

It all started when 13 year old, Bailey Roman accidentally walked into one of her father's "business" meetings. Ever since then her life hasn't been the same. Upon being shocked, finding out her father was an assassin, she had to make a choice.... Be killed or become the killer. Bailey was forced to keep a low profile, even though she was the whole school's number one bullying victim. It has always been easy for her to keep her secret second life under wraps, but that was before her father got remarried and her new step-brother moved in. Between complicated relationships, work, family, and school will Bailey make out all in one piece? May be disturbing to some audiences! Viewer discretion is advised!!!!

ArianaTheoz · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter E.L.E.V.E.N

So let me get this straight, you want me to walk in, spray paint Damon was here on the lockers while I'm dressed like me and still look like me? Shouldn't I have a disguise or something? The place is crawling with cameras!" Shouted Damon.

"No, I told you I turned the cameras off." Dominic said as he showed Damon his phone.

"Yeah, and what's stopping you from turning them back on as soon as I get in?" He shot back.

"See, look, it's off. Now I'm shutting my phone off and giving it to you, so unless you turn it on, they are going to stay off."

"Well, what about the fact that I'm writing Damon is here? I think your mother will piece it together."

"There are two other Damon's that go to high school here." Jeff added helpfully.

"And if anyone asks, you didn't have a car, and we aren't going to admit to driving you here." I added.

"Fine." With that, Damon grabbed the black spray paint and reluctantly went inside. Jeremy walked up behind me and smacked my butt, taking my phone with him when he retreated. Chuckling, he walked over to the car and unlocked my phone. It was going to be really funny tomorrow when Lillian called to tell him that they had video footage of him vandalizing the school. Another benefit of being a friend of the Holts was access to the school's security cameras. [This is going to be hilarious!]

"I almost feel bad for the kid." Jeremy said when he came back.

"Well, he was the one who made that bet." Countered Dominic, Nico nodded in agreement.

After about five minutes, Damon came out.

"Done. Happy?" Everyone nodded. Grumbling, Damon stomped to the car.

"Guess it's time to go." I said while laughing at the tantrum. Laughing, we all piled into Dominic's car as well as mine. Nico, Jeff, and Dominic were in his car, while myself, Jeremy, and Damon were in mine.

"Hey, Lee. Can you drop me off at my house? The babysitter has to leave early because her sister just died. " Asked Jeremy.

"Yeah, I can."

"Great, thanks. This is crappy timing, I'm assuming that she will want to be off tomorrow and I have to work."

"I would help with the kids, but I have a thing tomorrow morning. Then at like 4:00, I have another thing."

"Yeah, but wouldn't it work. Mine is at like 3:30." Looking down, I saw that my phone was ringing, I answered and put it on speaker.

"Hey Dom, what's up?"

"Hey, we are going to swing by Brooks pizza. What do you guys want? We decided on just pepperoni."

"Yeah, that works. I have stuff at the house people can add if they want."

"Okay, sounds good."

"Hey, why don't you pull over and take Damon with you, I have to drop Jeremy off at his place, and I don't know if I can handle much more of Damon today." Looking in the mirror, I saw Damon roll his eyes.

"Will do." With that, he hung up. I turned on my four ways and pulled off to the side of the road, Dominic did the same. Without saying a word, Damon got out and walked over to Dominick's car, then I pulled away and continued to Jeremy's house.

"Can't you tell Dom that you can't do it. He would let you."

"No, he wouldn't, but even if he did, I need the money for rent, and it's due tomorrow."

"Jeremy, I have so much money, I don't know what to do with it. Borrow some or just take some. I really don't care. Cancel the job Jeremy."

"No, you keep your money. It's yours."

"Oh my God, Jeremy, take what you need, I have a job I need a partner for. It's a hard job, but it pays $100,000, 50% goes to the agency. I'll split the money with you, and you can pay me back out of the money from the job."

"Partners only get 10% of what the main assassin gets."

"Fine. Take only 10% then, but cancel the job tomorrow and let me give you the money."

"Fine." After a minute of silence, I asked,

"If you want, the kids can come over for pizza, and they can also stay the night, we can put on a movie and give them some popcorn or something."

"You sure, Lee? That is a handful."

"Yeah, I'm sure. Samantha is the only one who needs a car seat, right?"

"Yep, the other two are fine."

"Cool, I told Dominic to pick up another one just in case. He pulled into the driveway and saw the babysitter sitting on the porch with the kids. As we got out, all the kids ran over to give me a hug, while Jeremy went to talk to the babysitter (who was more like a nanny).

"Do you guys want to come over and have a sleepover at my house?" I asked. All three of them started jumping up and down and shouting,


"Okay, okay. You guys have to go get your pajamas, your toothbrushes, toothpaste, and only one toy. Olivia, can you manage, or do you need help getting your stuff?"

"I got it!" The eight year old said happily.

"Okay, Samantha and Leo, go get one toy while I get your clothes. They both nodded and then ran inside. [God, they're so cute!] Olivia grabbed my hand and then dragged me inside.

When we were in the house, she let go and ran to her room. As I passed the kitchen, I noticed several packs of ramen noodles and frozen dinners on the counter. So, being the snoopy, clean freak person that I was, I had to clean the counter. Once it was all cleaned up I went through the cabinets, sure enough it was all boxed Macaroni, Ramen, Ravioli, Spaghettios, a couple boxes of stale opened cereal, and unopened bottles of pop, that were ranging in variety. Shaking my head, I moved to the fridge and freezer. They were full of frozen pizzas, pop, all sorts of alcohol, frozen burritos, TV dinners, corn dogs, chicken nuggets, and a spoiled gallon of milk. [Wow, and I thought I ate crap.]

"Bailey, I got my clothes!" Olivia shouted from across the house.

"Good job!" I hollered back, then I headed to the bedroom to pack the younger kids' stuff. The room was worse than the kitchen. There were toys covering the floor, along with pop bottles and half eaten food from what looked like months ago. Leo and Samantha shared a small room while Olivia had her own even smaller room. It was a two bedroom house, so that meant Jeremy only had the couch available for himself.

"Guys, go buckle in the car. Ask Jeremy to put in Sam's seat." I told the kids. Sighing, I grabbed some of their clothes and shoved them into a plastic grocery bag I had found laying around, then I went to the bathroom to get their toothbrushes. The toothbrushes were caked with toothpaste and looked like they hadn't been used in years. As I picked one up to throw it in the trash, I realized there wasn't one, just a pile lying on the floor. Saying I put the toothbrush back down and saw that they all had mold on them. Letting out a growl of frustration, I threw the bag in my hand down and walked out to the car empty-handed.