
Cold blooded miss Ai can you notice me. Please

Growing Up Fatherless, As A Kid Ai Meng's Life Had Been One Hell Of Problems. Her Mother Ensured That Ai Meng Knows She Was Never Wanted And Made Every Second Of Living Hell For Her. That Was Until She Was Nine And Ai Meng Was Giving By Her Mother To Her Grandmother. Who Took Care Of Her Till She Was Seventeen. She Met With Fang Haoyu A Rich Second Generation Heir Whom She Thought Brought Nothing But Troubles. What Happens When Ai Meng's Insecurities Starts Opening Up When She Got People Who Loved Her? What Happens When She Kept Telling Herself She's A Mistake, Never Wanted? What Happens When She Tried Killing Herself And Making Her Family Grief On Her Behalf? What Happens When Life Doesn't Go As Planned. It Kept Throwing Her Back To Fang Haoyu No Matter How Badly She Wanted To Run Away.

novelluck1 · Teen
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First Meeting

Meng Meng. Grandma wen called Ai Meng with a slightly trembling voice. One could easily determine that she was sick and old.

Yes grandma. Ai Meng walked to her grandma with a cup on her right hand and drugs on her left.

Why aren't you on your way to school, it's almost 8 am I don't want you to get punished. Grandma Wen said to Ai Meng

No grandma, I have to make sure you take your drugs, what if you refuse to take it when I'm gone. You took care of me when I was young, now it's my turn to take care of you.

So, be good and take your drugs. Otherwise, I'll stay with you. Ai Meng said. She never really cared about going to school, just that it pleases her grandma to see her bring good results home so she goes to school so she can put a smile on her grandma's face.

The old woman smiled slightly and took the water and drugs before swallowing.

Satisfied? Grandma Wen asked

Very Ai Meng replied

Okay I'll be off now. Be careful, don't walk too much, don't sit in one place for too long, sleep if you feel like it, don't miss me much I'll be back in no time Ai Meng said as she put on her shoes and grabbed her headphone and phone.

Stop nagging already go ahead. Grandma Wen said

Okay love you Ai Meng kissed her grandma's cheek and left for school.

Immediately she left the house, tears welled her eyes the fact that her grandma was going to leave her was already giving her headache. She turned on her headphone, and connected the Bluetooth to her phone. After putting it on, she inserted her hands in the pocket of her hoody as her eyes dropped.

As she recalled the day she was told that her grandma would not live longer than a year she thought money could help, she worked day and night.

Going into different hacking and mathematics competition, working part-time but turned out it wasn't enough. She sighed.

Immediately she lifted her head, she realized that she was getting close to the walkway her gaze and face immediately turned cold. It was as though nobody was worth a thing before her. Just as she got to her junction she heard girls gushing and cooing as they threw flirtatious looks to the gate. Just then, a boy walked out. She looked at the house, it was indeed flashy but she guaranteed that it wouldn't take long for the style to look old fashioned.

Rich people and their odd sense of living. Ai Meng sighed, her eyes swept across all the students indifferently and then it stopped at the boy whom the girls were gushing and cooing over. Her gaze landed on him temporarily it just so happens that his gaze landed on her too.

After having her fill of gossip she walked away not sparing him a second glance. The dude looked at her and then for the first time in a long time someone made him exasperated she didn't even react. Am I not handsome enough? He thought to himself.

Young master Fang please get in the car The fang family butler Su Zhou said.

Oh, okay Fang Haoyu nodded his gaze travelled back to the direction she left through before entering the car.

When he got to school, as usual the girls were cooing while some of his friends came over

Hey Hao what's with the cloud in your head? Xue song said to him as he laughed and placed his hands on Fang Haoyu's shoulder.

Fang Haoyu glared at him and hit his hand while Xue song snickered. Fang Haoyu adjusted the strap of his bag and then

Let's go to class. His deep and mellow voice rang out

Hmm Xue song nodded and together, they walked to class.

Immediately they got to class his gaze swept the class until it locked unto one sit

Damn!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's in the same class? Fang Haoyu kicked the wall furiously, before walking in.

He walked to the girl sitting in front of Ai Meng

Excuse me can I please use this sit temporarily? Fang Haoyu asked

No problem. The girl whose eyes were filled with pink bubbles nodded dumbly and walked to the front to take another sit.

Fang Haoyu turned to look at Ai Meng, she did not even blink her lashes, she continued sleeping without a care in the world. He continued to watch her while Xue song continued to watch him.

What are you doing? Xue song asked popping out of nowhere.

i…i….The bell rang, signaling the commencement of classes, Fang Haoyu told him to go to his sit Xue song bullied someone at the front sit and then took the person's position.

So today our topic is finite and infinite verbs......… the teacher kept explaining while Fang Haoyu jotted down occasionally. He turned to look at her and saw that she too was writing earnestly but her face seemed to be saying, speak and go, I'm bored. He continued to stare at her, she raised her head and her gaze met his, she glanced at him and then turned away as though he was air. Have I lost my charms? Fang Haoyu asked no one in particular.

Fang Haoyu what was the last thing I said? The teacher Miss Sanders asked

Fang Haoyu got up humbly and bowed in apology.

Please pay more attention next time Miss Sanders said and went back to teaching.­

After morning classes, they went out for lunch break but instead of her to go eat, she carried her English text book he decided to peek, he was shocked speechless.

She's through with the freaking text book what the hell!!!!! What kind of freak did I meet today? Fang Haoyu screamed inwardly.

He left after Xue song tugged his sleeves severally, annoying the hell out of him.

And here I am satisfied with my second position Fang Haoyu screamed inwardly his expression outside, was not so friendly. I need to up my game Fang Haoyu continued to think.

After the break, he came to class and saw her battling with something then he peeked and what he saw shocked him again. Ch….Ch…..Chinese? what the Frick is going on here Fang Haoyu thought inwardly. He sat down and laid his head on the desk in thoughts. Finally, he turned to her and then

Hello Fang Haoyu waved at her. She raised her head and looked behind him before going back to her books. Embarrassed, Fang Haoyu scratched his hair.

I'm Fang Haoyu, you can call me Haoyu Fang Haoyu introduced himself. But Ai Meng continued to ignore him. The bell rang, saving him from embarrassment and so he turned to sit properly with a downcast expression.

The days went on and on and on, Fang Haoyu pestered her and all he got was silence. But Fang Haoyu would never have thought that Ai Meng was slowly warming up to him. She still hadn't said a word to him but when he asked her if she had the answer to a mathematic problem, she'll teach him and then leave the rest to him.

You still haven't told me your name Fang Haoyu smiled at her. Even if she did not respond, he knew she was listening just that she didn't like speaking.

Just show me your book there's no harm in getting to know each other Fang Haoyu said

Immediately she heard those words she raised her head and glared at him, realizing that her anger would soon get out of control, she walked out of the class quietly. She walked to the lady's room. She had the habit of washing her hand when she's angry all thanks to her mom. She washed her hand for so long that Fang Haoyu thought she was dead. When she came back, she sat down and laid her head on her desk, immediately she raised her head her expression was back to how it usually is, blank and indifferent. She held her pen and note as she continued reading. Fang Haoyu whose eyes had never left her since she entered the class, saw the scratches on her hand he started panicking, he walked out of the class and came back with a bandage and disinfectant.

Fang Haoyu sat on her desk and looked at her, he stretched his hand and beckoned it towards her. She raised her head and looked at him with those pretty eyes of hers.

Your hand Fang Haoyu said but her hand still rested on the desk quietly.

Fang Haoyu sighed and pulled her hand, placing it on his lap. Ai Meng withdrew her hand as though her hand was burned by fire.

Why are you so stubborn? Fang Haoyu asked unhappily he dragged her hand, without giving her a chance to resist, he applied the spirit on her hand and then wrapped her hand in bandage.

There, all done, wanna tell me what happened? Fang Haoyu asked and she shook her head.

For the first time since the past one month, he has met her, she responded. He finally felt like there was progress

Hi guys, it's Novel. It's actually my first time putting up my book in a platform as amazing as this. It's not that the other platforms aren't okay............. i'm blabbing. So yeah this is kind of one of my first works. And i'm kinda nervous and happy all at the same time, i'm not sure this book is going to suit your taste but please, give it a try.

FUN FACT: This book is supposed to be called " COLD BLOODED MISS AI PLEASE NOTICE ME. "

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