
Code Name: Argonaut!

Just a nobody that died got some wishes and livin' that OPMC life I DO NOT OWN DC just my OC This is an AU so things will be different from the original storyline. May or may not be a harem probably not but there will be a love interest! First time writing so things will probably be messed up but oh well I wanna give it a go!!

lawless_last6969 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


"So this is the void.." I say aloud listening to the echo of my voice in the large white expanse of nothingness.

"Indeed my child.. you see you have died." A strong but soothing voice sounded around me seemingly coming from every direction at once. "Fear not though boy you shall live again!" He says.

'That's right I was crushed under that building when my construction crew hit a gas mane.. well shit what a painful way to go..' I think remembering how I came to be in this place. "Okay what do I gotta do?" I ask into the void.

"Where you will be reincarnated has be decided to an extent.. you will be going to one of the many DC universes, I will let you decide which one, then you will have 4 wishes." The godly being said.

'Okay let me think… that's a rough universe to go to.. just to survive I'm going to have to make myself OP as fuck.. perhaps.. that show was kick ass and there's a relatively mindless body there for me to occupy so I wouldn't have to go through birth and all that again.. okay I can make this work.' I think to myself going over several options before coming to a decision.

"First will I be able to keep my memories without making it a wish?" I ask.

"Of course! I don't do the whole mind wiping thing and since this universe will be yours only you don't have to worry about other reincarnated people showing up!" The being tells me.

'That eases my mind a ton!' "Okay I want to go to the Young Justice DC universe!" I tell the god.

"Hhmm good choice relatively safe and with the body you were thinking of you'd be near invincible! Very well let's have the wishes!!" He says, his almost excited voice booming through the void.

"First: I want to take over the body of Match, the full kryptonian clone of superman/ older brother to Conner (Con-El), but I would like to alter him a bit." I tell him.

"Tell me what you wish to change, hehe, this is getting good." He voiced excitedly shaking the void when he spoke.

"Instead of being completely kryptonian, I would like to be created from both the DNA of Superman, and the DNA from Wonder Woman. Having none of the weaknesses of a kryptonian while having a touch of divinity from grandpa Zeus." I request and hold my breath for his answer.

"Granted!" The being boomed again.

"Second: I want regeneration and reactive adaptation abilities from doomsday!" I state, 'hopefully that'll give me more of an edge'

"It will be done!" He booms again

"Third: I want to be proficient in magic! I don't want to have to chant or anything like that. We'll just say it comes from the divinity from Wonder Woman's DNA."

"Sure why not, haha, but really overkill but it's your afterlife kid." He booms again.

"Finally: I don't want anyone to ever be able to get into my mind unless I give them permission and I control what they see so they never have access to my past life memories!" I say hoping this wish is acceptable. 'I don't want Miss Martian or the Martian Man-hunter to have access to my thoughts and what little knowledge I have of this universe. I mean I only saw the first season.."

"Granted! You will wake up when Superboy goes back to Cadmus and finds you like in the story!" He says. "Do you want to alter his looks any?" He asks.

"Can you make me look like Jason, Wonder Woman's twin from prime earth, but with Superman's crystalline blue eyes? And maybe can you put me in His amazonian style armor with maybe the Superman shield as a belt buckle, and all of it is like Superman Prime's armor storing yellow son radiation and rapidly dispersing the energy into my cells, maybe not as extreme as Prime's though?" I ask. "I still want Conner to recognize me as family."

" Done! Good luck my boy! Enjoy your new life! And remember to train your abilities! You'll have basic instinctual know how of your abilities but you must perfect them! I'll be watching entertain me!" The being booms again before I find myself slipping away into darkness.


Sometime Later:

'Fuck that was trippy' I think as my eyes slowly flutter open.

Taking in my surroundings it looks pretty much the same as it did in the show. And standing in front of me I see him. Fucking. Superboy. 'Fuck me it wasn't a dream at all.' I muse staring at mini supes.

"Hi, guess we're brothers or something like that.. do you understand me?" He asks

"Y-yes.." I try to speak but this body has never spoken before so it takes my reactive adaptive ability a moment to get over all the rush of sensations. All the sounds of the world and looking through everything plus the rush of power running through every fiber of my being. It's not as painful as I expected but it did catch me off guard before I tampered the rush down enough to get back into character. 'Can't let him know that I'm 100% off the bat.. it wouldn't make any sense considering this is the 1st time I'm suppose to have any kind of consciousness.' I think. "Who- who am I?" I ask

"That's a long story brother. One I will tell you when we get you out of here.. for now I'll give you an earth name like mine. I'm Conner Kent, and you your name is Jason Prince Kent.. you'll understand later we gotta go." He says about to turn and burst through the door.

"Wait! Are we under ground?" I ask already knowing the answer

"Yes pretty far under too we gotta get to the lift and go up and get out of here before we're captured!" He says with a sense of urgency.

"Is this place important to us? Sentimentally or anything?" I ask and I can see his growing irritation.


"Good.." I say before grabbing him by the arm before I start getting ready. I can feel the way gravity just moves out of my way and the way my body feels like I could just lift off of the ground and control every aspect of it. I bend my knees before…

*swoosh* *crash*

I took off flying through the ceiling and the many floors, up and up and finally through the top of the building into the night sky.


Superboy POV:

'After all this I finally feel a genuine connection to someone other that M'gann. Code Name: Argonaut! That was what was in the system when I tried to release him, before just ripping the door to his pod off. But we're in a hurry and he keeps asking questions.. he better not get us cau…' my thoughts are interrupted when he grabs my arm.

Suddenly I can feel the air and everything around us change. Very differently from when I jump great distances, this feels like there's nothing holding us to the ground anymore. Then in flash we're flying and crashing through ceilings.

'He- he can fly.. but I can't fly.. what's different? Is it because of Dianna's DNA? And how is he talking to me? That voice from before told me Argonaut only knew blind rage. They kept him on ice in case of an emergency and they couldn't destroy him thanks to his physiology. What were they gonna do just aim him at Superman and hope for the best?' I think trying to come up with an explanation for all the things just not adding up in my mind.

{he is mix of your father Superman's DNA and his mother Wonder Woman's DNA, this is why I told you to name him Jason Prince Kent, instead of following the CK naming tradition you seem to have come under. You are half kryptonian and half human. Given time your own abilities may evolve to the level of his and Superman's. Until then you must watch out for him he has never shown sentience until today despite being your older brother. You must protect each other and then maybe one day you can help the rest of us genomorphs. Until then} said the voice in my head that practically led me straight to Chris.

'Normally this would frustrate me or upset me that I'm left behind and not as strong as him but if I'm being honest. I have family now, I'm not alone in this world anymore, so I'll live with it.' I think to myself as we blast through the roof of Cadmus into the night air.


(A/N: will be referring to mc as Jason from here on)

Jason's POV:

'Now the real fun can begin!' I think as I look into the distance with my enhanced eye sight and see dear ol' mom and dad coming to visit the kiddos. That's right Superman and Wonder Woman are flying towards me and I can hear the sound of jet engines flying our way. 'Gotta be Batman.'

"Guess you're gonna get to meet the folks" Conner says to me as I land us on a roof top a few buildings away.

"Guess so. I think there's more company coming as well.. I can hear 6 more heart beats coming from behind us." I tell him and he shifts to press his back to mine in case its a threat. Not like anyone could really harm me but the gesture actually does touch me and now I'm even more proud to have him as a brother. "We face all this together! Get ready brother!" I tell him excitedly. My battle instincts are raging in preparation of a maybe fight.