed like a reasonable explanation.

"This young lady is quite mysterious; I'm becoming more and more curious about her. What do you think, Wuji?" Li Mufan couldn't hide his interest in the beautiful lady.

"Indeed, she is quite out of the ordinary," Xuanyuan Wuji absentmindedly swirled the tea in his cup. Recalling Shangguan Linlang's complaint about the tea earlier, and finding it really not to his taste, he decided to put down his cup and stopped drinking.

"Sir, Miss, your steaks are ready, please enjoy your meal," The restaurant manager promptly served Shangguan Linlang and Shangguan Zifeng the signature steaks they had ordered.

"Thank you," Shangguan Zifeng politely expressed gratitude towards the restaurant manager, who quickly left to avoid disturbing their meal.

"Your Highness, go ahead and try it to see if you like it," Shangguan Zifeng personally prepared the cutlery needed for the steak for Shangguan Linlang, handed it to her, and then gestured for her to hurry and take a taste.

"How do I use this?" Shangguan Linlang furrowed her brows, looking at the knife and fork in her hands, and then at the thick slab of steak on her plate. Not knowing how to begin, she could only look at Shangguan Zifeng across from her with a pleading gaze, hoping he could enlighten her.

"Look, I completely forgot about that. Watch my movements; I'll teach you. Using a knife and fork shouldn't be difficult," Shangguan Zifeng lightly smacked his forehead and then picked up the knife and fork to demonstrate for Shangguan Linlang, who watched his actions intently, not blinking even once.