
Chapter 11

Hagotti snickered as well.

The General spoke,"Good, that will do my young initiate. I know that you are here against your will but even as a twelve star general I am powerless to do anything to do anything about it. I have hit the glass ceiling and I can not do anything to seek further advancement. All I can do for you is to make your stay here the best that I can make it. I will promise you that you will not see real combat until you are least seventeen years old!"

The boy could see that the general was downing himself, since he seemed to be torn up inside.

The lad pats the general on his back and says,"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friend." You have already proven that you were willing to die for my sake so I know that you are not evil like the others. The man in a trench coat and his boss were nothing but heartless murderers. You are just a good person in a terrible world."

The old general was totally taken back by the unrelenting compassion this boy had.

This boy had been kidnapped and probably a victim of attempted murder. Yet, he had held no wrath against this place and was just rolling with the punching. It did not make since to the battle harden general.

Hagotti thought,"What kind of upbringing could this boy could have had? His parents had to be saints as people."

The boy broke the silence and said,"When will I get to eat again?"

Hagotti broke free of his inner thoughts and responded,"You see that slot in the wall next to the

small table and chair."

The boy spoke,"Yes, I do, then what about it?"

Hagotti spoke," That slot in the wall will open and food will come out. Once you done eating return the tray back into the slot and close the door."

Hagotti saluted and had the salute return by the boy. The general then left the room when the boy eventually saw something puzzling.

The door had no door knob or no lock of any kind from the inside.

The boy spoke,"I am not going nowhere this time."

He took his shoes off and laid on the bed. He got under the covers and was finally relenting to sleep.

The boy spoke,"Lord, what is going to happen to me? Please help me since I can not escape this place."

He then fell fast asleep.


On the planet of Rindat, there was two main factions of nations: they were called Urano and Ibor.

Ibor had some how been attacked by Urano and their military has been greatly weaken.

Urano on the other hand was at it's strongest that it had ever been. This state of advantage Urano had over Ibor would be kept by the leadership at any and all cost.

The leadership of Urano was becoming paranoid and had drafted millions of it's citizens to help in the war against Ibor. People was often taken by force to fight in war that they had wanted nothing to do with. Ibor was doing nothing worse than what Urano was doing but the Urano faction made propaganda to make the common person of the faction believe that Ibor was doing nothing but pure evil. Thousands of people were hired to pump out endless barrage of false hoods to it's citizens.

Minorities and the poor were slowly forced into hundreds of ghettos thinking that they would have a better life but soon found out that they had been tricked. After this event, Urano was widely known for being shady in how it deal with people and their money. The people that sent to the ghettos were forced to worked long hours for three Rindats(Urano money) an hour when a gallon of milk was over five Rindats.

The lower class were worked to death without any form of insurance. People worked until they dropped and the common person had no control of their fate. Urano became at the time period the most shadiest state of operation that the faction have ever been. The poor unfortunate people in ghettos were forced to work until they could not work any more without any sort of retirement as repayment.

People within the ghettos begin to rebel against the law but they were quickly rubbed out like mere trash. All rebels were ether jailed or even killed. Rebels often "went missing" and was never to be found by their love ones. The rebels eventually gave up going against the government but they had decided to rob from each other. If they could not get a better life from the law then they would take it

another way.

Many different gangs were made to try to get a better life for themselves at the cost of their fellow man. It was a massacre in the ghetto and everybody was affected by the barrage of violence.


Life in the ghettos begins to get very tough but the police did not do anything to help. The police were only concern with those that rebel against the law and the government system.

The common people had to look out for themselves and the people they care for around him.

They had to look out for each other to survive since nobody else would help them but God.

The police and government officials begin to take bribes from the various gangs. The people were attacked from both sides of the gangs and the police.

The people in the ghettos begins to just remain silent and not do nothing to defend themselves. Most people had just given up and cave into learned helplessness. Most of the people just relented to the abuse and accept it as a part of their lives.

Some people refuse to take the abuse and fight against the tyranny.Joe was one such man and would put with any malarkey with anyone despite their position. He was born into the ghetto and never knew any other kind of life than living in the ghetto. His grand parents and parents would tell him of how things use to be outside the ghetto. Joe went to school one day and he had given a harsh comment from his teacher. He was struggling to learn to read and he was not getting any help from the teachers.

A female teacher spoke,"I do not know why I bother with you people! I should just give up!"

Joe was a large child but he was very sensitive.

He hold back his tears and did not let himself be made of for crying. The rest of the classroom did not say a word after teacher made a racist comment.

Joe was a young black boy and had lived in an all black ghetto.

Joe left the school and ran back home all the way. He ran into his grandma's house and broke into tears. The young boy is crying out loud and his Grandma comes running in to see what is going on.

Joe's Grandma cried,"What is wrong Joe? What happened to you my child?"

He struggled to speak but eventually spoke," I was trying hard to read and the teacher said that she did not know why she even bothered with us people!"

The old heavy set woman held the young boy with everything that see had and cried with all her tears over her grandson's pain.

Joe yelled,"Why do we have to be treated this way? What did we do to be treated this way?"

Grandma spoke," You have not done anything wrong and the rest of the people with us had not done nothing wrong ether! It is just that this world is falling into darkness!"

The young boy spoke,"Then why are we being hurt so much by those that are supposed to help us?"

Grandma spoke," This world is evil and it likes to punish those that like to do good! The Good Book tells us that that evil would be made into good and good into evil. I know that is not fair but we must continue on. Joe, I am sorry that you have to go through all this! I pray every day that you will be protected from harm! I have lost your parents and I will not lose you! The Lord made a vow with me that you will be protected from harm! He has promised us that much!"