
Cold Ceo's lost warmth

"Han family's young master must not live without a mother's care so you should marry someone for your child's sake" said old master han. Han weisheng the CEO of Han corporation infuriated at his father's word's "I know what is good for my child and you just don't need to teach me how I should rise my child since you didn't rise me by yourself" hearing this old master tang felt a sharp pain in his heart regretting the betrayal that he had done to his wife . On the other side of the world Li ming yue is just enjoying her life as good as possible unable to predict the upcoming dangers in her smooth sailing life journey --------------------------------------****************---------------------------------- "Ah' wait wei what if little ming come inside "mmmm" she moaned loudly. "He won't dare to come unless I tell him to you don't need to worry about him just enjoy your moment honey" saying this weisheng pulled her towerds him even closer than before and started to nibble her soft red ears. ------------------------------------******************--------------------------------- Authors note "Waiting for you guys is a wonderful parenthood novel our little Han ming ( little young master of the han family) is going to shower you with his cuteness and our Han weisheng and Li ming yue is going to feed us dog food and our outrageous Li ming yue will absolutely provide us with lots and lots of face slaps" Hope you all will enjoy reading this

Ayir_palin · Urban
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9 Chs


Little Ming replied "one week".

"That's fantastic, then we can spend most of our time together" saying this ming yue tickled the little bun.

"hahaha no, ming fairy haahaha stop"

Ming yue laughed with him and picked up him from her father and then both of them went near the pond and began to play while keeping a fishing rod on their hands.

Though little ming know how to use them he was clueless about how a mother would teach her son, so he listened carefully.

From the other side Han weisheng is watching them with a contented smile on his face.

He genuinely didn't feel this happy for the past 3 years.

When he think about how Ah ming didn't remember who he was , he felt partly happy and partly sad.

Then he strode directly to where ming yue's parents are standing.

When he met them last time they were grieving for their lost daughter i.e Li ming yue, but now they are with her enjoying their time with his love but he on the other hand spend this past three years in hell.

Now after seeing ming yue, he knew that this past three years of pain is what he deserved for the things that he had done in the past.

When he approached ming yue's parents his anger rose again "what have you done to my Ah ming?, why can't she remember me and our son? ".

Her parents don't know how to reply to him.

"Do you atleast think about little ming, do you know how he suffered without a mother's love, he longed for his mother, he always talk to me about ah ming and nothing more than that."

"yesterday after I told him about ah ming little ming just hugged me and told me that we also should go to where mother is "

"Do you know what is the meaning of this ?"

"He is ready to die to see his mother"

"How could you do this to a little child? and he is also your Grandson "

Han weisheng's eyes turned red with fury and agony, he knew that his past three years pain was his punishment but what did his son do to deserve this cruel punishment.

Ming yue's mother is the first to reply in between her sobs, she felt her heart tighten at the mention of her grandson went as far as die to see his mother.

"we we don't have any other choice"

Then she narrated the things that happened in London three years ago.

Now Han weisheng understand why she forgot about him even so his anger didn't subside.

The air around them become cold "I am leaving this matter as it is only because you are Ah ming's parents"

"you are not leaving china anymore, if you want to leave you can go but Ah ming will not go no matter what" saying his piece weisheng left.

Ming yue's parents felt terrible for their grand child. At that time they thought it would be good if the child grew up at his father, they didn't think that the father of this child will not marry anyone but is willing to spent his entire life grieving for their daughter. But if they were given another chance they would do the same thing because they loved their daughter more than anything else.

At the pond ming yue and little ming are patiently waiting for the fish to take their bait but till now they didn't succeed.

Seeing them weisheng's coldness turned into warmth, he got near little ming and said "the grandpa who talked to you earlier wants to play with you"

Then little ming turned to look at ming yue "ming fairy I will come back "

"Ok Mr. Little Handsome" saying this ming yue wanted to get up but suddenly someone sat at the place which was previously occupied by the little bun.

When she turned to look at who it was, she was stunned to see a handsome man in his late twenties siting this close to her.

When she wanted to ask him who he was, she remembered that he was the man who hugged her she could not get a clear view when she met him first, now that he was this close to him she really wondered "How could be a man be this much Handsome?, no wonder little ming is soooo cute, Like father like son"

Then only she remembered that she forgot to thank him for saving her before "Hello I am Li ming yue, thank you so much for saving me before"

"Its fine, and I am sorry for what I did" (He thought of the things that he had done 4 years ago)

"Its okay you mistook me for your wife, and I feel sad that I reminisced your sad past, do I look like your dead wife"

He just smiled and didn't answer her questions.

At the mention of the word dead wife, his eyes turned red again.

"Don't use this word ever again ah ming I don't want to lose you, I just can't even imagine my life without you anymore." (weisheng thought to himself)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Ayir_palincreators' thoughts