
Cold Desire

Alana Gates is a rebellious 19 years old girl who spent her whole teenage life enduring her mother's abuses. After a certain incident occurs in her life, she moves to New York to stay with her aunt and continue her education. The simple life she plans to live quickly gets complicated when she gets entangled with Roman Ashford, the richest and most arrogant man in the whole of New York, and has to be his woman for the next 31 days. Will she be able to tolerate his vexing attitude for the next 31 days or will this relationship turn into a complete disaster? .... @WINX

Winx16 · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs



Taking the phone from Rosalind, Alana placed it by her ear and walked a little distance away from her aunt. She didn't utter a word and the other end of the phone was equally silent.

"You didn't bother to call me," her mother said from the other side of phone.

"What do you want Stephanie," Alana said bluntly.

"You now call me by my name huh? No mom any more?" Stephanie asked.

Alana scoffed. "You lost that title Stephanie. Don't you remember?"

The other end of the phone turned silent but Alana could hear whispers from the background.

"Come on baby. I appologized already, what more do you want from me?" Stephanie asked after a moment.

"I want you... No, I need you to f*ck off." Alana replied harshly and disconnected the call.

She took a minute to calm herself first before going back to return Rosalind's phone.

"I'm heading to a friend's place," Alana said Immediately she gave the phone to Rosalind, as she did not want her to talk about the phone call.

"You already have a friend," Rosalind said, a hint of surprise in her voice because she knew that her niece was not type who made friends easily. But despites what she thought, she was still glad that Alana had a new friend.

Rosalind smiled. "I would love to meet this friend of yours sometime. Maybe you can invite her over for dinner tomorrow." She suggested.

"Yeah maybe. See you later," Alana said, as she hurriedly left.

Alana's brows furrowed in thought as she drove into Roman's mansion. The weight of recent events pressed upon her mind. She hadn't given much thought to the phone call from her mother earlier, but now, as she reflected on it, she recalled hearing her stepfather's voice in the background.

Confusion welled up within her. It seemed peculiar because her mother had assured her, before she left, that she was filing for a divorce. Alana's frown deepened, confirming her suspicion that her mother had been attempting to deceive her before.

Alana shook off every thought related to her mother from her head. She knew she needed a clear mind to go through the contract with Roman.

She stepped out from the car and the kind looking butler was already waiting for her. He greeted her warming and led her to the house.

Alana was expecting to wait in the sitting room for Roman's arrival, but today was different as the butler informed her the Roman was waiting for her in his study.

After walking past two doors in the hallway, the butler finally stopped in front of a brown door and knocked a few times.

"Come in." A voice said from inside after some seconds.

The butler opened the door and gestured for Alana to step inside, which she did. Her face instantly cringed as the harsh smell of smoke hit her nose. Her eyes scanned the room, which appeared to be a study, for a brief moment before settling on Roman's back as he stood by the window.

"You're late," Roman commented before turning to face Alana.

His eyes skimmed over her outfit as he took a drag from his cigarette.

Alana frowned at his comment.

"You only asked me to come today, we didn't agree on a particular time," she responded.

Roman simply stared at her, his gaze cold, before going to sit behind his desk.

His gaze settled on his butler, who still stood by the door.

"Get her a glass of water," he said to the butler.

Alana was about to object, but the butler had already left. She sighed and moved to sit opposite Roman. Her gaze involuntarily settled on the cigarette between his lips before moving up to meet his intense gaze.

She quickly averted her eyes.

Shortly after, the butler returned with the water. He placed it on the table and left the room. Alana glanced at the water but refrained from touching it.

Roman dropped the finished cigarette butt into the ashtray and retrieved a file from his drawer.

"Here's the contract. Make sure to read through it carefully," Roman said as he slid the file over to Alana.

Alana picked it up and opened it to read through. As she flipped through the pages, she noticed that the contract spanned four pages. She glanced at Roman, wondering why the contract was so lengthy.

"Is it supposed to be this long?" Alana voiced her question.

"Yes," Roman replied curtly as he extracted another cigarette from the pack.

Alana picked up a pen from his desk and started reading through the contract. Only two pages in, and she couldn't help but raise a brow as some of the conditions in the contract seemed a bit overboard.

This relationship was only going to be a pretense, so why did it state here that she would not be allowed to be in any romantic relationship until the thirty-one days were over?

She continued reading until she reached a particular section that stated she would have to live with him for the entire duration of the thirty-one days, which would start counting from tomorrow.

Alana glanced at Roman. "I can't move in with you," she said.

"You have to, unless you don't want this contract to work," Roman said.

"But it isn't mandatory for me to move in with you," Alana countered.

"It is," Roman insisted.

"Why?" Alana asked.

"Because I said so, Alana," Roman responded.

Alana was left speechless. She grumbled inwardly but made no further objections. For some reason, she was already starting to develop a headache just from reading the contract.

She glanced at the cigarette between Roman's lips for the fifth time, a frown appearing between her brows. She wished he would just stop smoking until she was out of here. The smoke was making it hard for her to concentrate, and he didn't seem to care.

'I wonder how many sticks he's had this morning?' Alana mused inwardly.

"Is the smoke causing you any discomfort?" Roman asked, drawing her out of her thoughts.

She nodded, hopeful that maybe he was going to stop smoking, but Roman's next reply shocked her.

Roman smirked, the corner of his lips tilting into an amused curl.

"Good," he said.

"Good?" Alana repeated, staring at him with confusion.

"I just found a way to punish you when you go against the rules in the contract," Roman said, an evil glint appearing in his eyes for a split second.

Alana stared at him as if he were insane before dragging her eyes back to the contract.

She decided to sign the contract, even though there was still a page left to read. She couldn't bear to read any more because the room was hot, and she had been rereading the same line for the past five minutes.

As the pen was about to touch the paper, a sudden wave of nervousness washed over Alana, which she couldn't explain. Perhaps it was the realization that she knew nothing about this man and yet was blindly entering into a contract with him.

She shook off her nervousness and signed the contract. There was no going back now; she was committed. She stared at her signature for one last time before handing the contract back to Roman, who confirmed her signature before placing it on his desk.

"I will send someone to pick you up from your place by 5 pm today, so pack whatever you'll be needing before they arrive," Roman said, glancing at his wristwatch.

"I..." Alana wanted to say something, but she held her tongue.

"You what?" Roman asked, curious to hear what she had to say.

Alana shook her head. "Nothing. Forget it. I'll take my leave now," she said and stood up.

Roman tilted his head a bit. "Who said you could leave?" he asked with utmost seriousness in his voice.

Alana blinked at him with confusion. "I thought we were done here," she replied.

"Sit," Roman said, his tone intimidating, which forced Alana to sit back down.

His gaze roamed over the jacket she was putting on, then settled on her chest. "Take off your jacket," he ordered, causing Alana to frown.

Alana hesitated for a moment, her frown deepening. His intense gaze only made her uneasy. She wondered what he could possibly gain from her taking off her jacket.

Reluctantly, Alana obeyed his command, slowly slipping off her jacket and revealing a plain, tank top underneath. She couldn't help but feel exposed under Roman's scrutinizing eyes.

"Why?" she asked, her voice slightly lower.

She tried to maintain a calm composure, but her unease was palpable.

Roman's expression remained stoic as he leaned back in his chair, his eyes still fixed on her.

"Ryan mentioned that you have a tattoo on your chest. I just wanted to confirm it," he replied.

Alana glared at him, her uneasiness quickly turning to annoyance. She put her jacket back on and stood up, determined to leave.

She had a tattoo but it was hidden somewhere else. She figured out that her mother must have told Rosalind about it and that was how Ryan also found out. But there must have been a misinformation, because her stepsister is the one who has a tattoo on her chest not her.

Luckily, Roman made no attempt to stop her. Exhaling with relief, Alana stepped out of his study, finally able to breathe in some fresh air. Now her major problem was figuring out how to break the news to her aunt that she was leaving the house today.