
Codename: Assassin III

The end of the trilogy, the squad may be intact but sometimes... trust won't be there forever... your teammate trusted you, but they are just lying, sometimes, you always going to follow the clues...

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Mission X (Second Life)

Cynix: *practices casually*

Cynix: wonder where my father would be…

Reinx: *arrives to Cynix's home*

Cynix: shit bro!

Reinx: we are in danger, we have to head to their workplace!

Cynix; what the f*ck is happening!

Reinx: just follow me!

Reinx: grab your gun and follow me!

Reinx: *exits house*

Cynix: *grabs AP-7*

Cynix: *exits house*

Reinx: maintain focus!

All 2: *heads to AZAI HQ*

Cynix: f*ck dude! We're only 6 years old!

Reinx: just follow me!

Reinx: My father has set his helicopter at the end of the street!

Reinx: just hold on!

Renix: *sees motorcycle*

Reinx: ah f*ck I don't know how to ride this!

Reinx: *gets on drivers seat of motorcycle*

Reinx: grab on!

Cynix: *hugs Reinx*

Motorcycle drives to the LZ

Cynix: I'm scared!

Reinx: it's okay, I'm also scared!

All 2: *arrives to the LZ*

Reinx: get in!

All 2: *enters chopper*

Chopper takes off

Cynix: *nuzzles onto Reinx*

Chopper lands

Cynix: *heads to the ER*

Cynix: f*ck!

Cynix: Dad!

Killer: how did you make it here?

Redwolf: I requested an LZ to their current location…

Cynix: are you okay?

Killer: I'm fine kid…

Enemies breach the HQ again

Redwolf: get behind me kids!

Redwolf: *shoots*

Enemy pushes Redwolf

Cynix: *shoots AP-7*

Redwolf: did you do that?

Killer: *chuckles* I taught her!

Redwolf: is that good parenting or not?

Killer: I don't know *laughs*

Killer: I legit saw her beat up a bully!

Killer: I congratulated her!

Killer: I can't let her be vulnerable to issues!

Redwolf: whatever…

Redwolf: Follow me!

All 2: *follows Redwolf*

Enemies show up

All 3: *shoots*

Reinx: 12 years later, I wanna be just like you!

Redwolf: dream high kid, it'll turn to reality…

All 3: *shoots*

All 3: *heads to the boiler room*

Reinx: just get behind me!

All 3: *shoots*

Redwolf: boiler room, clear!

All 3: *moves to kitchen*

All 3: *shoots*

Redwolf: Kitchen clear!

All 3: *moves to the right side*

All 3: *SHOOTS*

Redwolf: hallway clear!

All 3: *heads to the electrical room*

All 3: *shoots*

Redwolf: Electrical clear!

All 3: *moves to stay room*

Redwolf: Bad guys on second and third floor!

All 3: *shoots*

Redwolf: Stay room clear!

Radar beeps

Redwolf: I gotta go!

Redwolf: *heads to the meeting room*

Redwolf: *answers call*

Civilian1: help! I'm at Northern India, a terrorist attack occurred here, and I think they set out a missile here!

Redwolf: ah shit! We're on our way!

Cynix: can I go with you?

Redwolf: no, it's too dangerous!

Redwolf: I want you 2 to remain at the HQ while me and Hunter deal with this shit!

Cynix: but i-

Redwolf: just stay!

Redwolf and Hunter: *heads to plane*

Plane takes off

Plane lands at Amritsar

Redwolf's POV

Redwolf: defend this fort!

Redwqolf: I'm going to look for the missile!

Hunter: *sets turrets*

Enemy shoots RPG

RPG hits team

Redwolf: relocate to the next area!

Scanning 25%

All 2: *arrives to park*

Hunter: *shoots*

Laptop: Missile warning!

Redwolf: shit! We have to relocate, now!

All 2: *rushes to base*

Scanning 50%

Hunter: *shoots*

Planes fly by

Bombs land

Redwolf: you have got to be kidding me!

All 2: *rushes to water tanks*

All 2: *hides*

Scanning 75%

Redwolf: I think we're in the clear

Hunter: I guess…

Redwolf: *pulls out munitions box*

Hunter: Thanks!

Hunter: *refills ammo (optional)*

Redwolf: And detected!

Redwolf: It's at northwest of us!

Redwolf: follow me!

Hunter: *follows Redwolf*

Redwolf: Convoy incoming!

All 2: *shoots*

Vehicles explode

All 2: *shoots*

Redwolf: tank incoming!

Hunter: *throws grenade at tank*

Hunter: *takes over Tank*

7.61 x 51 rounds (342 / 500)

Main gun (27 / 30)

Redwolf: convoy incoming!

All 2: *shoots*

Vehicles explode

Hunter: shit! I can't fire my main gun!

More enemies show up

Tank shoots minigun

Electricity electrocutes Hunter

Hunter: agh, f*ck!

Enemy shoot RPG

Hunter: shit!

Tank is on fire

Redwolf: get out of there!

Hunter: *exits tank*

Redwolf: tangoes inbound!

All 2: *shoots*

Missile hits in front of them

Killer: *wakes up*

Cynix: Dad! You're finally awake!

Killer: did I black out?

Cynix: you got stabbed by a throwing knife…

Killer: damn…

Killer: where's Redwolf and Hunter?

Cynix: Northern India…

Killer: ah shit!

Killer: *tries to get up*

Killer: aaagh!

Killer: *gets to morphine cabinet*

Killer: *inject morphine*

Killer: *takes 4*

Cynix: where are you going/

Killer: to assist them…

Killer: Mirik, take care of these children while I'm away?

Mirik: yes sir!

Killer: *takes chopper*

Chopper takes off

Chopper lands on their area

Killer: *shoots*

Redwolf: Killer?

Killer: Morphine…

Redwolf: what are you doing here?

Killer: planning to assist you!

Killer: you we're dealing with a heavy casualty

Killer: *lends a hand*

Killer: *pulls the rest of the team up*

Redwolf: keep going! Missile's just ahead!

Convoy arrives

All 3: *shoots*

Vehicles explode

Civilians scream

Bombers show up

All 3: *shoots*

Choppers rise up

All 3: *shoots*

Chopper collapses

Chopper drags onto road

Propellers stop working

Killer: shit…

Redwolf: keep going!

All 3: *shoots*

Missile moves

Redwolf: Dammit!

Redwolf: they're moving the missile!

Convoy drives by

Redwolf: hold on!

All 3: *holds hands*

All 3: *grabs truck handle*

Enemy shoots

Killer: *deflects window*

Killer: *climbs in*

Killer: *prepares to shoots*

Redwolf: *shoots front seater*

Redwolf: take to the missile or I'm pulling the goddamn trigger!

Truck takes the team to missile

Truck arrives

Redwolf: good *shoots*

Geom-seok: *lands*

Killer: f*ck you!

Geom-seok: I've downed you once, I could do it again!

Killer: bring it on!

Redwolf: we've got your six!

Geom-seok: *rushes Killer*

Killer: *dodges and cripples Geom-seok*

Geom-seok: *throws throwing knife*

Killer: *dodges*

Killer: you've got me once! Never again!

Geom-seok: *throws throwing knife again*

Killer: *catches knife*

Killer: *throws knife back*

Geom-seok: enough!

Geom-seok: *points gun at Killer*

Killer: *points gun at Geom-seok*

Both: *shoots*

Bullet flies by

Geom-seok: *gets crippled more*

Geom-seok: f*ck!

Killer: *arrives to missile*

Bars show up surrounding the missile

Killer: what the-

Geom-seok: *laughs* you are so naïve, you fell for my trap!

Geom-seok: *injects morphine*

Geom-seok: you thought I could let you defuse the missile easily

Geom-seok: you thought wrong…

Geom-seok: good bye!

Geom-seok: *points pistol at Killer*

Redwolf: *shoots Geom-seok at the leg*

Redwolf: *gets noticed*

Redwolf: *hits Geom-seok with elbow*

Geom-seok: *drops remote*

Killer: *grabs remote*

Killer; *presses button*

Bars don't go down

Killer: shit!

Killer: *tries again but no luck*

Redwolf: *gives Geom-seok a concussion*

Geom-seok: *gets unconscious*

Redwolf: *hacks onto the bars*

Bars go down

Killer: *defuses missile*

Missile disabled

Convoy drives by

All 3: *shoots*

Vehicles explode

Chopper arrives

Machine gunner shoots

All 3: *shoots*

Chopper collapses

Chopper slices off Geom-seok's legs

2nd chopper arrives

Enemy: *picks up GEOM-SEOK*

Chopper flies off

All 3: *shoots*

Redwolf: Requesting LZ at 31.622617, 74.947176!

Pilot: rog'

All 3: *shoots*

Plane lands

All 3: *enters plane*

Plane takes off

Plane lands back

Cynix; Dad!

Killer: sup kid!

Killer: These 2 safe?

Mirik: yep, safe as always…

Mirik: by the way, how is your kid not that reckless?

Mirik: no casualties made?

Killer: I don't know?

Killer: not telling…

Mirik: is that on you?

Killer: uhm…

Mirik: she's adopted huh…

Killer: she ain't adopted!

Mirik: then how are you a single father, without a wife nor a girlfriend…

Killer: *exhales* fine…

Killer: Cynix… follow me…

Cynix: okay!

All 2: *heads to room 079*

Killer: *sighs* you are actually adopted…

Cynix: so… you still think I'm perfect in my way?

Killer: always has been…

Killer: either way, do you still remember your first life?

Cynix: yeah…

Cynix: they we're superbly strict…

Killer: that seems norm-

Cynix: As in "being their servant forever" type…

Killer: damn…

Cynix: make things short, they placed me in the orphanage all because I got a C on my grade…

Killer: grades don't matter, that's what your parents need to know…

Cynix: I know…

Killer: *hands pistol*

Killer: do you want to let go of your past?

Cynix: …

Cynix: yes…