
Code: Infinity (Rewrite Out)

Ryo was a researcher but due ue to a stupid experiment, he created a black hole that destroyed everything. Ryo survived the explosion by sheer luck and was floating in the void when he found his newly gained power. As he was testing out his power, he found himself in front of an angry God... or a Demon? What will happen to him? Will he survive the harsh world? And how does he gain a system? Read the ff to know more about his future adventure! ========== The system only shows the status and will give mission and rewards... It's a harem ff. The final number of wives he will marry/love is not decided. The story has most of the time related to magic cultivation as power upgrading. Mc will be quite moody but will be truly neutral and he will not be horny to collect wifus. He will be possessive and protective of his wife but will not get in their way of development. But he will start his plans to kill all those who even try to flirt with them. He might even be a little psycho in this matter... He will not hesitate to do evil things for his gain. He will even destroy the plot for his plans and he will be a little prideful and arrogant but will always plan all his future works. (Not on the level of Gilgamesh or Aizen but he will be cautious as well as prideful) ======== Images used for reference are not my own. They belong to their respective owners. Hope you enjoy reading!

SR_2027 · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 17 - Reaching E-RANK and 18+ [LEMON] and new Eyes Upgrade


The middle part of the chapter contain 18+ content. You can skip it. The starting and the last part contains some important things.


~~(Time Skip, a month and a week after attending Highschool)~~

{Final count is two months and a week.}

(Ryo's POV)

A week ago, the timer for my punishment for not completing the missions was over. Now I'm back to the peak of my power that is F-Rank 9th stage. With my peak power, Nana's training was going full-fledged. She can now activate her Speed Force for half a minute. This caused a lot of trouble for me as after gaining the hand-to-hand combat techniques, Nana has more advantage of speed by a huge margin especially when she now she's F-Rank 3rd stage. This also is good for both of us as this also trained both of our reflexes.

Right now I'm almost done breakthrough to E-Rank! I'm a little excited to reach it as then I will be able to grow a lot stronger. It was late noon when I felt that I was going to break through.

As I was meditating, I felt my core shake a little. I can feel the core have some small cracks, I saw the crack spread all across the surface of the core that suddenly it caused a small imaginary blast. I felt a cold feeling wash over my body and I shuddered a little, then suddenly a pleasant feeling washed over my body. It was as if I was in heaven and my whole body was wrapped up in very soft marshmallows. It felt a little warm and good that I enjoyed the feeling and the aftertaste for a few minutes. I felt my mana reserve increasing by a huge margin as a new core formed the same place as the previous one. There was no big changes in it but now I can sense mana better and can even feel the magic particles in the air getting sucked in my Mana Core. I let out a little groan as I can feel some new skills inserted into my mind and felt a few changes in my body. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Nana worried-looking at me. She must have felt the huge mana spike caused by me during my breakthrough. I smiled at her and after reassuring her that I was fine, I read the new notifications given by the system.

[Congratulations, you gained a new skill [Sperm Control(Active): D-Rank]. Related to [King of Lust] skill]

[Congratulations, you gained skill [Lust Energy Manipulation(Passive): EX-RANK] Related to [King of Lust] skill]

[Congratulations, you gained skill [Healing Body & Fluids(Passive): C-RANK] Related to [King of Lust] skill]

[Congratulations, you gained skill [Boosted Talent(Passive): A-RANK] Related to [King of Lust] skill]

[Congratulations, you gained a new skill [Debuff Resistance (Passive): C-RANK] Related to [King of Lust] skill]

[Congratulations, you gained a new skill [Boosted Sexual Capabilities(Passive): A-->S-Rank] Related to [King of Lust] skill]

[Congratulations, you gained a new skill [Modified Reproductive Organ(Passive and): B-Rank] Related to [King of Lust] skill]

[Congratulations, you gained a new skill [Touch of the Lover--> Lovers Touch (Passive): S-->SS-Rank] Related to [King of Lust] skill]

[Congratulations, you gained a new skill [Minor Pleasure Control(Active): C-Rank] Related to [King of Lust] skill]

[Congratulations, you gained a new skill [Toxin Resistance(Passive): E-RANK] Related to [King of Lust] skill]

[Congratulations, you gained a new skill [Disease Resistance(Passive): E-RANK] Related to [King of Lust] skill]

[Congratulations, you gained [Perfect Body(Passive): B-Rank] Related to [King of Lust] skill]

[Congratulations, you gained[Minor Regeneration(Passive): D-Rank] Related to [King of Lust] skill]

{A/N: The true potential of King of Lust skill will come out as Ryo grows stronger and jumps a major Rank.}

[NOTICE! your skill [Intuition(Passive): E-Rank] have evolved into [Intution(Passive): (C)-Rank]]

'That's a lot...' ,There were a lot of new skills and I checked out the changes in my body and found out that my muscles were now more compact and my body has turned a little thinner than my usual buff body, it was as if most of my body was replaced with pink muscles. My height didn't change. Then my dick size also increased by a few centimeters, reaching an astonishing 7 inches. It was quite long and huge. Other than that I didn't feel anything new like mentioned that I am able to manipulate some 'Lust Energy'

As if feeling my spike in power, Nana, who was training while making mana weapon glazed her eyes over to me and came to me. After sensing my breakthrough, she smiled in happiness and quickly came to me and asked some questions about how it felt and if I felt something new, but I can feel some determination in her eyes. I don't know why, but since she opened her Magic Core, she was training and meditating almost all the time. I feel sad as she is not acting according to her age, having the same carefree aura as someone around her age group should have.

She had a growth spurt during the two months and is now 5'8 feet tall, has light purple eyes, and silver hair. Then she also have grown a few muscles, which increased her charm. Those muscles were not too visible but still have shown themselves. She was like Maki Oze from Fire Force! but without abs. She has grown up and now acts very serious all the time. I also practice my powers alongside her but she's just too hardworking while I go for shortcuts and develop new ways to use mana.

After coming to this world, she has been always serious and is always either training, meditating, or studying. I know that she wants to reach the same level as me and wants to be helpful to me but I want her to enjoy life a little... I quickly took her hand and after some little dance steps, gave her a hug as we were still spinning. She was confused by my actions but she just melted in my embrace.

I said softly, "Nana..." She lifted her head and tilted her head and asked in a confused tone, "Yes?" Her voice was soft and gentle, like a melody to my ears. 'She's soooo cuuuteee'

I had to control myself from rubbing my cheeks on hers due to her cuteness and asked, " Nana, although I don't think that we need any dates to know each other better, but would you like to go on a date tomorrow?" This cheered her a little and I can feel her becoming happy just from her looks. She smiled happily and leaned forward in her chest and replied, "I was waiting for so long for you to tell me that, you idiot." I smiled wryly as I had no romantic experience in both of my life. I didn't have any physical relationship, heck, I didn't have any romantic relationship with any women as all of them were only greedy and wanted to marry me either for my powers or for all my money and advantages that they might get after marrying me or even having my baby.

There were only two guys and one girl who was not like them, after any of my power or money. The guys were 3rd rankers and actually, we didn't know each other very much as they were very prideful of their powers and they should be. Their powers were very useful for future development.

As for the female, she was just like me, a 2nd rank mutant but with single power. We both met in our education center and were like each other, having the same personality and beliefs. We knew that we will get along just by glancing at each other. Soon we had become good friends but both of us were separated and she was sent to another district (actually is known as a country before having Central governorship) for experiments and our connection broke. She was always easygoing and was always precocious and we were like brother and sister and had helped each other out many times. These memories brought a little sadness alongside it.

{A/N: should I add another OC? She is a bit important for the future plot but I don't know if I should add her to the harem. I will at max add only have 5~7 harem members. The first one is Nana, then there is Kurumi, the next waifu will come after a few worlds and also 3 others are from Nasuverse... 6 are already decided}

{Next stop: S.A.O}

I suddenly felt a small pain around my side stomach. It was Nana pinching my skin as she was looking at me while pouting, "Were you thinking about any other girl?" her eyes narrowed a little.

'Is this what they call women's intuition?', I thought as I replied truthfully, "...Well, yes, I was thinking about an old friend. It was quite a good memories that we had with each other...". Suddenly it dawned to me that I haven't told her about my past life. 'What if I tell her about my mental age and cause it to damage our feelings?', A fearful thought entered my mind as I quickly thought about whether I should tell her about it. She tilted her head as she asked with a small frown, "Old friend? but you didn't even have any good conversation with any other girl? I'm very confused, who are you talking about?"

I clenched my teeth and decided to tell her the truth. Although I can tell her some excuses, it might cause cracks in our relationship in the future. I hugged her a little tighter as I soon started to tell her about my previous life, how I was adopted, trained alongside many others, grew up under strict supervision and tough education. Then how I was reborn as Ryo and met her.

After I ended my story, she had a small frown and I can feel my heartbeat faster due to nervousness. She just signed and while leaving my embrace, she turned around and circled her hands around my neck and touching her head with mine and looked deeply into my eyes, and said something that made me astonished, "Ryo, no matter what and how things are, you should always remember that I will always be with you and will support your every action. Even in our death or afterlife, I will not leave you."

This made my eyes go a little wide I laughed at my naive thought. I felt cringe as these things should be said by me to her and not the other way around. I gave her my best smile and gave her a French kiss. I took her tongue and sucked all her sweet nectar-like saliva. 'To the hell with the date. I don't want to wait anymore...'



___[LEMON START]____








(3rd POV)

{A/N: during this whole period, Ryo will have all the skills related to King Of Lust activated.}

As Ryo was kissing her, his hands started to stroke every inch of her body. After a few minutes, he broke the kiss as both of them felt a little suffocating.

"Haaah haaahh"

Ryo quickly princess carried her as she made a small yelp and walked toward the bedroom. After reaching the bedroom, he quickly placed Nana on the bed and kissed her as he lifted her chin with his palm. He licked her tongue softly and explored her mouth aggressively as he continued to suck her sweet saliva.

He continued to kiss her fiercely for a minute and then broke the kiss and was able to remove his clothes but suddenly Nana held his hand and tugged while asking, "Haaah haaahh, *gulping* I want more...". Nana felt like she was in heaven. She can't believe that he finally decided to have sex with her. She can feel her heartbeat faster as she felt good whenever he kissed her and move his hand all around her body.

Looking at her cute but bold actions, Ryo smiled and asked, "I can continue to kiss you for hours, my dear, but we still have to continue forward..."

Even after saying that he gave her another french kiss. After some more time kissing her, he thought, he softly apologized, "Nana... I am sorry to make you wait for so long..." Nana didn't let him continue and instantly started to tap kiss Ryo and said, "Don't apologize, I was waiting for you to make a move. haa hhaaa... I really want it, you know... I can't wait to be yours... haaa haaa... don't hesitate anymore, just fuck me as much as you want... Do anything you want with my body..."

Ryo was dumbfounded when he heard her talk so casually but chuckled as Nana blushed a little in shame. He then slowly started to descend little by little kissing every part of her body as he removed her clothes and said out loud.

"I am really an idiot to not make any moves. let me take care of you... I want everything. Not because you want to give me but because I want it myself. I want your every singe thing and mak them mine..." He then started to go down her body, all the while, kissing all over her body.

When he reached her boobs, he looked at her cute moderate developing boobs and watched her hard nipples and licked one with his mouth while his other hand started to massage it.

These actions make Nana moan loudly as she shiver in excitement as she grabbed the bedsheet and felt electricity flow through her body.

After licking her nipples and sucking them for some time, he continued to kiss her as he descended further and reached her nape, and was about to remove her shorts. He stopped and looked up toward her face. Both of their eyes met as Ryo saw her chest fall up and down due to fast breathing as he said, "Nana, I love you..."

Nana shred a few tears and wiped them off, she said with determination, "Wait... let me take the lead, I want to show you, my love... I can barely contain myself..." She stood up and made Ryo lay on the bed as she started to help him remove his clothes. Ryo saw the resolution in her eyes and decided to let her make moves.

She slowly took off his pants and with a lustful smile, removed his underwear. When she removed his underwear, her mouth opened up wide in astonishment when she saw his big hard cock. She gulped a little and although was a little scared of the size but was determined that today she will take his cock in her holes. She was a lot nervous as this was the first time she has seen a cock in real.

She moved her mouth slowly towards it and gave it a lick gently. When she licked it, she was surprised to find out the pleasant taste it had. After giving it a few licks, she looked at Ryo and as he watched, she opened her mouth seductively and took the entire of his cock in her mouth. This made Ryo moan out loud due to pleasure.


"Oh! mmh... haa"

Ryo felt more excited and started to shiver as he felt his cock go to heaven when he saw her looking at him as she gave him a blowjob. Nana continued to move her head and suck his delicious cock. This was her first time giving a blowjob and had zero experience but this didn't stop her as she did her best to give Ryo pleasure.

When he was feeling the pleasure of blowjob, Nana said something that made him almost cum.

While Nana was swallowing his cock, she said."Please give it to me! You can cum in my mouth, I will drink every single drop of it."

Ryo couldn't control himself as he moved her hair and helped her move faster. She didn't resist it and even made 'slurp' sounds which further excited him. This kind of stimulation was too much for him as this was his first time experiencing such pleasure in his life. His body shivered a little as he suddenly pushed her head a little deeper and held it as he started to release loads of his cum directly inside her throat.

"Mmhhhhh!! Ahhhh, TAKE IT ALL!!!"

Nana didn't hesitate to drink every single drop of his delicious cum as she felt pleasure instead of pain when he pushed his cock deep into her mouth.

'It's so delicious!! I want more! I read that the taste should be bitter but this is soo sweet!'

Nana tried her best to drink every single drop of it but still wasn't able to swallow all the load of cum Ryo had released especially when he reached E-RANK and his body was also upgraded due to King of Lust.

Nana coughed and choked when she had only drunk only more than half of his load. Ryo quickly took out his cock but as he took out his cock, his other half load quickly splashed over her body. This made Ryo excited again as he saw Nana covered in his cum.

Suppressing his excitement, he asked, "NANA! Are you Ok?" Nana just nodded as she ran her hands over all the white cum and eat them. He was a little concerned and said, "You shouldn't force yourself to do something like that..."

Nana gave him a lustful smile and laughed.

"I knew that after getting that skill, it would be fantastic... but it's too good! I love you soo much!!!"

Ryo also laughed in awkwardness as he didn't know what to do but he was happy as Nana felt good. "I love you too, Nana." Nana felt excited when she heard it and came towards him sensually and after hugging him, she bit his ear and said, "I'm only yours, all of me... for you... so... never! never! never! leave me like my parents..." He quickly kissed her and said seriously looking deep into her eyes, "Nana, I promise you that I will never abandon you. I am your and you are mine..."

He then gently placed her on the bed and started to kiss her body leaving small hickeys as he said, "I want to mark your body with my passion. Remember Nana, you are mine and mine only. Even in death, I will bring you back to life." He started from her collar bone, neck and finally reached her boobs. He was attracted to the sight of her moderate boobs and especially her small pink nipples. He took them in his hand and said, "They are so soft and fluffy that I want to squeeze and touch them all the time. I love their taste so much. I want to kiss and suck it non-stop...Every part of your body couldn't be more beautiful. And that's all belongs only to me and me only..."

This surprised Nana as she felt so happy and shy that her heart was beating so loudly that even the sound can be heard. He didn't wait any longer and started to give them wet kisses and suck them as she started to moan in delight as she started to produce wet juice from her pussy.

After some time, he had a sudden urge and tried to remove her panties but he was so excited that he directly tore them and spread her legs. "Now it's my turn to make you feel good." Without waiting for her response, he started sucking her pussy while drinking those delicious juices, which smelled so good. This action made her yelp in surprise as she instinctively closed her legs and grabbed the sheet due to the pleasure she felt.

He gently opened her legs and continued, "I want everything you have... even your love juices is mine..." This statement made her more excited as she started to produce more juices but she closed her eyes and grabbed the sheet, readying herself for another wave of pleasure.

This time Ryo didn't directly go to licking her pink lips instead started to kiss her inner thighs which he loves a lot. After kissing and teasing her, he slowly kissed his way to her pink flower and gave it a kiss. He loves the sweet taste. He felt like that the nectar was like a drug to him. He continued to move his tongue as Nana moaned due to all the pleasure she was feeling. He said...

"My love, you're so delicious ... I just want to eat you all entirely..."

Then he slowly and lovingly opened those pink inner walls of her sweet pussy. He was gentle but still enough to make Nana squirm with pleasure as she moaned loudly as her she almost cummed.


He started to gently lick all of her pussy, leaving almost no spot as if eating it up all entirely. He had almost no experience but his tongue made her squirt as she moaned loudly and her back arcked a little as she squirted. He delightfully drank every single drop that he could but still, a trail of love juice flowed through the side of his face.


He sucked all the remaining juice from her pussy as he started to tap kiss her lower lips as gently as he could. After kissing her lower lips a few times, he straighten his back as he asked, "Are you ready Nana?"

Nana smiled and spread her legs as she replied seductively, "I waited for too long... Give me please... give me your great meat staff. Fuck me so hard until I fall by pleasure, my love!" Nana had no experience with sexual things, but she had still done a lot of research with the net and many websites for the long-awaited day she could be sensual and sexy for Ryo.

Ryo tried his best to hold his lust and directly fuck her. He slowly rubbed the tip of his super-hard cock on her wet pussy.

"I'm going in."

He entered slowly with his cock's head slowly expanding her fragrant inner walls, who welcomed his big dick very well. He felt that warmth so welcoming, and it looked like her pussy was made especially to take his dick. So he kept going slowly until his dick reached something that slightly blocked it. He looked at Nana, just to see her nod with the most radiant smile he had ever seen on her so far.

He gently pushed his cock inside her as he broke her hymen, making a few drops of blood flow on the bed as his cock reached halfway through her pussy, finally stopping as it was too tight and she might get hurt. He looked at her again in worry, but this time, he saw tears and was startled, thinking that the pain could be too much for her.

When he tried to make his dick out of her pussy quickly, he failed because she was quicker to wrap her legs around his waist and attach them both. Before he could say anything, she spoke as lovingly as she could while wiping the tears with her hands.

"Don't move. These are the tears of joy... We finally connect with you..." This made Ryo smile and had to control his emotions as this was the first time feeling loved after so many years and he also didn't want to create an awkward situation. The news of his parents had made a wall around his heart that made him cautious of everyone. After many years, he finally felt such love that he wants to shower her with his everything.

He took a deep breath and waited for her to adjust to his dick as he started to give tap kiss to her. After waiting for a few more minutes, she tapped his shoulder indicating that she is ready. Ryo broke his kiss as he started to move his back slowly and pushed his cock back.

His swift motion made his cock directly reach deep inside her and hot her cervix, making her moan in delight as she twitched feeling more pleasure than pain. He didn't just start to move fast but moved slow and steadily, increasing the speed and force at which his cock meet every part of her pussy.

*Pah* *Pah* *Pah* *Pah*

In the start, she felt a little pain but soon enough, she felt more of pleasure than pain.

"AAHHH!!! SO GOOOD" Nana felt more and more pleasure every time she felt Ryo's cock reaching deep inside her, hitting her womb. She started to move her body more and more to hit her ass against his waist harder, making Ryo's cock reach her very bottom.

Ryo had to concentrate a lot as Nana's pussy was very tight and it gave him too much pleasure. He could feel his cock hitting deep inside her, hitting her exactly on her womb.

He was feeling that he was about to make her orgasm, so he quickly started to kiss her breasts which made her pussy squeeze his cock harder than before as she moaned louder and squirted, indicating that she just had an orgasm.

Her mind went blank for a second due to pleasure and her eyes lost focus due to how much good she was feeling. Looking at her state, his cock got even harder as he lifted her in a swift motion, making her sit on his lap as she was facing him. Nana yelped, "Wait!! I'm too sensitive!!" This made Ryo smirk as he said, "That's the best part of it!"

He quickly lifted her body and slammed her on his cock, making him slam his cock directly on her womb.

"AHHHHH!! I'm cummingggg!!!!"

Nana felt Ryo hit her deepest part, and as her pussy's muscles started to convulse while she had an incredible orgasm and literally screamed with pleasure... His actions actually made her cum just a few seconds after the previous one.

Ryo wanted to continue but when he saw her breathing heavily and drooling, and her body was almost lost power and he had to support her to stop her from falling down. He felt guilty and let her rest for a few minutes.

After some resting, Nana looked at him lustfully and said, "That was too amazing. Ryo, fuck me until I lose consciousness." She didn't wait for him and started to lift her body more and more to hit her ass against his waist harder, making Ryo's cock reach her very bottom.

Ryo started to kiss her as his hands quickly squeezed her ass and helped her move so that both of them feel good. He then started to kiss her boobs and play with her hard perky nipples. His actions made Nana feel so pleasurable that she moaned out loudly.

"Ahhhh... Ryo don't... not my nipples!!" Nana was already experiencing extreme pleasure, but when she felt his hands on her other nipples, she felt a shiver run through her body as her heart beat faster. It was just amazing...

Ryo loved Nana's cute reaction and wanted more of it. He used his other hand too, and hold one of her boobs while his other hand was helping him thrust his waist up in a synchronized way with her sitting movements.

"Who does your body belong to?" Ryo didn't stop kissing Nana's breasts as he stroked her other nipples and teased her with a sensual voice.

Nana found it difficult to speak while breathing as she was moaning loudly, but she also took pleasure in being teased by Ryo. "You... My body belongs only to you! My Ryo!!!!"

Ryo could only smile... her words exalted his possessive ego, and he couldn't hold his orgasm any longer. He wanted to mark the entire inside of the body that she claimed was only his...

He felt that he was about to cum, so he started to move faster as his cock was twitching wildly and hit her more deeply.

"IT'S COMING, RYOOOO!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH..." Nana felt his hit her deepest part, and the inner muscles of her pussy started to create a huge suction while she had an incredible orgasm and literally screamed with pleasure... Ryo felt her pussy squeeze his cock as it convulsed, and the part near the head of his cock increased the suction while producing an enormous amount of love juices... He quickly pushed his cock further, entering directly into her womb, and started to release loads of his cum inside her.

He didn't forget to use his powers to make sure that she doesn't get pregnant.

To finish, he even bit her hard nipple, making Nana her mind directly blanked out and her body almost went limp and she lost consciousness due to the pleasure she was feeling, and as she felt his hot milk fill her insides... She quickly hugged Ryo and locked her arms around his neck as she screamed in delight.

They hugged each other and breathed heavily due to pleasure. After some rest, he laid Nana on the bed and slowly removed his cock from her pussy. When his cock came out of her pussy, it made a 'pop' sound as loads of cum came running out of her pussy, overflowing from her womb. This made his semi-erect dick stand high again.

Nana quickly ran her fingers over the cum overflowing from her womb and looked at her hands covered in his cum happy but felt a little scared as she was not ready to have a child. Knowing her worry, Ryo assured her.

"Don't worry, I used my ability to make sure that you don't get pregnant. Even I am not ready to have a child."

This made Nana sign in relief. Then she suddenly saw his cock standing high and mighty again. Then an idea came to her mind as she gulped her saliva and move seductively, pushing Ryo on the bed, as she sat on his lower body and started to rub his erect rod on the entrance of her pussy and with a lustful smile, she directly pushed her body down and started to moan in delight due to pleasure.

This continued till late midnight when they fell asleep due to exhausting themselves.







_____[LEMON END]_____



Ryo was resting on the bed enjoying the aftertaste while Nana was sleeping soundly on his right side in his embrace.

(Ryo's POV)

That was too awesome. I didn't know that it was so pleasurable to have sex. I would have to control the pleasure generated when we were having sex or else, it will cause addiction to us. It's ok to have sex every day but I will have to adjust the pleasure at 0.5X almost. I almost lost my mind when I was cumming inside her.

A new thing that I felt is a new kind of energy that I am able to feel beside my mana. It was a lot denser and I am able to control this energy to increase anyone's stats for permanent. It was a good thing and almost like level up by fucking and I can use it to increase my speed so that I could cope up with Nana's speed. I decided to store the energy for future use as who knows what would happen in the future.

I can still feel my power increase as I broke through two minor ranks, reaching E-RANK 3rd stage as we had sex while Nana have have reached F-Rank 7 stage. I don't think that it will have the same effect as today as my King of Lust clearly stated that I was able to jump a few minor Ranks because we both were virgins. The next time we fuck each other, the effectiveness might not even be 1/50th of the first one. I then accepted the reward for helping Nana reach F-Rank 5th stage and the reward for reaching E-RANK.

[Congratulations, you gained 1000X Magic Crystals.]

[System Update in progress. The previous functions will work normally but you will not be able to accept new missions. The previously accepted missions will be still in continuity and you will be able to accept the rewards.

Time remaining till the update: 11mths, 1 weeks]

{Two week before Zombie Apocalypse}

[Congratulations, you gained a new item: [Skill Upgrade Card]]

[Skill Upgrade Card: Can upgrade a skill under S-Rank. Can upgrade the given skill by multiple times according to the type of skill chosen for upgrading.]

I was relieved as I found out that system functions were still working. Looks like I will have to schedule before doing anything related to system updates. Then I summoned the Skill Upgrade Card. It was a thin rectangular card. I gave some thoughts on which skill I should upgrade.

I poured some of my mana into it. It instantly started to glow and a few things entered my mind and I learned how to use it. I just have to put this card on my head while chanting 'update (Name) skill'. I quickly poured mana into it as I placed the card on my head as I thought, 'Upgrade skill [Eyes of Truth]. Although there are a lot of abilities and skills, I think that my Eyes will have the most versatile and flexible power. I think that at least I will get Byakugan of Hyuga Clan of Naruto at least. That will cover up all my weakness.'

Just as I instructed, suddenly I felt a lot of pain in my eyes, I had to close my eyes because of the pain. It was as if my eyes were melted off. I can feel some liquid flow out of my eyes and slide downward my cheeks. I slowly lifted my body, not disturbing Nana's sleep, and using my Mana Echolocation, I entered the bathroom. I quickly washed my eyes and tried to relieve myself from my pain. My actions didn't relieve my pain instead the pain started to grow.

I quickly gripped the side of the basin as I wailed due to the pain. The pain continued to grow more intense and I gripped the basin. I heard some creeks from basin. When I felt that I might faint due to pain, the pain suddenly vanished and I can feel some new knowledge in my brain. 'Shit! it was a very painful process. I'm never gonna upgrade my body parts unless it will be necessary.'

I slowly tried to open my eyes. When I opened my eyes, I was astonished to feel the difference. My eyesight has improved so much that I can say that I can see everything more detailed and slowly. It was as if I had activated my Eagle Eyes skill but there is something more wonderful. I can see my surroundings more vividly. It was a beautiful sight as I saw the air have rainbow color. I can see the rainbow-colored air absorb inside my chest, specifically a small imaginary sphere, my red muscles, and an overlapping purple body which was probably my soul. Yes, I can now see mana particles in the air, the Magic Core of my body, muscles of my body, and even my own soul...

"Wow..." I can only say this word while examining the new colorful world. I was a little astonished to see the whole area turn into something close to a fairyland.

[Congratulations, your eyes have evolved into [Eyes of God(Passive): Y-RANK]]

[Congratulations, you gained a new skill [Copycat (Passive): S-Rank]] {# Description at end}

[Congratulations, you gained a new skill [X-Ray Vision (Active): C-Rank]]

[Congratulations, you gained a new skill [Night Vision (Passive): C-Rank]]

[Congratulations, you gained a new skill [360 View (Passive): C-Rank]]

[Congratulations, you gained a new skill [Emotion Vision (Active): S-Rank]]

[Congratulations, you gained a new skill [Thermal Vision (Active): S-Rank]]

[Congratulations, you gained a new skill [Illusion Resistivity (Passive): A-Rank]]

[Congratulations, you gained a new skill [Vector Control Sight (Passive): ???-Rank] {Sealed}. ]

[Congratulations, you gained a new skill [Mana Sight (Passive): S-Rank]]

[Congratulations, you gained a new skill [Eyes that sees Fate (Passive): X-Rank] (Sealed) ]

[Congratulations, you gained a new skill [GOD'S EYES (Active): Y-Rank]

[Congratulations, you gained a new skill [Probability seeing (Active): X-Rank] (Sealed) ]

[Congratulations, you gained a new skill [Future Sights (Active): X-Rank] (Sealed)]

[Congratulations, your skill [Pain Resistance (Passive): E-Rank-->D-Rank] has evolved.]



[If the host accidentally activated the skills before reaching the given perimeters, your brain will melt literally and even your soul will be damaged. So the host is advised to take this notification seriously]

[It is detected by the system that these skills are harmful to the host, so they are sealed away, saving the host from accidentally activating them.]

My eyes went round reading the notification. I will have to be very cautious of using my skills. Some of the skills are sealed right now because I'm weak but will unlock themselves as I grow stronger.

Then I noticed that my face was covered with blood, so I quickly took a bath as I was also feeling sticky after having sex with Nana. During the whole time, I feel a little odd as everything around me was moving slowly and due to my 360° view. I might have to adapt to the situation soon. After some time, when I came out of the shower, I noticed something exotic and beautiful.

I quickly moved my face near the mirror and examined my eyes. They were beautiful and so unique that normal people will become attracted to them. The new thing that changed now was a shutdown icon present in the center of my eyes. It was light purple in color, in contrast to my deep purple eyes. I widen my eyes, watching the distinctive feature that was formed after the upgrade of my eyes.

Then I tried out several of my eyes abilities like X-Ray and Thermal, and was feeling a little awkward looking at my surroundings.

After some examination, I moved and came out of the bathroom and laid myself on the bed, and embraced Nana again who was hugging the pillow, not finding my warmth. She snuggled in my arms as she went to sleep again due to exhausting herself. I was not so exhausted after doing her due to my skills but I was mentally tired so slowly and steadily, I also fell asleep.

~~(Next day)~~

I woke up and quickly shut down the alarm, not wanting to disturb Nana's sleep. I saw her frown and snuggle herself and hug me more tightly as we were in the bed while groaning a little due to annoyance and exhaustion.

I tried to free myself to prepare today's breakfast, trying to slowly get up without disturbing her sleep.

This made her form a cute annoying face. I smiled at her actions and also went to sleep again, hugging her back as she smiled and started to snore again.

After an hour or so of rest, I slowly moved and swiftly escaped her and placed my pillow in my place to let her sleep comfortably. I picked up my phone and after coming out of the bedroom, I quickly called the staff and informed the staff that I will not be able to teach classes due to some emergency. The phone was picked up by a male teacher who complained a little about how I should have called a day or two earlier so as to not cause trouble. I formed some excuses and finally cut off the phone looking at the phone in disgust.

I would never have taught students if not for the reward from the system. The new system reward is super awesome, unlike the previous one which slapped me with only Magic Crystals. I wondered what I would get as a reward this time. I quickly entered the kitchen and started to prepare breakfast for her. It was almost 9 AM when I started to prepare breakfast. Unlike a normal human being, our body is always clean as we can use mana to clean away all the unwanted things from our body. Then I also use The Sky Poison Pearl to clean our bodies.

After preparing some salad, I carried the plate to the bedroom and placed it on the table as I caress her back to wake her up. "Wake up princess... It's the morning..." She cutely groaned, "Just a few more minutes... I'm too tired..." and went to sleep. I shook my head and still decided to wake her by giving her a reward. "My princess, if you wake up now, I will personally feed you. How about now?"

She let out a dissatisfied Hmuf sound and straighten her back but when she tried to move her legs, she wailed a little as her body twitch one time, feeling a bit painful and numb due to the session we had the previous night. She gave me a glare, blaming me for making her lose feelings of her legs. I laughed in awkwardness and brought the dish over the bed and took a price of fruit with the fork and helped her eat her breakfast.

As she was eating, my eyes unintentionally met her smooth red lips, as she was eating and felt a little aroused. I had a small lustful thought as I smiled and took a piece of fruit in my mouth and directly feed her mouth to mouth. She was surprised at first but started to eat faster as she felt my sweet saliva mixed with the breakfast as we kissed each other. This went on for a few minutes and after a session of feeding her mouth to mouth, I made her eat all the breakfast.

I softly gave her a kiss on her forehead. "My princess, you can rest as long as you want today. I will do my best to complete all your needs." This made her heart beat faster.


# [Copycat (Passive): S-Rank] = Can copy any kind of movement and skills as long as you can see them. Works only for physical movements but cannot copy Magic spells and related things but this ability helps you analyze Spells, Runes, and circuits faster by 50X times.

That was a hell of a lot of typing...

[7250 words!]

The longest chapter, having almost 7k words! the second-longest chapter was the one where I spoiled all the mysterious plot, reaching probably around 5k and more characters...

How was the chapter? I had to take like 5 or so references to make the lemon scene. And I don't know why every single one of them makes female members faint due to pleasure just after one round.

The next chapter might be random probably after 3 days. No promises as my school and classes started full-fledged and I might directly sleep due to exhausting myself from all the studies.

Goodbye~ Have a great day~


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