
Chapter 10: Class

<Elena's P.O.V>

I sit at the farthest seat, near the window that shows what’s happening outside, as I can feel them staring and peeking in my direction.

I can't help but feel irritated with those stupid trashes classmate of mine.

They’re all f.ck.ng annoying. I really going to gorge their stupid eyes if they won’t stop what they’re doing.

“Isn’t she the one with the president just now?” I hear the 1st bee asking behind me.

“Yeah, they are two fitted for one another. Both are nerds.” Then I hear the 2nd bee slap, like making a high five sound, as they laugh.

Bunch of fools. Talking about somebody behind their back.

And, Is this place a bee nest? Because I keep on hearing the buzzing bee sound of theirs. Tsk.

I want to kill these stupid trashes.

My thinking pauses because of what I just thought.

What the heck am I thinking, why did I think of killing them? This is wrong. I should stop thinking in that direction.

I remind myself in my mind

What the heck has been running in my mind?

I then feel a presence by my side as it walks toward me.

"Hello. You are a new student here right?” the girl asks as she looks at me friendly, I just peer at her then look outside again.

She goes to the front of me waving her right hand as she grins widely.

“Yuhoo. Hello. I am Chris Anne Borcillo." She says, then she reaches out for my hand, in there, I saw a red thing.

Trying to fool me eh. I thought as I silently smirked.

"My hand is dirty," I tell her.

"It’s okay. " She smiles at me, but obviously it is a fox's smile.

I then get a hand sanitizer, but in fact, it is one of the latest types of liquid mom invented. It is a transparent liquid, which is formulated to reflect any electric current that may accidentally pass through your body.

Mom originally made it because she always gets electrified whenever she tests her invention, then gave each of us.

At first, I never planned to take it, but she insisted, so I just kept it. Never thought I’ll be using it now.

As I put it in my hand, I can feel the cold slimy texture of it that made me wanna puke. After that, I face that Christina (Chris Anne) and shake her hand.

As I took hold of her hand, I felt a little tinge, then I saw her being shocked, I mean been electrified.

It was obvious because she was shaking, and some strands of hair turned dry and had a burnt smell of burnt. And the look on her face is an obvious shock as she is staring blankly at me and her mouth a bit open, as her body stiffened.

Heh, trying to prank Velasco. That’s plain stupidity.

"Are you okay?" I ask her in my cold voice.

She nods her head, even though she’s obviously not.

She then tried to move stiffly when our teacher suddenly entered.

Her brow knits as she looks at Christina (Chris Anne), and asks "Miss Borcillo, are you alright?"

Christina (Chris Anne) nods as her body shakes, and her knee looks like it is about to give in.

"Is there someone who could bring her to the clinic?" Our teacher asks as she didn’t believe what that Christina (Chris Anne) answers.

What an idiotic trash. tsk.

I was surprised once more by the words that keep popping into my mind. Why do I keep cussing? Why do I keep calling them trash? Why do I start to have this way of mindset? This is not funny anymore.

Then I saw them bring out that Christina (Chris Anne) girl goes out of the room along with a few boys in the class.

“Okay class, go back to your seats, but before we start our lecture. Introduce yourselves first. Start with you.” Then she points toward the girl with thick makeup.

“Hello, I am…”

Ah, I don’t want to listen to them. They are all annoying.

“I am Johanna Chua, I’m 15 years old.” I look at the voice which is full of confidence. She has shiny black hair and a pair of black eyes.

My brow raises as I can’t help but smirk. She seems kinda different, I don't know why I thought so, but I got the feeling she's different.

Some seats are still unoccupied so the introduction is quite fast.

The next student was about to introduce herself when a guy, with three buttons open from the top, entered. With confidence as he walks in and overflowing charisma, he smiles toward the teacher which starts the noise evolution.

Yeah, the students keep on saying ‘kyaah’ ‘kyaah’ and ‘oh my goodness.’ As the other's face turns into a tomato while whispering to one another.

Even our teacher's face turns red? I don’t understand why would even the teacher be like that tho.

My brow knit as I look at them, especially at the guy who just enter the room who started the buzz in the room.

“Sorry, ma’am for being late.” Says the guy as he smiles nicely.

“Huh?” our teacher who is still staring blankly toward the guy. “Oh. It’s okay, it’s okay. Have a seat, Mr. Drago.” She says after waking up to her stupid dream. Tsk.

Then that guy walks like he owns the whole place as the girls, gay, and guys give him a flirtatious look.

He then looks in my direction and winks as he smiles. The heck is this Jus (Justine) doing.

My brow raises as I look at that stupid face of his.

And yes, he is my childhood friend, Justine Drago.

He then sits at the very back seat, 3 chairs away from me. The students in front of him keep on looking in his direction, and every time he smiles at them, there would be a shriek, some even turn red.

I just don't get why these people always turn red with this Jus.

Our teacher fake coughs to get the student's attention. “Okay class, quiet down. Let’s continue the introduction.” She says In a strict voice like she didn't go red-faced just now. Why are people here weird anyway?

The student turns silent as the introduction continues.

Then it became my turn.

I stand up from my seat “Elena.” I introduce myself in a bored voice, cause I am too lazy to talk.

Everyone is staring at me waiting for my introduction to continue.

But I don’t wanna speak anymore so I sit down.

"Wait.” Halt by the teacher.

I look in her direction, as I raise my brow, but I am sure she can't see it under my thick blurry glass.

“Won't you give us another intro? Um... I mean your last name" the teacher asks

“Velasco,” I reply back

“Pft- ” It is Justine who is stopping himself from laughing.

While the students start to make a buzzing sound.

I look at Jus, I don’t even remember joking though, why is this guy laughing?

"As in the owner of the electronic company," asks one of the crazy bees.

I ignore that bee because they are just stinging my ears. Tsk.

"That’s impossible, girl because as far as I remember everyone in the family is handsome and beautiful. And her? Ugh- She is obviously ugly, so please don’t put that girl on the same wavelength." Says another bee.

"You’re right. Maybe she just got the same surname." Another bee.

Why are there so many bees in the world?

And for your information, you guys are the ugly ones.

F.ck.ng trashes. Tsk.