
COLD EYE (I love you melt them slowly)

"I LOVE YOU" I heard him said and my eyes widened, was he joking now ? I have heard so many last words from men and women at the point of dying by my hands but never the word I love you. I smirk and tighten my grips on my gun about to pull the trigger when he spoke again this time loud and clear for me to hear. "I said I love you, you have pretty green eye emerald" Who the hell is he ?

Olusoji_Olamide · Urban
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5 Chs




9:45 am


"For 15years I had been In looking for you and I finally found you" His cold, deep and muscular voice wake her up back to reality and he chuckled as he stared at Isabella's confused face. She wasn't sure why he had been in search of her but was determined to know why.

"Why sir ?" She was timid and afraid, her voice barely louder than a whisper and polite as she could be she asked him, he cleared his throat and ordered them to sit with the gesture of his hands. They both sat down silently waiting for the answer to the question.

"You are a rear gem given to me" he responded after taking his time. Isabella brows knotted in a puzzled face, she couldn't understand what he was saying but wasn't sure if she should ask him to stop speaking in parables. "That is what you are" he continue but his word made her have more questions.

"I don't understand you sir" she told him and he smiled. "Of course you won't but I will explain later. You want to know who your mother is ?" He asked and her eye sparked with curiosity. "Yes I do ?" She replied immediately "who is she ?' She inquired.

"Your mother Anabella Fox is dead. She was murdered by the one of your father's rivals and she entrusted you to me but I lost you"

"My mom is dead ? That not true ! There is no way she is dead !" She yelled aggressively as tears rolled down her cheeks.





10:05 pm

"Asra ! Welcome, bienvenido I didn't expect you to be this early" He said to her as she walked into the hotel room cold as ice her aura, elegant and cold. "Leonidas, why are you here ?" She asked him and he sighted she definitely didn't love to see him as much as he dose. She scan the room with dead gaze and her frown deepen when she saw an old man lying naked lifelessly behind the bathroom door. "Surprise !" Leonidas smiled as he walked closer to her handle her a glass of champagne. She stared at him bloodshot and he retracted the glass.

"You killed him ?" She asked him and his smile grew brighter. "I didn't want you to get your hands dirty so I did it for you instead" he replied and she scoffed. "What ? I plan to kill himself I didn't need your help" she said. Her patient was now on it peak. "I know baby, you are already in your black coat and mask. Which I would appreciate if you remove ?" He responded as he moved slowly to her, his eye cut hers as he stared into them hypnotized as he couldn't get his eye off her green cold eye.

"Baby ? Leonidas how many times have I told you am not into you and hate everything about you ? You dare killed the person who I was assigned to kill and you are telling me about getting my hands dirty huh ? For fuck sake am an assassin ! I kill for a living ! My hands are damn dirty for sure" she yelled angrily she had finally have the last straw and was exploding.

"Calm down Asra huh ? Be calm I only wanted to show you how much I love you" he responded calmly as he moved towards her she immediately back out and hissed and turned to leave but he stopped her. "Am not letting you leave just like that" he spoke he grab her my the hands and push her roughly on the bed. "What is wrong with you Leonidas!" She asked him surprised but he didn't respond as he locked the door and hide the keys. "You won't leave until am done with you" he replied as he started to unbutton his clothes until he was completely naked while Asra stared at him in disbelief. "Are you planning to rape me" she asked confused. "Don't worry we are both going to have a good time" he responded and climb on the bed dragging her closer to him, Asra could not help but laugh wholeheartedly as he stared at her wondering what was funny.

"Have a good time in hell mother fucker !" She replied and snatch the champagne bottle and forcefully hit it on his head before stabbing multiple times with it until she confirm he was dead she stood up from the bed. Her hands were bleeding due to the cut she had inflected on her hand during the murder. "Bullshit, that son of a bitch! Who dose he thinks he his ? Bastardo!" she cursed as she inspected her injury.

Asra picked up his shirt and walked into the bathroom, she removed her coat and mask that was stained in blood and washed them in the wash hand basin when she was done she wore his shirt, she also loosed her long blonde hair and hand brush it down making sure some of her hair covered one of her emerald green eye. No one saw her coming in but it would be hard for her to leave without any one seeing her. After taking a final look at her self was convinced that she had the prefect disguised she left the room with the documents she needed and pictures prove that the old man was truly dead she left the room without looking back.




12:10 pm

Driving at mad speed she arrived at Don Pedro's office few hours later to report how the mission had turned out, Asra place a soft knock on the door before stepping in.

"Isabella, you are back ?" Don Predo asked. He had just sent her off on a mission barely five hours ago and she was already back. "Yes sir" she answered with her head bowed, she couldn't dare look into his eye. "Sit and tell me how it went. Is Fredrick dead ?" He asked smile-smirk. He smile only brightened up as she nodded and showed him the picture of him laying dead on a bathroom door. "well-done my dear" he complimented her. "I didn't kill him sir" she replied and he laughed.

After a good laugh he cleared his throat and spoke "Of course, Isabella didn't kill anyone. Asra the night journey was the one who killed okay ? I told you that you might be one person both two different personalities Isabella was the you fifteen year old who had been locked in the orphanage trying to find the way out but Asra is that bold girl who found the way out and accepted revenge on dose who are responsible for her pain and that of her mother" He explained to her.

She already know and have engulf this theory for three years now and it has nothing relevant to what she was trying to tell him now. 'Sir before I got there he had been killed by Leonidas" she told him and he frowned. "Why was he there ? I sent you for that mission not him" he yelled angrily. She need no one to tell her that he was going to be super mad that she wasn't able to do what she had been asked to do. "Where is that bastard?" He asked her and she replied in a small calm voice.

"He is dead... I killed him because he tried to rape me. I didn't mean to kill one of our own but he pushed me to anger so I stabbed he multiple times with a champagne bottle" she responded, she could see his eye widened in shock and a tiny bit of fear. "He deserves it, but you're sure that you kill my best assassin with just a bottle?" He asked still desperately in need of a confirmation. Leonidas was one of his best men and she kill him so brutal without blinking. "Yes I did" she answered boldly.

"Then i guess you're more than ready for your revenge, it long over due. And you been promoted to number two best since you took him down your self" he responded.