
Code Name: Yoshi

In a world where Yoshi, a sheltered 19-year-old boy with an extreme sensitivity to sunlight, yearns to experience the warmth of the sun, his renowned scientist father devises an innovative solution. Recognizing his son's desire, he creates a groundbreaking virtual reality (VR) company dedicated to crafting a safe and immersive VR experience. After tireless efforts, Yoshi's father presents him with the ultimate birthday gift on his 20th birthday: a state-of-the-art full-dive VR capsule and an astonishingly realistic virtual reality massively multiplayer online role-playing game (VRMMORPG). With this gift, Yoshi's long-awaited dream of basking in the sun becomes within his reach, transforming his life forever.

Sleepless_Panda · Games
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16 Chs

Chapter 5 - Change Class

Achievements are a big part of Second Life Online or SLO. They contribute a lot to the players' growth. Each achievement gives out status points, and even skills depending on its rank.

Common, rare, unique, and legendary, these four are the ranks of the achievements that the players are able to obtain. As the rank gets higher, the rewards it gives out goes up.

Yoshi, who had just finished fighting with the one-horned rabbits, just laid down on the ground and closed his eyes. He remembered that he had received a notification earlier. He opened his eyes and saw a screen.

[You have obtained an achievement]

He pressed the screen and another screen appeared.

[One-horned rabbit killer - Rare

You who have massacred a herd of one-horned rabbits alone deserves to be praised. You are the first one to have obtained this title.

Reward: All stats + 10]

After reading, he then closed the achievements screen and opened his status screen to check if his status did really go up.


Level: 7

HP: 130/130

MP: 75/75

EXP: 0/300

SP: 40

STR: 30

INT: 10

AGI: 25

DEX: 10

MEN: 10


Passive skills

Lvl 1. Persistent Runner

Active skills

Lvl 1. Heavy strike


Head - None

Armor - Beginner shirt

Pants - Beginner long pant

Boots - Beginner sandals

Weapon - None

After inspecting his status, it really did go up just like the achievements screen said. Looking at his status screen, he felt proud of what he had just achieved.

He finally stood up, and checked the items that were dropped. He went to all the places where the one-horned rabbits had died and picked up all the items and placed them in his inventory.

After he had collected them all up, he opened his inventory screen and checked his loot.


14 One-horned rabbit's mana stone

18 One-horned rabbit's hide

21 One-horned rabbit's horn

12 One-horned rabbit's meat

1 Horned rabbit's ring]

Yoshi brought out the ring and inspected it.

[Horned Rabbit's ring - Rare)

Restriction: Lvl 7 and above

Stats: Agi + 10

Dex + 10

He read the item's description and a grin on his face emerged, "For the hard battle I had just faced, a good item should just have dropped."

He equipped the ring and his status was once more upgraded.


I had just remembered that I went out to look for Lynch but then because of an incident I completely forggoten about him. I quickly ran back to the place as fast as I could. As I was getting close I heard someone calling my name.


I was looking for the one who was calling me and it was Lynch. He waved his hands to me and I approached him.

"What took you so long?" He asked.

I scratched the back of my head. I explained to him everything that had happened to me. And we both laugh it off. And as we talked we started heading back to the village.

Lynch said with a surprise look, "I was even having a hard time facing 1 rabbit alone. How did you face 11 of them? That's so cool."

"It was actually very difficult, I could have died, and you would have been waiting at the same place for hours if that really happened."

"Well, I'm glad that you're okay."


After a 10 minute walk from the field we had hunted, we had finally reached the village. Lynch wanted to go immediately to the class changing church as he was excited about it. But, I suggested that we should go sell out the loots we have each collected.

Lynch said, "We should go to a merchant store then. Follow me!"


It took 5 minutes to walk from the village gate to the merchant store. The building was also close to the square where most of the important stores and the establishments are. And it was also located at the main road for easy access.

I pushed the door and we both went inside the store.

Looking at it from outside of the store, you'd think that it is a small and cramped store. But, after entering you'll see a very nice, spacious, and organized place. There are a lot of cabinets, tables, and a lot of different things from swords, books, fruits, and many more.

And standing on the other side of the room is a man who seems to be the owner. Lych was looking at the items that were being displayed while I approached the man and talked to him.

"Hi, I and my friend over there would like to sell our stuff."

The man looked at me from head to toe and he said uninterested, "Just put them on the table."

I was disappointed by how he handled his customers but then I was really planning on selling my useless items. So I placed the one-horned rabbit's dropped items except for the ring and mana stones.

When he looked at the quality I had placed on the table, the face of the merchant had changed. His attitude had turned 180 degrees.

The merchant talked in the most respectful way, "Dear customer had hunted quite a lot of one-horned rabbits. Ummm… I would buy all of these for 150 gold coins."

"150 gold coins!" Lynch at the other side of the store shouted to the merchant.

The merchant and I were surprised. Lynch approached the merchant.

"With all these, 150 gold coins would be a scam!" Lynch yelled.

Cold sweat fell down on the merchant's forehead, "Of course not dear customer. As a lot of people have been selling items like this, the prices have sharply dropped."

I slapped my hand on the table hard and a loud sound resounded in the room.

"400" and I raised my hand with four fingers.

"Dear customer, that's illegal."


"I can't just sell it at that price."

"380 gold coins. Take it or leave it."

The merchant hesitated, "Ummm… I really can't."

"Okay then, I'll sell it at a different store." I placed my hand on the items.

"STOP! I'll take it. 380 gold coins for all of these."

A smirk emerged on my face, "Add 20 gold coins more for scamming us in the first place and for pissing me off."

A notification appeared.

[A skill has been learned]

I checked the skill that I had just learned.

[Lvl 1. Haggling

Haggling is a great talent for those who want to grow up to be a scammer. There is a 10% chance of success that your negotiation would be successful.]

The merchant was speechless. In the end, he bought all the items for 400 gold coins total. Then Lynch also sold his items and we went out of the store.


After a fruitful time in the merchant store, we finally went to the class changing church to complete our quest and to finally pick our classes.

The church was located near the square, so we only walked for a little while and we had arrived at the place. The building was huge but it was a plain colored building. It was only painted in white color.

We finally went inside and the interior was majestic looking.

The church was filled with players inside. It was to be expected though, as this is the first day of the official release of the game.

After arriving at the place a clergyman who has a white long hair that hides his eyes approached us.

"I welcome you to the church. Are you perhaps here to get your classes?" He asked.

I and Lynch simply nodded and he instructed us to follow him.

After a while of walking, we were in front of a room.

"Inside is a small, enclosed, and soundproof room." he said, "Do you have your mana stones to offer?"

"Yes." I and Lynch replied.

"Great! After you enter the room, you will see a statue that has holes and a book in front of it. Before praying onto the Goddess you'll have to do a ritual first. You'll place each mana stone on each holes, after that, the statue will glow, open the book and read out what's written in it." He instructed us as loud and clear, "I hope the Goddess would listen to your prayers. May the light be with you." He bowed his head and he left.

I looked at Lynch, "I guess this is a goodbye for now?"

"Yeah." Lych replied.

I waved my hand, "See you later."

Then I faced the door, and pushed it to open. As it was open, I saw a dark room. As soon as I went inside the door closed itself and the room brightened.

The room is really very small. The size is like that of a tatami mat.

As the clergyman told us earlier, a statue of the Goddess and a book is in the room. I approached the statue and as I stared at it closely, the face looked familiar.

"Ahh! The woman I saw at the character creation." I said loudly as I remembered the familiar face, "So she was a Goddess."

"Right, I have to do the ritual."

I brought out 7 mana stones from my inventory and placed them one by one on the holes on the statue. As I placed the last one of the mana stone, the statue glowed brightly. I quickly opened the book and the next thing I knew, my body moved on its own.

The system took over my body. As I looked at the open book, I couldn't read a single thing. So it's a good thing that the system did the work.

My mouth started saying words that I don't know.

"Πάτερ ἡμῶν ὁ ἐν τοῖς οὐρανοῖς·ἁγιασθήτω τὸ ὄνομά σου·ἐλθέτω ἡ βασιλεία σου."

As soon as my mouth had finished talking, my vision darkened. The next thing I knew, I was teleported to the very first place that I was as I started playing the game. The place where I was able to create my character.