
COLD EYE (I love you melt them slowly)

"I LOVE YOU" I heard him said and my eyes widened, was he joking now ? I have heard so many last words from men and women at the point of dying by my hands but never the word I love you. I smirk and tighten my grips on my gun about to pull the trigger when he spoke again this time loud and clear for me to hear. "I said I love you, you have pretty green eye emerald" Who the hell is he ?

Olusoji_Olamide · Urban
Not enough ratings
5 Chs

Gone for Good



9:48 pm


Isabella sat disappointed in the garden with a broken ankle and a sad heart. Her legs were now swollen because of her fatal fall from the fence. She examined her legs and winced in pain, hot tears streamed down her cheeks as she remembered her failed escape attempt from the orphanage. Her dreams laid shattered at her feet, leaving her feelings hopeless and defeated. She buried her head between her knees as she wept bitterly.

" I can help you", she heard an unfamiliar voice say to her, and immediately she raised her head up, her long blonde hair scattered all over her face and she stared into the dark.

Her temper simmered as her green eyes searched through the dark in the direction she had heard the voice. "Who are you ?", she demanded.

"I know your mom", a young and beautiful lady answered her almost immediately, stepping carefully out of the dark corner in the garden. Isabella was surprised to see her there and wondered how long she had been hiding there.

She gazed at the mysterious lady from head down to her toes. "What do you want from me?" Isabella asked as the lady cat walked majestically towards her in a short black gown, showing off her elegant brown skin. She sat next to her and tucked her short black hair behind her ears.

"Come on dear, you and I know how desperately you want to leave this orphanage" she spoke, smiling from ear to ear. Isabella was confused about how this lady managed to get in even when the gate was locked and guarded.

"How did you get in ?" Isabella questioned and she hissed. "You know exactly what I am talking about Isabella, this is the third time you have tried to leave this orphanage to find your mom, but you keep failing! I am here to help you if you're willing to help yourself" she said.

Isabella was suspicious of everything about her but was dying to know, so she asked" you know my mom?" And the lady's smile brightened. "Yes I do, and I am willing to tell you everything you want to know about her", she replied eagerly.

Isabella was willing and ready to do anything to make sure she found out who her mother was and why she had abandoned her since she was three days old in this orphanage, but she couldn't bring herself to trust a stranger. "How do I trust you?" She asked.

"I'm the only one who is willing to talk about your mom, aren't I ?" The lady replied as their eyes crinkled at the corners, silence enveloped them for some time before Isabella finally spoke. "Tell me everything you know about her" she responded.

But the lady immediately stood up and slowly walked towards the garden gate, "follow me" she said to Isabella, who followed confused.

"What are you planning on doing? The moment you step out there the guard and some nun will catch you", Isabella nagged continually as she followed behind. Surprisingly, the gates were opened and neither was a nun nor guard found in their positions' till they had successfully left the orphanage home.

Isabella could barely hold her surprise in. "Why are there no security guards and nuns in any of their positions ?" She asked immediately she had stepped out of the gate. "Some things are meant to be secret. Are you ready to leave for good ?" The lady asked. This was what she always dreamed of, and now it was reality, she had finally step out of the orphanage soil, but it was still a hard decision to make.

She had no idea about how the outside world works or how she was going to find her mother, but maybe this was all fate. Fate had brought her an angel who was willing to show her the way and make the outside world easier for her, so she nodded "Yes I am, but before we go I need to ask you a question" Isabella responded. "Good, what is your question ?" The lady asked "what is your name and why are you helping me ?" Isabella asked her and she laughed.

"I am Linda Williamson, and why am I helping you ? Well, you are a very valuable asset to my boss" she answered and opened the back door of a black sports car. "Shall we ?" She asked and Isabella slowly entered into the car. "A valuable asset you say ?" Isabella asked, wondering what it meant, immediately Linda entered the driver's seat. "Of course" she replied and drove off.

It was a very long and quiet drive as they drove through a lonesome and desolated road along Isabella knew she was far away from the orphanage now and there was no way she could go back there, but it was going to be for good since she was finally going to meet her mother very soon. After hours of driving, the car finally packed in front of a very magnificent mansion. One could tell that whosoever lived in the house must be a very wealthy person. The building was old but breathtaking. Isabella stared blankly at the building. She had never in her life imagined that a building could be that big. "Come in, isa", she had Linda said, and she followed her in.

The inside of the house was as beautiful as the outside, but it was empty and most of the furniture was covered, although the house was neat. It looked like nobody was living there. She gazed round the parlor until her eyes fell on a huge frame hung on the wall. It was a picture of someone, but she could not see who the person was because the frame was also covered. "That is my boss, Don Pedro, you will meet him by morning. You should sleep now," Linda said when she saw her reaction to the picture frame. "Don Pedro?" She asked.

"Yes, now come with me" Linda replied and led her upstairs into one of the rooms. "This is your room, there is a bathroom in here. You can take your bath and go to bed. By morning, we will go shopping for your clothes and everything you will be needing," Linda said, and went out. Isabella fell on the bed. "Ow !" Her ankle still hurt, but she had totally forgotten about it, she stared at the ceiling. Sometimes, before she draft to sleep.


Feelings of pain and fear of the unknown rushed through her blood as she walked through the dark and endless hallway, slowly stepping closer to the huge door, she could hear that voice grow louder as she approached the door. *Isabella, help" she keeps hearing cries whoever it was in serious pain as the person cry for help only grow louder but weaker at the same time. Slowly her hands reached for the doorknob, and she opened it slowly and walked into the room, which was one lit by the ray of light coming from the same window. Isabella could see a woman bonded in both her legs and arms in chains, there were marks all over her body, her short blonde hair was scattered all over her face. She was weak, fainting and her green eyes very dim as she sat there in a pool of blood. She called weakly, almost like a whisper, "Isabella help", but before Isabella could take a step closer, the woman was stabbed by a masked man who came out of the dark shadows.

Isabella was so shocked as she stood there unmoved, her green eyes intensively gazing at the dead woman. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Wake up Isa", Linda said, waking her up. Her eyes immediately opened with the same intensity as she sat up on the bed tiredly. "Good morning" she greeted and Linda frowned "why are you crying," she asked, surprised to see tears flowing uncontrollably down Isabella's cheeks.