
coiling Dragon Fanfic: Thunder Dominion

I’ve read few coiling dragon fanfics but they never did justice to the wonderful story, I at least wanna come close to it. I’m gonna finish this fic so stay for the ride. Watch how Lucas Draper dominate the four highest planes. Just to clarify my story take place trillions of years before the main story!

Aleksic · Book&Literature
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16 Chs


After I left my grandpas place, I went straight to the west sea. While I was flying I started to sort out my plans for the future, I came to one conclusion I needed power, raw power! Only then will I not be at the mercy of others. As I was flying I spotted an island down below to be precise I spotted a man with

long ears drinking leisurely as he was having the best time of his life, he seemed truly content with life. The man noticed me too and yelled " heeey human stranger come and share a drink or two with me" I had my guard up, this guy was to friendly! But nonetheless I went down and said, " I'm Lucas Draper, greetings" " oh you're a Saint from the Draper family, I'm Moritt from the Avalon elf clan, I'm in a great mood today so I don't mind sharing a drink" Moritt said. This guy was truly happy other than that I didn't sense anything else from him but I sat down and asked "what's the happy occasion?" Moritt couldn't help but laughing out load " well thank you for asking you know yesterday I killed my archenemy and later fucked his wife basically cockholding him even after he died ahhh what an amazing feeling dont you agree? Cockholding your enemy after his death sure hits different hahahaha!!" Lucas was taken aback but couldn't help laughing too after that he took the drink and drank it in one go and said " You're one of a kind really haha" after that we started chatting a getting to know each other, apparently this guy is a genius in the entire elf community he became a saint magican at the age of 23 it was inconceivable and apparently his majoring in thunder law too. " I've just started to comprehend the most basic thunder element recently and heading towards the thunder region wanna go together at least we can have each other's six if something happens?" Lucas thought from and said "why not let's go" Moritt was a straightforward guy he wears his emotions on his sleeves, those kind of people are the ones who he wanna befriend. When they arrived at the edge of the thunder region Lucas could was shocked. Every bolt is as dangerous as father said and this is just the outer range, what about central part, Lucas felt he needed to explore this place when he got stronger. " Let's find a place to cultivate" i said I found a good spot to watch the lightning strike, they are truly beautiful every time they strike its like they demand utmost respect and obedience. Lucas sat there in daze after almost a half day he woke up, higher level profound mystery of judgment! I never thought in my first day I would comprehend profound mystery of judgment, it's an attack oriented law. Maybe I can create a skill derived from this mystery, NO my understanding it's still shallow I've just begun to comprehend it let's try it to understand more.

Lucas picked an small Island nearby to live in, once a while he would go back to the thunder region and study how the lightning strikes and other times spar with Moritt to test his ideas and just like that 3 years went by. Finally I've perfected my new skill let's call it 'Heavenly tribulation spear' it's no less weaker than my 'Nihility Spear' "Yo! Lucas wanna go explore the depth of the sea im quite bored and I feel like I won't make any progress here anymore" you're right me too, let's go explore the seabed, maybe we can find some strong monsters to fight with" as they went deeper in the ocean where they met several saint level monsters and fought and killed them, " there truly a lot of saints in the ocean" Lucas said " yeah there are alot more than on land…" Moritt was cut off when an attack made of an tentecles came forth out of nowhere. Moritt barely blocked it, I thrusted the spear at the octopus to make it back off and even take the chance to till kill while it's focus was on Moritt, but just then I sensed something

coming towards me in high speed it looked like some sort of vine from a tree trunk, these two are strong so I used my fastest attack 'heavenly tribulation' after the clash with vine, it backed away instantly and then used my 'Nihility spear' to destroy most of the octopus tentacle 'what a high defense' I thought. After the exchange both parties back away and looked at each other. The octopus roared " you fuckers have been going around killing monsters left and for that you have to pay it with your life!!" The giant squid looking monster roared, honestly I couldn't care less they helped me hone my spear and furthered my understanding of Edict of destruction so for me it was a good thing. But I didn't expect that these monsters have some sort of camaraderie. After our little skirmish the octopus made an invisible attack that I couldn't see but sensed it was a soul attack, this sudden change shocked me usually it's very rare for saint powerhouses to know any soul related attack. I couldn't really defend against the attack I could only take it head on and hope that my strong soul can nullify the attack, and then I roared " be careful these guys knows soul attack" in my sea of consciousness I saw a black awl speeding towards my sword shaped soul, my soul let out a bright light to defend it self. Luckily the power of the attack diminished a lot approximately 80% of the power was gone and the rest I could defend it easily, i sighed of relief. Before I could rejoice another Awl came shooting, this was bigger and more powerful than the last one without any resistance from the soul light I released it penetrated right through my soul, the pain was nothing like I ever felt before I grabbed my head and started screaming then a tentacle attacked me but it didn't get through my armor then I lost consciousness. " One is down let's team up and kill the other one" the octopus told the tree" Moritt was shocked and angry he grabbed Lucas lifeless body and used his newly comprehended profound mystery of movement and fled upwards. The monsters could only watch as moritt fled and couldn't catch up to him. " Dammit!!!" roared the octopus.

Wonder if Lucas really died hmm? stay tuned for more…

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