
Chapter 2

Byron pressed against him, his mouth suckling Kendall’s ear. The way they fit together was delightful: Kendall was four inches shorter than Byron, but solid and beefy. Byron was more slender and stretched-out, his blond coloring a stark contrast to Kendall’s olive skin tones. Light and dark, moving together in the night; it made Byron tremble to look down and see Kendall wrapped around him, eyes shut tight, face taut with arousal.

Byron found a box cutter and after a few scrapes, he had a handful of frost, icy in his palms. His fingers numbed as he moved to Kendall.

Kendall’s small grin turned into a grimace as Byron smeared the ice-frost over his chest. He shivered and his stomach twitched as he gasped. “You’d better be planning to warm me up.”