
Chapter 54: Mission

I look at the side of the door, as I glimpse the most beautiful annoying man I ever knew, who is leaning on the wall.

"Freak?" I call out to the one and the only guy who is much more beautiful than a girl.

He examines me in a cold stare, that gives me shivers, then he grins. "It's Luke weak-a-pon" He corrects me.

I roll my eyes at him. He is a freak, no matter what he says to me. "You're a freak coz You look like a girl but you are a guy."

"Yeah. I know I am beautiful but I never wear a dress like those fucking gays. Tss."

Again with his weird setup of words.

It sometimes makes me wonder how this Freak thinks.

I just shake my head at him and walk into the hallway.

"Where is your dress? ne~ weak-a-pon?"

"Stop calling me weak-a-pon, you d.mn Freak." This guy is getting on my nerves.

"Eh~~ I don't wanna, you are weak, so you will always be weak-a-pon in my eyes, besides, you never beat me, so you are weak-a-pon, and always be weak-a-pon."

This guy!!!