
Chapter Ten

Hey guys! This just hit 2k reads and I'm literally over the moon excited. I want to say thank you, yet again, for reading, voting, and commenting. It always makes my day so much better so see that you guys like it. 

On another note, I just uploaded an original story, so if you'd like to check that out, it's on my profile and titled, "Not Another Normal". Just feel free to check out my profile in general ;)

Also, I've added a playlist at the very beginning, so check that out for sure! I mean, I think I have good music taste?

Anyways, here's what you really came for.

Ben, Rey and Finn were haphazardly blocking all the blasts fired at them. "We can't do this much longer," Finn said, shooting his blaster and hitting a few of them.

"You're right," Ben agreed, deflecting a shot back at the shooter. He went down. "The Resistance will be here soon. We just have to hold off 'til then."

"I don't know if we can," Rey grunted taking a few steps back. "We're really outnumbered. Finn, when are they going to be here?"

Finn shot off another few. "They said as soon as possible," he replied. "We're only 3 parsecs away from the base."

"That's too far," Ben cried out. "We won't make it."

"Into the shack," Finn demanded quietly. "We can hide behind the doors until they get here."

"On three," Rey ordered, still blocking off shots. "One, Two, Three." They all sprinted into the shack and down the stairs. The Stormtroops caught on immediately and chased after them.

"Hurry!" Finn yelled, almost falling down the stairs.

"What do you think we're doing?" Ben shouted.

"I was talking to myself," Finn muttered.

It seemed to happen in slow motion. A Stormtrooper raised his blaster to knock Finn down. Rey was the farthest ahead, about 7-8 stairs down from him. "No!" she yelled. Using all the strength she could muster, she concentrated on the Stormtrooper and sent him flying off the stairwell.

"Go!" She shouted at the boys as she sliced through Stormtrooper after Stormtrooper.

"I'm not leaving you," Ben demanded, stopping on the steps.

Finn grabbed his arm. "C'mon, buddy," He hurried. "She can take care of herself." They both rushed down into the room. Rey was still on the steps.

"Rey!" Finn called. Rey kept going down steps. There were hundreds of Stormtroopers on the planet; Ben knew that. There was no way she could take on them all.

"Close the door!" She shouted. "Now!"

"Rey, just come in!" Finn shouted back. "There's too many!"

"Shut the door," Rey spoke defiantly. "Now, Finn."

He complied. As it was closing, Rey said one last thing. "I love you both." Then, the doors were shut.

"What are you doing?" Ben hissed, heading for the controls. "She's going to get hurt out there!"

Finn stepped in front of him. "She's going to get through," he assured. "She always does." Still, he was uncertain. If Rey got hurt out there, it would be all his fault.

They sat in silence for about ten minutes when they heard it- loud blasts coming from outside. The Resistance. Finn gave a loud whoop and began to open the door, but Ben stopped him.

"Do you think she's okay?" He asked nervously. He didn't know what he'd do if she were hurt- or worse.

Finn looked down at his feet. "I'm sure she's fine," He said, though, he was reassuring himself more than he was trying to reassure Ben.

As the doors opened, it hit them slowly; the realization of it. Phasma was standing in the center of the room laughing. There were no Stormtroopers in sight, well alive Stormtroopers, actually, except for Captain Phasma. There were bodies piled high on the steps. Rey was using the wall to stay upright. Blood was dripping from a wound on her cheek and there was blood coating her shoulder- she'd been hit.

"The Resistance is here," Rey laughed but it soon turned into a cough. She was coughing up blood. She recovered and wiped some from her chin. "It's over, Phasma."

The Captain turned to Finn and Ben. "Excuse the mess. Your little Jedi and I were just having some fun," she snickered.

Ben pulled out his lightsaber. He looked at Rey who seemed weaker than before. She would've drained everything taking down this many troopers. "Let's go, Phasma," he said. The lightsaber turned on and lit the room a purplish color as it mixed with Rey's hue.

She attacked first and he swiftly blocked it. Ben raised his lightsaber high above his head. "Traitor!" she screamed as she blocked it. "You could've had it all! Anything you wanted at the First Order." Phasma swung her blaster at his face. He dodged it and set his lightsaber against her neck.

"This," Ben growled. "Is for Rey." In a flash, her helmet was on the ground and her body crumpled at his feet.

There were loud shouts from above and they heard someone open the door. Ben quickly picked up Rey bridal style. She was passed out. The two raced up the stairs, Ben still holding her tight.

"Over here!" Finn shouted and a group of people came running over. As soon as they saw Ben, they tensed. "He's with us now," Finn told them. Ben nodded to justify it and they escorted them to a ship.

"How many survivors are there?" Ben asked one of the people surrounding them.

The woman shook her head. "Just you three." She glanced at Rey's still body. "We'll need to get her into a care unit immediately."

Ben said nothing as they boarded the ship. A pair of people dressed in white came up to him and directed him to a medical station where they took Rey into. He waited hours before hearing anything. Eventually, a nurse came out to talk to him.

"She's okay?" he pleaded. Although, the nurse looked doubtful.

"We don't know," the nurse's words drifted off. "She's stable as of now, but her heart seems to be slowly giving out," the nurse explained.

"What do you mean, 'giving out'?" Kylo demanded. He narrowed his eyes.

"I don't know how to put this nicely," she began and looked away from Ben.

"Then don't," Kylo interrupted. "Tell it to me straight. Don't sugarcoat it."

She scratched the back of her neck. "Kylo, she's dying. We're trying to get her back up, but nothing's working."

His heart dropped. "Is she awake?" he asked. He needed to focus on seeing her now. That's it.

The nurse nodded and led him down a narrow corridor. She pointed to a door. "In there."

He nodded and entered. Rey was lying in a bright white cot, curled under a blanket. "Rey," he whispered. She looked terrible. Her skin was a ghostly white and a sickening sheen to it. Her eyes seemed dull.

"Ben," she smiled and began to sit up. "I was wondering where you were."

He crossed the distance between them and sat down next to her. "I thought you were gone," he choked out. "I love you, so much." He wrapped his arms around her and her small body fit inside his lap.

"I love you too," she sighed. "That was awesome, though, wasn't it?" Rey smiled and her eyes got a little brighter. "I took down all of those Stormtroopers single-handedly."

Ben grimaced as she coughed up some blood. She quickly wiped it onto her sleeve. "It was amazing," Ben agreed and tried to act as excited as he could, for her sake.

"Ben," she said, intertwining her hand with his. "I want you to do something for me." She snuggled her head in the crook of his neck.

"Anything," Ben promised, looking her right in the eyes.

"When this is over," she took a deep breath. "You have to train with Luke. I'm not blind," she told him. "I might not make it through. You have to train with Luke and defeat Snoke, Ben." He looked at her with uncertainty. "You have to do it, Ben. For me."

Ben didn't think he could do it. He didn't think he was strong enough to do it. But he had to, for Rey. "I promise you, scavenger," he gave her a smile. "You'll make it through this. I know you will." He wanted to promise that she would, but he didn't know if he could.

"Thank you," she smiled at him again. "You will help the Resistance so much." She reached up to tousle his hair. "I love you. I can't say it enough."

Ben leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. "I can't hear you say it enough," he replied. "I love you, Rey. You have to hold on, as long as you can take in a breath, hold on," he told her. "Promise me you will."

She began to close her eyes. "I promise, Ben Solo. I promise."

"Rey?" he asked. No response. He felt her breathing, though. She was asleep.

Ben wasn't going to let her go. That, he knew for sure.