
coiling Dragon Fanfic: Thunder Dominion

I’ve read few coiling dragon fanfics but they never did justice to the wonderful story, I at least wanna come close to it. I’m gonna finish this fic so stay for the ride. Watch how Lucas Draper dominate the four highest planes. Just to clarify my story take place trillions of years before the main story!

Aleksic · Book&Literature
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16 Chs

Fiend Trial

Before i go to the fiend castle i wanted to visit a pawnshop and sell of everything I had on me and try to find a good highgod spear artifact.

When I went inside a women greeted me and said. " Welcome to Gaylord's pawnshop, do you want to sell or by? " " Both" I replied and then I emptied everything i had on my ring she was a bit shocked and told me she would fetch someone with higher authority for this transaction. I took a seat and waited a short man approached me and said "Hello sir, my name is Higgins I will handle all your transactions from now and I will give you a satisfactory number" I nodded and he offered me a good price and I took it, then I bought me a high god spear. My request was that the spear would have to be nurtured by a lightning or destruction attributed high god. At last I found one that matched my request " What a incredible killing intent" I said. Higgins answered "This spear is Named Black Sabbath and it used to belong to a 7-star powerhouse after he fell we took ownership of this spear". I could feel four mysteries of thunder law fused together perfectly in the spear, I will meditate on it and hopefully it will bring me one step closer to fuse the fourth mystery perfectly with the other three. I thanked him and left for the fiend castle.

The moment I went Inside I saw countless high gods not to mention gods, I went to the lobby where a female god greeted me and said " Hello sir, what can I do for you?" " I want to sign up for the next fiend trial" I said. She looked at me and replied changing her tone from previous professional to a senior educating a junior. " I'll advice you to come back when you are at least a high god, the death rate for gods is very high!" I looked at her with an indifferent face and replied " that's non of your concern, your main concern should be to handle my application" a bit angry she became but nonetheless she asked me for the fee that was Ten thousand ink stones and for my address and said to wait for someone inform me about the date of the trial. While I was in the fiend castle i bought dossiers of famous 7-stars and Ashura fiends. I started to read through them and one name that I recognized shocked me ' Dennington' I remember that in the coiling dragon he was the Paragon of death, but now he is a 7-star fiend suspected to be an Ashura who majors in Edict of Death.

One thing that I could conclude was that I was trillions of years before the main story, because in the main story Dennington has been a paragon for a very long time. Another name caught my eye too 'Mosi' a 7-star who majors in both Edict of destruction and Edict of death. Now I know how the timeline looks like

I was meditating in my courtyard and 23 days later I heard a knock, I opened the door and a man stood and informed me about the meeting point for the fiend trial it would be held in seven days. Seven days later i arrived at the designated place, there were a lot people there already approximately four hundred people gathered to take fiend trial. After around an hour an huge metallic creature who was shaped like a eagle came to view and out of it came three people with fiend medallion attached to their chest.

One of the three people stepped forward and introduced himself "Everyone my name is Izratel and the two people behind me are Theo and Asolon. The assessment of this trial goes like this, we as a 4-Star fiends are up for assessment too we are gonna kill a 5-star powerhouse while your mission are to kill his guards who has blood red tokens on their bodies. These tokens proves that you have successfully passed the mission with flying colors, I hope at least half of you survive". Izratel said the last part with a smirk "alright let's go our target is 20 million miles from here so the journey there will take half month give or take, now saddle up"

Eighteen days later we arrived in a place called shadow swamp, apparently there were another god like himself taking the assessment. He had with him a high god as some sort of butler serving him, either he is like him who was fused the mysteries together and subdued a high god for himself or he has a good family background. But that's none of my concern, my main focus is now to take down a guard and hopefully has a blood red token on him. It didn't take long till we arrived at shadow swamp and a castle came to view. Izratel and the other two took off to face their main enemy while the rest of us looked for the guards and immediately chaos erupted. I found myself facing a god I killed him directly I was too fast for him to even sense me much less seing a glimpse of me. I searched through his ring, sadly there were no blood red token in there. I kept killing several high gods and I finally found a blood red token in one of the rings.

I already got what I came for there was no need stay further so I intended to go back to the metallic creature. just then I saw a faint light of blue electrical lights flickering around deep in a cave, it was hard to notice these electrical lights but I was very sensitive to Thunder law so I felt some attraction to these blue lights. I moved in a blink I was already in front the light. What I was seeing infront me was a wonder of heaven and earth it was an incredibly beautiful blue lotus flower with electric current's flickering around it. The moment I touched the flower it fused with my soul, inside of my soul space except for my destruction clone who was sitting in a meditative position, there were a blue lightning lotus flower it was floating there silently sometimes lightning flickering around it.

But the moment of pain I was expecting to have never came, having something foreign in your soul space might not be safe especially if it is something volatile as lightning wonder. Instead I never felt more wonderful before it was as if I was back in my mother's embrace once again. The lotus was releasing a soothing energy that felt so comfortable, it was like my soul was having a spa day. The funny thing was, the soothing to my soul was the least benefit I got. Apparently I instantly comprehended my fifth mystery, 'Profound mystery of electric magnetism (attraction and discharge)' the mysteries I have comprehended so far are…

Profound mystery of judgment

Profound mystery of movement

Essence of lightning

Profound mystery of lightning form

And now the 'Profound mystery of Electric Magnetism (Attraction and discharge)

And I've fused the first three together perfectly, so when the lotus entered my soul it didn't just help to comprehend the profound mystery of Electric magnetism, NO! I've a found meeting with profound mystery of Electric Magnetism and the three mysteries i fused together. So now it was just a matter of time and a bit of luck to fuse four mysteries together by then I'll be a 7-star powerhouse. "hahaha" I couldn't help to laugh at my great fortune.

Before I could rejoice further I sensed an attack coming at me but I deflected it and blocked it. Infront me stood the youth I saw in the gathering who was the only god there like me and his butler who was a high god. 'Hmm a god who could block uncle Hongs attack he too has fused two mysteries together like me?' The youth with long black hair falling down his shoulder and white robe tought. His name is Xing he hails from a clan with two 7-star powerhouses at the helm. And Xing is not your average young master, he is a young master who was managed to fuse two thunder mysteries together in the God level. Everyone in the family has great hopes for him becoming the third 7-star powerhouse in the clan after fall he's just over a thousand years old he is indeed a genius.

"I see that you're a genius in your own right, I'm Xing from Reizon clan if you could gift me that wonder of heaven and earth I'll compensate you heavily, you have my word" Xing said.

I looked at him and his butler and thought to myself 'Did I just meet a genuine young master? You gotta be kidding me right?' I couldn't help but laugh out loud "Hahahaha" and then said " No wonder the novels I used to read in my past life, these young masters always die horribly no matter what, no wonder…" the butler and Xing looked at me weirdly, the butler couldn't help frown a little bit and said. "Young master I think he's a bit unstable to have conversation with, we should just get over with and kill him" Xing nodded and said " Indeed how unlucky of us to meet a madman" I looked at the duo and said "Well after I kill you guys your father and grandfather will come after me right?" Both looked at me and Xing said angrily " enough just go and die" he and his butler attacked me but before they even took a step i murmured 'God speed' I turned into an lightning bolt and instantly arrived infront behind with my spear dropping blood on the ground both Xing and his butler died just like that, before dying they were incredibly shocked of my speed, their senses and reaction speed couldn't keep up and they became charcoal. "sigh it's indeed true that fortune and missfortune comes in pair" I couldn't help but sigh to my self, now I'll probably have two 7-stars after me, I will never underestimate the intelligence gathering of such enormous clan! So I need to prepare and I could not open their space ring, so that means they have other god clones sigh…