
Code of the Guardians: Tale of the Saint.

I should have seen it. I should have calculated it all and seen this. I am a guardian, so i should have seen this. Her. Why she was born now, after all this time. Them. My guardians. i should have known the endgame was this. I should have paid more attention. Or rather, i should have not included them in this mess.

Omega_Bound · Fantasy
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46 Chs

forty five

What the heck is that?

The hole, as my energy filled it turned into a small hole that looked barely like an arrow wound. The same one i saw on Kiara's chest the day she died.

'Shay, Ava, can you tell me what this is?' I asked in my head as i showed them my memory.

'What is that?' They both asked.

'It's Tiyane's heart.'

'We can't see anything.'

'It's her energy body.' I said as i projected the energy body side by side to her physical one. Below the two images, i showed the images overlapping.

The energy body vision was a vision of a person's figure. But instead of the body having skin and organs, it showed various coloured light for organs. The colours of the organs ranged from red to white like stars. The colour represented the amount of energy the organ both consumed and produced.

The overall colour of the person was normally shades of red. Most animals and beast were the same colour especially if they were from the same world.

The body also pulsed, like the organs did. But while the organ pulses interacted, sometimes cancelling one anothers pulse to form the outline of one organ and made its glow different, the body's overall pulse was different. The waves pulsed interacted with the world's pulse but instead of busting outward further in waves form, the world smoothered the pulse and almost stopped it whilst shaping the body. Like the person was underwater.

The parts of the pulse that escaped the smoothering of the world energy was in the form of small rays. The rays which i could see in another way or feel.

The physical form was just an energy vision varient. One could say it was almost the same. It was in a simplified form like those chart that schools use to show the central nervous and circulatory system. The only minor difference, every organ outline was there. From bone to muscles to veins even capillaries were there. It was incredibly convoluted.

Fusing them together highlighed the organs and coloured the skin a see through pinkish colour. The rays were there but they made the body glow. Or in her case, it gave her an aura of golden rays.

It was okay when used on a person or an animal.

On a guardian it was the worst thing second only to watching the point were an arc welder was welding without any eye protection.

'Thatis how you see things?' Ava and Shay asked almost at the same time.

'Yes, don't you? Isn't it why every guardian is a great doctor?'

'No. I have to use a spell for that.'

'Oh.' I guess that is part of the things all me. 'Anyway what is this?' I highlighted the hole in the three images, even showing it to them from various angles.

The hole was a few centimeters long, it was in the wall between chambers of her heart. But it didn't extend out of her heart in any direction.

'Oh this is how you saw Lucy naked last year.'

'We'll think abo... that might be why she has a weak heart. But the last time it wasn't like that.'

'Let's meet in an hour.' I cut the conversation short before it seemed as though i was spacing out. But not before i could her my sister growl; 'That asshole!'

"Close your eyes."

I sighed as I enjoyed the physical contact for a second before I connected with the world energy and flowed with it and her to the farm.

It took just a blink and we were there in the middle of a corn field.

"You can open your eyes now." I told her but she didn't move. Her body was still alive and active, but she didnt respond to me.

"Tiyane?" I turned her around but she looked at me with scared eye. Her cute eyes were wide open. Her forehead skin folded in themost terrified face I've ever seen. And I've seen people see the world lot ablaze and continents rising from the ocean.

But her eyes...

They looked different.

They were back to being a cascading rainbow. I looked into them, like I've looked into them a thousand times but felt the world give way below my feet.

"Khumat," she called as she sat in front of me.

"What?" I asked as i looked up from the necklace i was assembling from various metal pieces and gems. The pieces of gold and adamant were cresent shaped whilst a white gem that glowed moon white was almost a half of a heart floated in mid air between my hands. Another clear gem was at my feet and a sieve like black metal strip laid in between the clear gem and a metallic like liquid that was blue in colour.

"Let's get married."

"Mmm, Okay." I put the pieces away and looked at her in the mesmerizing eyes. "But why me? Didn't you want to marry that asshole or something?"

"What asshole?"

"The one who made you wait. The other half of you."

She burst out into a silvery laugh that made the grass and plants around grow fast as usual.

"What? Did I say something funny again?"

"No. Were you jealous?" She got an inch from my face and made it hard for me too look at her.

"I... No." I shook my head.

"Stop lying or I'll kiss you."

"I was sad and i was angry and i wanted to steal you. Now kiss me."

She laughed again before she kissed me. "That's being jealous silly."

"No it's not. I was going to do everything i can to make you mine. Or i was going to find him and kick his ass."

"You don't love me." She pulled away and got up whilst sulking.

"Let's get married." I shot up and hugged her.

"Why? You dont love me. You should go marry someone you love."

"Ok. I will." I grabbed her and the scene changed. I was with her next to some old coots who prayed to Khonsu, my old name and Geb, the great mother to bless out wedding.

The words of the old man didn't make sense but neither did the wedding attire i wore.

But her smile as she looked at me did the magic that made me love everything. The paints i always found messy made her appear even more beautiful than anything.

But what is this?

My heart tore like someone grabbed it and squeezed it out of my chest.

Tears tolled down my cheeks as the starry sky vanished as a rain shower slowly fell.

"James, you okay?" She asked me as she held me. "Why are you..? Where does it hurt?"

"I'm water, earth, light and order while dad says he's fire, air, void and chaos. If you bring them altogether you make life. So I'm gonna have this many kids with him!" A childish voice that reminded me of my youger sister crawled into my head as the pain intensified. The face popped up into my head. The rainbow eyes, the tiny little nose and cute smile with dimpled cheeks.

The very same face that now overlapped with Tiyane's.

"Mu'ut." The name crawled out of my mouth an instant before lightning flashed and Tiyane jumped on me with a yelp.

I blinked the two of us to my bedroom at the college.

"I'm okay." I said stepping back from her. I detached from my body and sat on the bed and examined myself from head to toe. My body was still the same way it was a year ago.

It still looked like a stars were forcefully merged together and the gravity of the back hole in my chest was pulling them all in.

The cracks from fighting the nameless were still there but they were smaller than the last time i checked myself.

"See?" I smiled at her with my arms open. "But are you okay?"

"I need to go think." She said as she too stepped back. Tears showed on her face and fear was slowly creeping up on her.


She walked to the door but i stopped her.

"Tiyane, I'm sorry I made you miss dinner, is there something you want to eat or should I order you anything."

"It's okay."

She left.

"That was cold. But are you okay?" Avalendra asked as she appeared behind me.

"I'm o..." she ignored my words and inspected me all over like i was a kid. "What are you doing here?"

"Shay felt your pain and almost lost conciousness because of it and there is a cyclone forming because of you. Again."

"I'm sorry but..."

"Are you okay?"


"Good. Tell me what's wrong."

"I just said I'm okay."

"Do you think I'm stupid? I've been with you for seven thousand years so I know you always omit things, split yourself to create an alliby just to manipulate someone somewhere. I know you always dissappeare and make new worlds at your little island and that right now you've been making a biome for Olivia and a world for Andre Luana where she can decide what to let live. So don't give me the usual bullshit, what is wrong with you?"

Shay, that...!

"Nothing, I just..."

"That the fourth time you made a cyclone just by your emotions alone. And the fifteenth time you almost erupted this year alone. So don't tell me nothing." Her eyes lit and i felt every lie I had in my head dissolve.

Damn. Why do I always forget she is the enforcer of the code?

"It must be something the nameless did to me during our fight."

"What do you mean?" She scanned me again this time looked at my heart.

"I've been having hallucinations lately. Sometimes they feel so real like they are something I've lived before."


"Like... did i ever get married?" I asked her just to see her energy spike before it went back to usual. "I just had a vision of me getting married to someone to someone who looks like Tiyane. yet, the setting of the wedding and everything was seemed to be around the age when Egypt was still not united and I was called Khonsu."

""I dont know, probably you did." She looked away as the spike happened again. "If i wasn't around you nor Gammad there, you could have eloped. We all know how you loved chasing skirts around."

"yeah, probably."

"Maybe Medusa married you. we both know you loved her and when you made Jason kill you, you became crazy enough to attack Olympus."

Guardians can't lie. Yet she was... I ignored the lies she was sprouting and dwelt into my heart.

"What about someone with rainbow eyes. Probably like those of a phoenix. Did i know her?"

"I don't know." She sat down and looked in front of her. "Should i be worried about you?"

"No." I said as i sat next to her. "But can we have dinner together as a proper family without old lady Gaga forcing us to?"

"I'll call the others. Or rather, why cant you open a mind link with everyone and envite them? It's one of your duties."

"I hate mind links."

"Yet you have one with Shay that even bypasses the rules of space."

"She's always afraid."

"Guess she's your new daughter now."

"I'm just watching over her."

"She needs to leave before her timeline resumes."

"I know. I'll ask the elders..."

"No, after the fiasco you pulled last time?"

"I won't try to beat any of the elders again. Nor let my hate for those assholes take over."

"Yeah, and i have a better chance of finding Uriel or Artemis' grave or finding a unicorn near a pot of gold at the end of rainbow."

"You can find those in my island."

"Yeah right. Go get your girlfriend a meal, I'll calm her down before i leave. Don't screw up and date so i can finaly have a baby."

"How is me not dating preventing you from having a child?"

"You're still a baby. You'll learn when you're old enough." She vanished as she had come whilst I went out to get something for Tiyane. Ava's behaviour puzzled me a bit and made me a bit bothered.

I knew being manipulative came with both blood and job but something seened off. If i wber got married or knew someone with rainbow eyes, why would she never tell me? Was it part of the century I forgot?

I wondered.