A computer programmer on Earth. An illegitimate princess in another. What happens when she learns the similarities between coding and magic? **I'll be posting daily, If I can.
Five days after reincarnating.
After listening to the servants, I've figured out a few things.
1. My name is Alexandria Maurt Kilaude Von Josertoin.
2. I'm the illegitimate child of the king.
3. None of my family cares about me.
4. It is a world with mana and ether, meaning a magical world. Yay!
5. I'm a creepy baby.
The fact that I have white hair and purple eyes, both of which are out of the ordinary, and the fact that I don't cry, the consensus of the servants is that I'm creepy.
~But, seriously, will they stop with all their petty acts? I mean, what is up with the food?~
They had been bullying me with all sorts of things. My clothes are shabby, the food is disgusting, and the treatment.
~When will they stop treating me like I'm some parasite-filled puppy that nobody wants!? I mean, it is partly true, but still!~
~It's kinda frustrating not being able to talk or move. Well, I'll try my best, but I heard it takes a lot of time. Hah, life is hard.~
Four years later.
~Let's get out of here!~
Thirty minutes later.
~Or not.~
After four years of dealing with the terrible treatment, I got sick of it and tried to run away. However, I miscalculated one thing.
~I don't know the way out!~
Plus, it wasn't like I could ask people for the way out. That would be a surefire way to fail.
~What do I do?~
~Wait, wait, I got caught!~
~Time to run.~