
Code Replicant: Elite Classroom

Meet Takeshi Kasugano a 16 year old teenage boy who seemingly had nothing going for him apart from his devilishly charming looks but in all other aspects seems to be completely average, so when someone this worthless somehow gets accepted into an elite school for training heros question marks start flying everywhere, but what if it's all a facade put up by him to hide his true capabilities, in reality Takeshi is the Test Experimentation Subject and one of the living 12 out of 22 subject for the creation of the perfect human of the creation room he is known as their masterpiece and most perfect creation Number 9 but escapes the creation room with the help of his greatly unrivaled and unmatched intelligence as well as his physical prowess in all forms if traditional martial arts. follow Takeshi as he navigates through his new life as an ordinary highschool student or so he expected.

Sammy_Bel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Chapter 1: New beginnings at The Gardenian Advanced Training Academy

Twenty Years ago There was a huge up scaled battle between good and evil in the Country of Gardenia , to combat the situation at hand an elite group of super heros known as the Hero force had banded together to defeat the villains after two long years of battle the hero force finally won to make sure that such a thing would never happen again and to insure the protection of the country Incase An elite school was founded by the Hero force and the Gardenian government known as the Gardenian Advanced Training Academy till know the school still stands where it search's for children with unique powers or combat abilities and prowess in the hopes of training them to become the country and the world's future heros


After reading the pamphlet and the origin of how the school had come about a young boy who seemed to be about 16 or 17 years old had sluggishly put it into his backpack and zipped it, the young boy in question had Silky long raven black hair that stopped at his mid back length (surprisingly long for a guy), and Sparkling light icey crystal blue eyes that seemed to be able to capture the souls of anyone who he looked at, he hand long curly lashes , ruby red lips, a chiseled well defined and sculpted face and had almond shaped eyes giving him that sleepy eyed look. broad shoulders and a well toned lean body perfect for a fighter, he was dressed in an all black school uniform with a black tie judging from his attire and the crest of a rose garden on the left side of his chest one could tell that he was a student at the elite Gardenian Advanced Training Academy, the Black uniform complimented with his black hair and blue eyes and made his already pale skin even paler giving him that look of an ethereal vampire. He calmly looked down at his wrist watch to check the time seeing he was about to be late for his first day of school his eyes nearly popped from there eye holes as he bolted like the wind in an attempt to make it on time, lucky he made it in time a three minutes before the bell had rang for the gatherings to welcome the new students, although he ran a few blocks he still seemed normal he wasn't panting heavily or anything not even sweating, the only thing that could signify his sprint just know was his messy hair that made him look even more attractive know without paying much attention to his hair cause he felt it looked better that way walked into the his assigned classroom

A/N: The thing about this school is that they didn't make classes based on A-D instead all in the same year would be in the same class but split into groups of five as a hero team of course.

(Back to story)

immediately he stepped foot into the room the once noisy room became quite almost instantly everyone especially the girls were captivated by his looks , him not paying much attention to the gaugers since he was obviously used to such stares of admiration calmly and slowly walked to his assigned seat which lucky for him was at the back of the class.fishing out a book from his back and started reading it, immediately as soon as he sat down two cute and beautiful girls strutted into the class one with light Silky pink hair reaching her shoulders and violet colored eyes giving her that cute girl look and the other with snow white hair reaching her waist length and smokey grey eyes giving her that cool beauty look, both girls had pale skin and we're about the same height had good figures and robust breast and tight ass cheeks

with how short and reveling the school uniform skirts were it really left little to the imagination they were a site for the boys , the girls paying no attention simply looked around then randomly sat where they wanted together coincidentally they both sat at either sides of the handsome boy with blue eyes and black hair, the pink haired girl being a friendly type looked at the boy and taped his shoulder trying to get his attention, being momentarily disturbed from his peace looked up from the book he was reading and looked at looked at her questionably with his long thick right eyebrow raised elegantly giving her his full attention and asked her with one word "Yes?", the girl soon finds herself momentarily zoned out from his looks and voice but quickly snaps out of it, "hi my name's Amelia Rionen nice to meet you" she says cheerfully while extending her handed for a hand shake seeing the girl introducing herself and extended hand he complied and introduced himself as well "I'm Takeshi Kasugano, a pleasure to meet you he said then extended his hand to give her a light hand shake feeling her soft hand before retracting it. she felt a little sad feeling his big cold and leave her touch but only for a split second before turning her head to her friend at the other side of Takeshi's seat then said "hey Ciara why don't you introduce yourself" she said with a cute grin that made every boy in the class feeling even more attracted towards her all except Takeshi, normally Amelia was a kind of girl that any normal guy would fall head over heals for unfortunately Takeshi was no normal guy and didn't give two shits about woman but he did find them somewhat attractive, hearing what Amelia said Takeshi Turned his head to face Ciara , Ciara on the other hand steered daggers at her friend before composing herself hoping to get this over with then said while looking at Takeshi "Hello I'm Ciara Gardenia, I'm the last born princess of the Gardenian royal family"she said looking bored especting him to start fawning over her just like the others after finding out her identity, but instead got an expressionless face from him as he calmly said "oh , ok I'm Takeshi" with a stoic expression then went back to his book while thinking to himself (from the look in her eyes I'm guessing she expected me to try to get close to her like the others I presume. Felling intrigued by this guy Ciara wanted to ask him a question but right as she was about to tap him a man broke right into the ceiling and landed on the ground with perfect precision while scanning the room then said "Hello everyone I'm Jake Paul but you guys can call me Mr. Paul and I'll be your form teacher for the rest of the school year" he said the briefly paused before he continued "welcome to your new beginnings at The Gardenian Advanced Training Academy ".