

"A world where there is super power, common people have this power, from where did it start, from today I do not know anything about it, I am alpha, I am telling you the story, this story is mine. I was the best hero on my devotees but due to some circumstances I have become such that I am not able to change myself even if I want to but I got one chance to improve myself and I will try my best".

_Legit_gaurav_986 · Action
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5 Chs

Alpha is killing an innocent person in his past life.

It takes at least half an hour for him to reach. When he reaches there, why talk about they were small houses and stuck together. A lot of alpha is walking from there as he approaches his house. Neither a big house nor a small place. The walls of the house were covered with a crust and the paint had also left, it seemed that the painting would not be done for many years, quickly goes to his door and goes inside, open the door more.

The condition of the house was very bad, which according to Alpha lived alone in that house. In front of the living room, right next to it, the kitchen was very important, there were dirty utensils kept there, and they didn't even know what had happened. In one room, there were many had taken a bottle of beer and their boxes were done and also of cigarettes and they also smelled a lot.

But go to sleep in a room, that room is well blocked and he quickly turns on the TV and sits on the sofa and takes out his beer and starts drinking, repeatedly changing the TV channel from the remote and also he was still drinking.

It looks like the highlights of a favorite team are playing, he could not watch the match of the football match, so he does the highlights, he does not like it at all, he sees the match, he is favorite, he puts something else.

The phase is changed again and again and it is not known since when one falls asleep while drinking beer.

It's morning, suddenly Alpha's phone rings, someone's call is coming in it, and everyone are getting calls in his phone, he wakes up and wants to abuse the person because no one wakes up in the morning.


He is in a hurry and has a habit of getting very angry that who has bothered him in the morning. Whose call is coming in his phone, he gets a little happy after reading that name because his best friend's call has come.

"Now what is the use of him, let's talk to him by picking up the call, if he does not pick up, he will not leave." - Alpha

He says all the things in his mind, the call picks up the call, as he picks up the call, the person who says in the call has to abuse him a lot.

"Hey bastard, where did you die, why does it take so long to pick up the phone and what are you doing." Collar

He happens to be Alpha's best friend Saksham Thapa.

"Hey, you remember, what date is it today, your hero license has expired, has been created twice only". - Saksham

Saksham was shouting very angrily because he was angry that Alpha was not recreating his hero license yet and he was worried about Alpha.

He felt that Alpha fell asleep again, so he screams again to wake him up, see that Alpha was saying something, could not hear properly, he was speaking in a stammering manner. He understands that what is the matter of the incident now.

"Fucker are you drinking again How many times have I explained to you that if you don't drink less, brother never listens to me, get ready quickly and reach the Hero Agency after Metropole and fill the application there and create your Hero's license twice. If you could not work in your own way, then you can forget me that once upon a time we used to be friends". - Saksham

Alpha wanted to say something in his clarification but before saying something he had called and the phone just rang, he gets ready quickly he slept with his important documents and in his jeans and goes to the same clothes he had in the fight last night.

He takes the metro to Mumbai very quickly, so many people who are sitting in the metro are looking at him with strange eyes. But it doesn't matter to him and due to overcrowding in the metro, he somehow reaches Mumbai by pushing and shoving.

He quickly reaches near the hero agency building it took him 20 minutes to come close and quickly goes inside that building and as he does inside the building he looks around to see if there is a lot hero submits his assignment or is submitting his report and he was looking which one he has got broken he has different areas as his eyes go to reception in front and seeing such a long line, he had lost his senses.

"It's cold in the rest of the state But Mumbai, why is there only one season in winter, summer, here, oh man, there is such a long line, look, there will be other receptions nearby". - Alpha

His eyes go to an empty Baba because of less crowd, he gives that only three to four people are there.

"Come on, at least there are very few people here, my work will also be done soon and I want to go home as soon as possible, nothing else". - Alpha

He goes and joins the line, after a while the first person among them comes out of the line and as soon as his eyes go to Alpha, Alpha also sees him, he understands that instead of asking about condition, he has to talk about something else.

"Look brother, who has come all time number one loser today to get his new license, wow what's the matter, I don't know where". - Unknown person

How is that person making fun of Alpha, also knew that if he said yes to anything, it is better to hide than to say no, he wanted to ignore that person. Person understands whether Alpha is ignoring him He wanted to say something that would make Alpha say something to him and he could disturb the people more.

"Look Yash you mind your work don't bother me please just do my work and quietly your work was done just go from there". - Alpha

Looking at Yash, he says the whole thing later And should you just explain to him that he used to make fun of him on this matter.

"I didn't know, so I also have some work for you, what will be the work for a useless person, yes, I know how you are, and I am meeting you strangely, have you fallen into a gutter"? - Yash


He starts laughing at his talk, he gets to know that no one else will say anything before Yash says anything else, Alpha says in as much.

"Just look at yourself where all the people who are standing did not laugh at all, it seems that you are giving sympathy to someone just because of telling a joke, I am not like this to anyone, nor to anyone else. Tell someone else your cheap joke Let me do my job". - Alpha

Yash gets very angry after hearing this, before saying something, a voice comes from behind.

"So do it here, I forbade you to come, yet you open your eyes like shameless people". - Senior

Yes who looks back then understands that today Alpha is going to be insulted more, he recognized this voice very well because he was one of the biggest executives of Hero Agency. His name is like a Jai Sehgal. Before this said something, that person comes to both of them and pulls and Slap Yash.


All the people standing there become very fond of it and Alpha himself also becomes fond of what happened just a while ago, he was planning to throw Yash out of here, but it happened exactly the opposite.

"Yash you should be in my cabin right now 4 days ago your complaint came what happened to that and you are busy talking here I think you are not left of at all first all sorry to those people then you meet me". - Jai

As soon as his eyes go to Alpha, he becomes very happy after seeing, he goes and hugs Alpha. After the hug, he wanted to talk about everything.

"I didn't know you tell me here what was your work, then thank you very much for that day, if you were not there on that day, I would not have been able to see my son today". - Jai

All the people who were standing back get quite fond and it gets filled with anger after seeing this thing. He thinks how such a big officer knows Alpha. That in his eyes, Alpha was a useless person and he was of no use, he just kept drinking all day.

" Sir, I didn't even do anything, it was my duty, I just came here for my important work, as it happens, I will leave". - Alpha

All the people standing there knew what kind of socks Mr. Jai Like those who used to do their work honestly.

"What is your work here, whatever the work is, tell me, I will also complete that work". - Jai

What to do with all this, he was looking for someone and find him like this, he calls all of them to himself and orders him to complete the work of Alpha as soon as possible.

Alpha refuses by convincing them not to disturb them too much, but still they don't agree, they call quickly and after talking for a while, they tell that talked to the senior here.

"Look, I have talked to someone about this, you go and do your work". - Jai

Alpha cannot say much and has to wait there when he will be called, then he will be able to go and meet the senior.

Mr. Jai As soon as he sees him, he gets very angry towards Yash and before saying something, he goes back from there.After seeing this, yours sometimes laughs and supports all of us from Jai to me.

After some time, Jai called his senior, his assistant had arrived. The assistant wants to be very angry with Mr. Jai Because the senior assistant was very angry. He tells that assistant everything what to do and what not to do and he also Let's get him talking to his boss too.

Assistant Alpha asks you to walk with him and Alpha goes with him, being on the lift, they reach the floor at 15. Waiting for the lift to reach there, there is no conversation between them. As the door of the lift opens, they both come out and reach near a big door, the assistant puts his thumb in the lock of that door and the door opens.

Day after day thinking that he too will have to buy such a door, when he comes out, his house will be safe. He only knew that he could only dream of buying it if he could never buy it in life. They both come inside the room and there one person is sitting in a big chair, Alpha is looking around him, that person talks very well.

The way Alpha looks at him, he recognizes his name, Anil Sharma. Anil Sharma was the greatest hero of his time. As he was 45 years old, he had decided to retire and he has become the head of Mumbai's Hero Agency and he gave his duty for 5 years.

Mr. Anil is standing in front of the album to see, he is very happy and Alpha and Anil are looking very happy while shaking hands, meanwhile Mr. Anil's the assistant doesn't like it at all because in his eyes alpha is useless and a bad person and Mr. Anil understood that his assistant did not like Alpha at all.

"And tell me your Alpha are you still fine". - Anil

"Yes sir, I am fine, you tell me". - Alpha

Before both of them could talk to each other, in the meantime, their assistant while playing the routings of today's work was telling says something.

"Sir, I know you are very busy, but I want you to pass your time, I go to such people, today you have an important meeting, please hurry up". - Assistant

Anil gets very angry because he is meeting Also after a long time, so he wants to take some time out and talk to him. But the stupid assistant was not going to let this happen, he knew that his assistant likes Alpha.

"Look Kapil talk to me, you disturb someone more, you go and do your work". Anil

Knew that he wanted to send me out of here but still tries not to go from here as he has been working with Anil for 4 years and knows all about his Daily habits very well.

"Sir, I also know that you are talking to Spurgeon about an important matter. When I was extracting information about this, I came to know that he had killed one of his companions and the shameful. Sir had a girl and Sir I don't want you to talk to such a person a murderer."

When Alpha hears that Kapil has said something wrong against him, he gets angry and stands up.Kapil gets very scared seeing the face of Alpha's anger, whose fear was justified.

Because seeing the hair and beard An angry face will scare anyone. Alpha angrily grabs kapil's collar and pulls him and slams him into the table. Since Kapil was standing very close to the financier, he would be able to catch up with very easily.

Anil Alpha quickly stops him and separates him from Kapil. Meanwhile, Kapil was very scared and had to take a long breath. Anil quickly sends Kapil out of here angrily.

Kapil is running fast from there in fear and there Anil is asking Alpha to calm down as he knows what happened to you 5 years back 1 day before his retirement, He didn't want anyone to tell Alpha about that day, but today what he feared had happened.

Anil come quickly calms down the anger and calms down Alpha's anger. Anil hands him a glass of water and tells him to drink water quickly. Alpha quickly drinks more water. Alpha's anger is slowly calming down, who calms down completely. Wants to talk to Anil about an important thing.