

A boy who fall in love with a girl who have a bad temper and who loves drinking coffee at their coffee shop. The girl doesn't know that she is having a crush on the boy. Little that they know that the girl is his step sis and the boy is her step bro, is the both of them going to keep falling in love with each other? or are thay going to stop?

ComparedToTheWorld · Fantasy
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First met

Hi I am Ken Alegre, I am a working student, It's needed because no one is supporting me.

My mother left me behind on the orphanage, and luckily a wealthy family adopted me and give me what I need, they let me go to a good school and let me live on their huge house.

But all of that changed when they have a baby, they forget about me and abandoned me, but this time they didn't let me go to the orphanage because my mom said they treat me as their own son too, so they let me choose.

I choose to have my own house and let me live my own life so they agreed, but they said they are not gonna support me anymore in my future needs, I still agreed and say thank you to them and call them father and mother for the last time, My last name is still Alegre, they said it's fine because they are not the only family who has the last name Alegre.

It's been 1 year since the last time I saw them, I am now in my 2nd year of my senior high so I am now 18 years old, my boss tell me that she will make my salary more higher because I am the reason why she have so many costumer, they are all girls, well well, I have this fine body I am tall too, my nose is just right I have this deep eyes and a beautiful eyelids and specially a kissable lips.

When I start working here I fall in love on making Coffee and of course to the Coffee, the Coffee is so good I can't even imagine me not drinking Coffee in a day.

I drink Coffee almost everyday, Wait, not almost, but everyday.

One day when that was really boring and I am so broke, I don't have money and I have so many projects and work to handle, that day was really sucks, it was a day when all the student is busy on their school works, but since I have work, I can't take care of them, my boss tell me to go home and do my things but I told her no.

I was looking at the door because I was waiting for the costumer to come, WE DON'T NEED ANY COSTUMER AT ALL!! IT'S EMPTY!!>

The door opened and there was fairy who entered through the door, I was so enchanted by her beauty she was walking towards me and I don't know what to do, she was staring at me and she was saying something but I can't hear her because I am so stand how beautiful she is.

"Is this love?" I said it without thinking

"Pardon?" says the girl

"Oh, sorry I was talking with my friend" I smile awkwardly

She just looked at me and ordered something, oh god that was so embarrassing I took her order and give it to her.

She sat over there alone and it seems like she was waiting for someone, she looks like a student for me tho, she looks like a middle age.

I have no chance, they say "age doesn't matter" but I think not.

I think she is waiting for her boyfriend, what a lucky guy, a beautiful girl and a fairy like lady.

I was in gaze while looking at her, then a man showed up in the door the man look at me, no I mean in the counter, well who am I to look at.

well haha I mean I am handsome yes but like hayst omg a man looking at me? nahhh impossible.

he walk towards to my angel, I mean to the fairy look lady...

Wait..... she is just a middle aged girl how? what? no wait.... wait wait wait..

The girl stand up and shakes the man hand and sat down.

They both talk and talk while the girl is showing something into her laptop, I couldn't see it because I am far away from them, what I can see is her beautiful and fairy like face...

The manager tap my shoulder and slap my head, I was about to look in the other way but the man give the girl a money, which makes me wonder, why?

They about to leave and I grab the girls shoulder and ask if she is okay, she just ignored me and walk away.

Well well, she may have a fairy like face but, she have a terrible personality.

And I hate it, her personality is not good looking like her face, what a waist, wait, that's a rhyme a hahahahaha.

Alona's POV

What's with that man? He grabbed my shoulder and ask if I am okay, Like what the? do we both know each other?

He just touched me, disgusting.

Ugh seriously, I hope I will never see his face on that shop ever again.

I wish the owner will kick that old man out

I hate him, a filthy disgusting old man just touched me.

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