
Cold Ceo's lost warmth

"Han family's young master must not live without a mother's care so you should marry someone for your child's sake" said old master han. Han weisheng the CEO of Han corporation infuriated at his father's word's "I know what is good for my child and you just don't need to teach me how I should rise my child since you didn't rise me by yourself" hearing this old master tang felt a sharp pain in his heart regretting the betrayal that he had done to his wife . On the other side of the world Li ming yue is just enjoying her life as good as possible unable to predict the upcoming dangers in her smooth sailing life journey --------------------------------------****************---------------------------------- "Ah' wait wei what if little ming come inside "mmmm" she moaned loudly. "He won't dare to come unless I tell him to you don't need to worry about him just enjoy your moment honey" saying this weisheng pulled her towerds him even closer than before and started to nibble her soft red ears. ------------------------------------******************--------------------------------- Authors note "Waiting for you guys is a wonderful parenthood novel our little Han ming ( little young master of the han family) is going to shower you with his cuteness and our Han weisheng and Li ming yue is going to feed us dog food and our outrageous Li ming yue will absolutely provide us with lots and lots of face slaps" Hope you all will enjoy reading this

Ayir_palin · Urban
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9 Chs

Really Is he the father of this Little Bun?

When Li ming yue is about to fell onto a torn bush a hand suddenly pulled her into a tight hug.

With her closed eyes she could hear a heart beat which beats faster than her own, then only she realised that she was hugged by a man, before she could see his face her father roared "what is happening here ming yue?"

Then she break free from the tight hug and ran towards her parents "come on dad, its not like what you are thinking, I nearly fell onto the bush he just saved me, oh I didn't even get to thank him properly" saying this ming yue turned to see the man.

When Han weisheng turned ming yue's parents face paled.

When ming yue saw his face her head started to hurt a little before she could regain her sense she was already in a tight hug.


Han weisheng's heart was in a roller coaster ride from the moment he saw Ming yue catching the fish.

His heart stopped to beat and he forgot to breathe but at a corner his brain is screaming "don't get too excited man she may not be her but someone who is looking like her " but weisheng refused to hear that.

When ming yue stumbled and nearly fell onto the bush he just ran towards her, pulled her hand, and hugged her with all his might.

When his hand touched her hand he knew for sure that this is none other than his lost love, his lost warmth, his lost life, his everything.

His eyes filled with tears, he just didn't know what to do except hugging her and crying like a baby in her arms.

He missed her that much, no one can imagine the pain that he experienced for the past 3 years.

Suddenly he heard a voice from the back "what is happening here ming yue"

When he tried to turn, ming yue break free from the hug and ran to their parents explaining that he saved her.

When he turned to look at them his eyes showed a cold glint that will make them shudder.

And when ming yue turned towards her after explaining to her father, he ran towards her and hugged her again without caring about the surrounding.

"I miss you Ah ming"

Ming yue don't have any idea about what is happening here "why am I being hugged by this man?, and who is he?, how does he know my name?, and why do I have a headache seeing his face?, oh god please tell me what is happening here".

Thinking this in mind ming yue tries to break free from the hug , sensing her struggle Han weisheng tightened his hold "Ah ming please don't go, please I can't live without you, I know I was wrong, I am a cruel selfish person I didn't think about you, but I am sorry I can't live without you anymore not even a single second".

Ming yue could feel his tears on her shoulder, she didn't know what is going on but hearing him speak like this while crying her heart felt pain and she sympathised with him.

Then suddenly she felt her legs are surrounded by a pair of chubby hands " Ming fairy, promise me that you'll never leave, I can't bear to see father crying all day thinking about you, and you don't know how much I missed you 😭😭😭"

Realisation dawned upon her "Oh so its like this, this father and son mistook me for their missed wife and mother."

"wait, whaat!? This little bun is this handsome mans son, then am I being hugged by a married man with a wife and a son"

She tried her best to break free from the hug and finally she pushed the man aside " I am sorry sir, I think you have mistook me for someone else " then she squatted down to face the little bun "oh handsome look your cuteness level degraded because of this tears don't cry ok, your mom will come to you again, she have gone to meet her friends she will come soon, don't cry Sweetheart"

"you, are you not my mommy"

Ming yue don't know why she felt her heart tighten at his words

"No handsome, its not me, look at me do you think that your mom looks like me"

"I have never seen her "

Ming yue startled "but why? "

"Father told me that mom turned into a Fairy and had gone to fairies world so I can't meet her."

Then only ming yue understood that this handome's wife and little bun's mother is dead.

She felt bad for them

She pulled the little bun and said "Oh now I remember your mother Fairy came to see me yesterday and asked me to give you a hug"

"come here little handsome, gimme a hug"

Ming yue hugged the little boy and gave him a kiss on the top of his head .


Han weisheng didn't understand what is happening either, when ming yue said "I am sorry sir you have mistook me for someone else " his heart broken into peices.

But he clearly know that her parents are those who are standing before him and he could feel her, she is the one, but why is she behaving like this?

Then he gave a cold glare to her parents both of them are shivering of fright. Even though, they begged with their eyes for their daughter.

When ming yue stand straight she could be able to see her parents reaction, "mom, dad why are you looking like this?"

Then she walked close to them and said softly that only they could hear "or do you guys think that I had a child without your knowledge huh? " saying that she laughed loudly.

Father Li's expression changed after seeing her laugh " I can do anything to sustain your happiness Ming Ming " ( he thought to himself)

Then father Li looked at the child, he picked up the child and told him "we are staying here for a week, we could see you more little bun, what's your name? "

Han weisheng replied " Han Ming"

"what a coincidence, my name also contains a ming" saying that ming yue introduced her, "Hello little ming I am Li ming yue, let's spend some time together , how long are you going to stay here? "

Little ming turned his head to look at his father, Han weisheng nodded his head then little ming replied " one week".

Hello readers

Your ratings and comments can make me want to upload more chapters gimme the power to create more.

Thanks in advance .

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