
Chapter 1: Brewed Coffee and First Meeting

I GROANED inward as I scanned the queue of people fronting the cashier's booth. It's Monday. Another fresh start but already, I dreaded the thought of going through the same routine all week without some respite on my busy schedule. Being employed full time as a creative-director-cum-event- decorator, it is my responsibility to source out materials and laborers while planning this-and-that requirements of an identified venue down to simple to the most extravagant. Most often, time is of essence and the pressure of beating the deadline kept me from working from the broken of a new day to late nights. And today was no exception. Fact is, I am ready to sleep in standing position. If only my mind and body won't yearning for a cup of coffee. As in right now.

I sighed heavily. Stiffling a yawn, I ended up wrinkling my brow when all of a sudden someone bump me from behind. Words were already on the tip of my tongue.

"I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to." The man right behind me smiled apologetically. That sleep-laced deep voice coupled with his dreamily over-all look of his handsome face caught me off-guard. I almost gasped especially when he fleetingly lick his lips. I dare to look straight into his eyes. But it was a mistake. Those deep set expressive eyes were a trap and stupidly, I drawn into it without me knowing. Fine. Fine. Let it snow now in the middle of June and who knows, I might end up in his warm embrace!

Then, earth to myself as the cashier already trying to caught my attention.

To save face, I smiled back to the stranger and act as if nothing happened. But my burning face was another story. I gave my order to the cashier calmly. But my fine hair stood on end signalling me that the man behind my back was still looking at me.

I kept my eyes on the floor when I passed him by and make a beeline to a vacant table near the window. Fleetingly, I chance a glance at the stranger again. He was still ordering. He might be almost six feet. A complexion bordered between fair and brown skin. A wide shoulder with limbs tapered to a V. He was muscular as shown by his body fitting maroon polo. And my... What a bum. It occupied his black jeans in all the right places. Obviously, this man have a body-to-die for and a face that could attract the birds lining in the wire with just a single smile from him.

But before my assessment about him elicit some more 'pogi' points from me, I saw him carrying some of his orders and walk purposely towards me. I furtively stole some glances around if there were actually some vacant seats near me. I may have mistaken his intentions. But unfortunately, every hungry human stomach seemed to choose that same time for breakfast leaving the empty seat in front of me.

"Hello again." A shy smile lingered in the corner of his lips. "If it's okey with you, can I share your table?" He looked around to pointedly tell me the obvious.

I shrugged. Trying not to let him know that he pick my curiousity. I took a sip of my coffee.

"Sure. No problem."

"Here. Think you need some pandesal to go with your coffee."

"Hmmm..." I eyed the bread before looking at him. I wanted to sigh. That face is indeed so handsome. It evoked something in me but I tried to quelled it in an instant. I already know what it is so I also thinking that it is wise to let it go unacknowledged. But damn, I am famished. I picked a piece of what he offered. "Thank you."

"It's okey. By the way, I am Dave Fernandez." He offered his right hand. He got long and lean fingers, even his nails were clipped to perfection. His hand is veiny with some fine hairs. A sexy hand. At least, for me.

"Lian here." I took his hand. But the moment our hands clasped, I was jolted with the intensity of the current that seemed to snatch me up in full attention. In an instant, I looked into his eyes only to gasped when that same intensity also pervade within its depth. I felt lost especially when he actually intently searched my eyes. Truth be told: my pulse raise, the temperature of the air around me crackled with exciting tension. And it felt as if something within me filled. My God, i feel so alive in that instant.

But in the back of my mind, warning bells were already pealing.