
Code: White 000

White 000, or Collin Scotts, is a student at Silver Meadow Academy, a school for gifted children. He is a not-so-average student who is the secret bodyguard of the crown prince, against his will. But as much as Collin would like to complain about his life, he is satisfied with it. Kind of. Soon Collin's past and future begin to catch up to him faster than he'd like them to, but he knows that he has to face them one day.

Nerdy_apprentice · Action
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14 Chs

Chapter 1

Collin returned to his dorm room late at night. Another experimental failure Outside the door, he sighs, his sliver hair no longer neatly tucked into a half-bun but rather disheveled and drooping over his obsidian eyes. He remembers he still has some leftover pasta in the fridge, and after that, he's going to bed. Hopefully, his roommate won't make this night difficult for him; he cannot afford another suspension.

He enters the kitchen and finds that his pasta is no longer there. Never mind that the deserts he just bought the other day have gone missing as well.

Collin hears a loud noise coming from his roommate's room and immediately recognizes his roommate, who is with another girl. Normally he would have let it go, but not this time. This time his roommate not only ate his pasta, but he also ate his expensive desserts, and he hadn't gotten the chance to taste them because of how busy he was.

He walks to his roommate's bedroom and knocks on the door. The creaking he heard stopped, but no one answered, so he knocked until they answered. The door opens, and a blonde, blue-eyed, 5'11ft man walk out of the room.

Meet his roommate, the crown prince of the Colan Empire, Prince Nathan Henry Belwere the Second. Collin could care less what his roommate's title is.

He closed his eyes and smiled politely at Nathan. "Sorry, it seems like I disturbed your activity. It must have been intense. But I have a question to ask." Collin said that all his talking would tick off his roommate, especially since he disrupted his playtime. "Have you seen the pasta I kept for myself in the fridge as well as the deserts?" he asked politely.

"Yes, she ate it," Nathan replied, shrugging his shoulders.

Collin's eyebrows twitched in anger. "Care to repeat that?" His voice was struggling to be polite.

The girl who was inside the room came to the door, she is 5'7, the same height as he is, and extremely beautiful, with slightly tan skin brown hair, and pale green eyes with freckles on her face. "Nate, what is going on here?" she asked confusedly, then saw Collin. "Oh, my goodness, you must be Collins Scotts; I am a huge fan of your work," she said.

Collin smiled politely at her. "It is always lovely to meet a fan," he said with false enthusiasm, but the girl didn't notice, and Nathan noticed.

"Listen, you can always cook something. My girlfriend was hungry and had nothing else in the fridge to eat." Nathan explained. Then Collin looked at the girl again; his smile was slowly dropping before it began to widen, he just remembered something, then he looks at Nathan with the most mischievous eyes in the world.

"Oh well," Collins replied, turning his back to Nathan. "It seems like experiment 37.4 was already eaten," he said.

You see, Collins is a student in the pharmacy region. "Experiment?" Nathan and the girl asked at the same time. The girl was a bit terrified. She too is a pharmacy student. Her teachers are always talking about how Collin's achievements have increased the reputation of the university. This is why she became a fan. She learned a lot of things about Collin, like how he is resistant to poison since he has a healing ability and how he doesn't like medicine despite studying to be a pharmacist, so in every experiment he does, he likes to incorporate it with food so he doesn't get to taste the medicine.

"Yes, experiment 37.4. I was working on an antidote for the people who fight in the mirror realm. The antidote was supposed to fight against the A-class snake scorpion's venom. Experiment 37.0, Experiment 37.1, Experiment 37.2, and Experiment 37.3: Since I tested the antidote on myself rather than on some living creature, I also used the venom on myself to know the full effect. I almost died because of how ineffective the antidote was. I was going to eat the poison and antidote tonight for dinner, but unfortunately, you ate them." Collins turned around and shrugged his shoulders.

The girl's eyes rolled up, and she fainted. Thud. Collin and Nathan turned around to see that the girl had fainted.

Now it's Nathan's turn to panic. "Is she going to die?" he asked. He should have known that Collin was a madman long ago.

Then he saw Collin's shoulder shaking before he burst into a full laughing fit. "I didn't expect her to faint!" he said, wiping the tear from his eye.

Nathan grabbed his collar. "You were lying?"

"Wow, you're so close to my face," Collin said as he pushed Nathan's face away from him. "No, I wasn't lying, but I wasn't telling the truth either. The experiments never failed. I was successful on the first try. The remaining experiments were to see if the antidote could be made stronger since I still felt the effects of the poison a few minutes after taking it. Trust me, the experience wasn't amazing. As for her, she would be fine. Since neither of you two idiots noticed the effects of the venom, I would say the experiment was a success. That would teach you not to give my food to other people," he said, skipping away like a child who just received candy from their mother.

The next morning...

Collin has already gathered every piece of information about the girl from yesterday. Her name is Fiona Leeway, and she's eighteen years old. She was adopted by a middle-class family: her mother, father, and younger brother, who was also adopted into the family, and is two years younger than she is.

She is also an S-class nature user, but her ability doesn't match her strength. Her physical strength is also S-class, as well as her speed. Not bad.

He made sure to do a background check on her family as well. Her father is an honest, hardworking office worker, and her mother works in a beauty salon. Her brother is a second-year high school student at the academy.

He didn't check for any other information about the family, like their abilities or relations because it is most likely that they wouldn't bring any trouble towards them.

She is also a third-year student at this university, like him and a first-class student as well, it's no wonder she was familiar, she is one of the smartest people in his department. How did a smart girl like her end up falling for a dumb ass like Nathan? She has a boyfriend, who is twenty years, who was the son of a gang leader, unfortunately, the gang leader is dead, and he took over the family's business. He is wanted as well. But he keeps his identity hidden so well, the police couldn't find him at all. He could bring problems to his highness.

One thing that is interesting about her is that she is one of the survivors of the Breakdown Disaster that happened six years ago. And she was also in the same organization as him, just in a different lab. Her tattoo is on her left wrist, 003, the color is emerald green. She must have been very deadly for her to be coded as 003.

Yes, he remembers Emerald 003. One of the few people he had spared on that day. He never thought that he'd see one of them again. He remembers the fear in those forest-green eyes, he liked it then.

Why is he doing all this research on a girl he only met once? Well... He is the secret bodyguard of the crown prince of the Empire. And he hates his job. He is supposed to be living a normal life.

After his paternal grandfather disowned him while he was barely alive in the hospital. This was barely a few months ago. He was a bit hurt by this but he didn't care any longer. The old man never cared for him, and he survived on his own. He had never enjoyed being a slave to anyone; he just wanted to live his life freely. And he was going to do it. Once he graduated high school, he was going to open a peaceful café and adopt a cat and a dog, and maybe a hamster and a goldfish as well.

Unfortunately, Emperor Augustus, Nathan's father, knows what he was in the past and his past achievements. A past he wished he could forget but kept getting reminded of every time, and the Emperor knows about this and decided to use this information against Collin.

Collin wanted to kill him on the spot, and he could do it despite the Emperor having a Double S-Class Blood manipulation ability. But if he kills the Emperor, there would be a war and he would no longer have the peaceful life he wishes for.

Also, he owes someone, he can use this as an opportunity to repay what he owes.

He was already enrolled in an academy, on a scholarship given to him by the emperor and in his first year, so it was difficult being the bodyguard of a sixteen-year-old high school boy in his first year, especially one that keeps getting into trouble because he keeps getting into fights like any normal rebellious teenager.

The amount of time Collin had to sacrifice his weekends to go to the place Nathan went to get him out of trouble. Sometimes he'd have to fight gangsters, some people who his highness offended, or people who wanted to assassinate him.

The job was not easy. But at least he got to do it in style. Crossdressing has never been more fun. It's hilarious to see those guys try to flirt with him, thinking he is a girl; heck, even the little prince he was meant to protect thought he was a girl, it was fun teasing him. He also learned a lot of things, like how to wear a corset, how expensive female clothing can be, how to walk on heels, and most importantly, how to do makeup.

And he has to say he has never looked prettier.

When Collin entered his third year of high school. The Emperor, his sponsor decided to punish Nathan for his wrong acts by letting him live like a normal person by living with Collin. Everyone knew that Nathan was the troublesome second prince of the empire, but that doesn't change the fact that people keep falling for him. And there's one other thing that Collin knows about Nathan, was that Nathan is the worst roommate ever. He doesn't clean, he doesn't do his laundry, and he keeps bringing different people to his apartment.

Collin snapped and felt like he'd had enough. He and Nathan argued in school, and then it escalated into a fight. They ended up damaging the school's property and getting suspended for a month. Collin had a few bruises, but Nathan got away with a dislocated arm and a cracked rib.

After that suspension, Nathan had already learned not to anger his roommate. His fragile-looking, gentle roommate is stronger than he looks. He estimated that Collin's strength is either a double S-class like he is, or higher, because throughout the entire fight he didn't use his ability, so he decided to try to get along with Collin, and they became frenemies of some sort. They can be best friends today, and the next day they will be at each other's throats like animals.

But there is one thing on which everyone at the academy could agree: Collin and Nathan were the most troublesome duo the Silver Meadow Academy has ever seen.
