
Code Geass R1: Chaos and Change

After dying I didn't expect to get another chance at life, but here I am stuck in the world of Code Geass. Now a member of the Britannian royal family I'm forced headfirst into the life of a prince. But I will not stand by as the world around me collapses into chaos, no this is my story now. And this world will know the name of Charlemagne el Britannia This Fanfiction is not mine. I copied it from fanfiction.net

TheExtra7 · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 3: The Demon, The Knight, and The Savior

Britannian Airbase,

Tokyo settlement,

2017 a.t.b

Char p.o.v.

After landing in Tokyo, I stepped off the plane to meet with the small representation of my soldiers which I sent ahead to prepare for today.

"Lieutenant, what's your report on the status of the operation?" I asked the head of the advanced party there to greet me clad in the regular red and black uniform of the Chimera Corps.

"Sir, Operation Savior is active and has been up and running for the past week. It's been well received by the local population; we have men stationed to guard the medical outreach and refugee camp adjacent to the Shinjuku ghetto. We have secured the first high-value target and moved him to the safe house. However, the second has eluded us, as terrorists seem to have taken possession of what is being called poison gas and fled into the old subway underneath the ghetto forcing us away from our search. The Viceroy 3rd Prince Clovis has mobilized the military to surround the ghetto to find the weapon."

"Good it's unfortunate that we weren't able to locate both targets, but I expected as much, tell the men to mobilize and protect the refugee camp along with any civilians seeking refuge. Also, prepare my Knightmare for transport as I'm heading there to handle this mess myself."

"Yes sir, we'll have you ready to go in five minutes tops." The Lieutenant started to relay my orders to the men as they scrambled to get the Tallgeese and the rest of the Knightmares unloaded and prepped for combat from the military transport that got in just behind us.

"So a military operation straight off the plane while jet lagged how very like you." A tired Alya said from behind me in her military uniform but instead of crimson hers was a light shade of purple.

"It can't be helped, my idiot of a brother has just mobilized the army to clean up the mess he made," I replied to the still sleepy Alya.

"Still I'm curious you knew that this would happen didn't you, but why this whole operation set up," She asked looking me in the eye.

"Come now Alya you've been with me for what now eight years, you should know there's always a method to my madness," I replied giving her my best cheesy smile.

"Yes but I want to hear it from you as well, you set up this refugee camp as an excuse to involve yourself into your brother's clean up operation to accomplish your objectives under the guise of protecting the medical personnel working the camp." She responded pouting at my playful attitude.

"Fine, you're right on the medical aid part being a reason to involve ourselves in my brother's pathetic attempt at trying to keep his dirty laundry under wraps. But I also believe that thousands of innocent people don't deserve to die just because they happen to live there. Don't you agree, my knight?"

Sighing she shook her head, "you've always had a bleeding heart, but you wouldn't be you if you didn't care more for others than yourself." She finished with a small smile on her lips.

Grinning, I turned to the hangar that housed the Tallgeese and started to make my way there Alya fell quickly in behind me ever watchful as my personal protector and knight.

What she said was true I had a reputation among the military and my family of having a bleeding heart.

Although it isolated me from many of the nobles and military officials back home, it greatly endeared me to the commoners middle class, and numbers.

While I supported multiple charities and organized projects to help devastated conflict-ridden areas of the empire by giving aid reconstruction and investments in the area.

This led many progressive members of the empire to see me as a hope for the future; many middle class and commoners saw me as a self-made man and an example of what can accomplish through hard work. The Numbers saw me as a beacon of hope for not just aid but giving some of them opportunities to advance in the military and better job prospects based on ability and merit rather than what nationality or culture you grew up with.

This had the unintended effect of painting me as one of the major front-runners to succeed my father as emperor. The thought crossed my mind over the years, but it was still too early to think about that especially if I'm declared a traitor in the future.

I was even viewed in a favorable light by most foreign countries. Although I was seen as a military threat, I was seen as an honorable warrior who treated his enemies with respect and never attacking innocent civilians.

Even my opponents and critics were eventually forced to swallow their words as my success both militarily and with my company seemed to go against the nation's policy of the strong stand above the weak.

My indirect stand against my father's Social Darwinism made him see me as a troublesome son.

However, as long as I won battles for the empire I was allowed to continue as I was.

Climbing into the cockpit of the Tallgeese I found a strange sense of comfort, although still relatively new it has been fielded in a few small conflicts already. However, it's first real battle against other Knightmares would be today.

Initially, I thought I would not get involved in the first battle at all and let things go the way they did in the anime.

That thought was quickly dismissed as I couldn't let thousands of people be killed by my desire not to interfere with the story and let fate decide if things will be the same as the history I know.

No, I knew that isn't who I was and even if the future is different I'll face it just the same.

So I set in place a plan to help avoid the massacre that would occur.

I set up a relief camp and medical center to assist the people of the Ghetto creating a haven from Clovis's soldiers.

As well as having my forces guard the center and keep order while starting rumors of Britannian military action in the ghettos.

The plan was a success and thousands were flocking to the protected area where they wouldn't be killed.

I don't know how many people I will have saved through this plan, and I know it won't be all of them, but all I can do is hope that I could save some people who wouldn't have made it otherwise.

Completing the pre-launch checks, I equipped the Dober gun on the right shoulder mount, the MVS halberd stored in its holder on the back of the waist, and took a standard knightmare rifle.

I left the heat tempest lance which was similar to other Knightmare weapons except that it can be superheated to act like an MVS weapon to improve the penetration even cut through heavy armor.

Today I wasn't looking to kill any black knights of soldiers and chose weapons that wouldn't accidently kill the enemy pilot if I'm off the mark.

Checking the fact spheres I see Alya in her purple Gloucester all ready with a knightmare rifle and anti-knightmare sniper rifle on her back.

The rest of my local forces were in their respective Sutherlands with the standard load out painted the standard purple ready to escort me to the refugee camp and the Ghetto.

After getting the all clear, I turned on the radio to communicate with Alya and the escorts. "Attention men of the Chimera Corps, our destination is the refugee camp just outside of the ghetto once there we'll assess the situation and adjust accordingly understood?"

The response was a unison reply of "Yes Sir!"

"Alright, this is Tallgeese heading out." And I gunned the throttle as my land spinners shot me out of the gate moving fast towards the ghetto with Alya and a half dozen men of the Chimera Corps following me. I let a grin of excitement slip across my face for the action to come.

Shinjuku Ghetto outskirts

G1 Britannian Mobile Command Center

Clovis la Britannia sat on the throne in the main command center watching Bartley and the various other officers scramble to adjust to the terrorists new strategy. It was nothing to be worried about yet just a few isolated ambushes and setbacks.

"Sir, we're receiving reports that many elevens are escaping to a refugee camp to the east opposite of our position." A lowly radio operator relayed to those present.

"What I thought we had the ghetto encircled?" General Bartley's astonished voice rang out.

"We did sir however we ignored that area seeing it was already guarded." One middle-aged staff officer replied.

"Then why are they escaping, I thought I told you all to leave no one alive, tell those pilots to kill all those who try to leave the encirclement." Clovis voiced over the bickering staff.

"The thing is sir, they don't belong to the regular army, the unit guarding the refugee camp are from 4th Prince Charlemagne's Chimera Corps, and they say they were ordered to defend the camp, and they are refusing our forces entry." The same radio operator answered.

Hearing that his younger brother's personal forces were in Area 11, protecting lowborn scum like these elevens didn't surprise Clovis.

Char was always one of the soft ones in the family.

Still if it wasn't bad enough being shown up by Schneizel and Cornelia, but being overlooked in favor for his younger brother made him seethe with anger.

While his older siblings had distinguished themselves in their respective roles, it was the success his little brother that trumped his own is what infuriated him.

Whatever he seemed to do he succeeded and was considered to be a poster boy for all that is right with Britannia.

He was admired and adored throughout the empire; it wasn't fair that he got skipped over as his other siblings had all the greatness.

That was part of the reason he took the viceroyship over Area 11 so he could finally surpass them, with the Code R project he would be able to take his rightful place as the new emperor.

"Who do we have near there?" Bartley asked the other officers

"Lord Kewell Sorsei's unit is closest shall I connect them?"

"Yes, they will do" Clovis despised Char, so he would show that insufferable brother of his what happens when you place your things to close to the fire.

"Your highness I and my men are at your disposal." Kewell's voice cut through command center and dispersed Clovis's thoughts of his infuriating younger brother.

"Lord Kewell I command you and your men to go to the other side of the Ghetto and destroy the refugee camp there. Kill all the elevens and those who stand in your way." He would show him and all of them.

"Yes, your highness." Then the line to Kewell was cut off as he set out to fulfill his orders.

Satisfied Clovis smirked at the thought of his brother finding his precious relief center turned into a mass grave filled with those filthy elevens he cares so much for.

Clovis and the rest of the staff continued to work searching for one green haired girl somewhere in the ghetto, ignorant of the trap being laid for them.

Shinjuku Ghetto

Lord Kewell Soresi prided himself as a member of the Britannian military, as a pilot, and as a member of the pureblood faction.

He loved and believed in his country to be the greatest in the world.

Born to a minor noble family, he chose the honorable profession of being a knight and a knightmare pilot to fight the empire's enemies and raise his status in the world.

His goal was to be a loyal soldier to a pure Britannia while stopping the corruption of the military by the numbers.

Honorary Britannians what a disgrace they were animals that didn't deserve the privilege of serving the empire as equals to pure blooded Britannians.

But now he must punish the elevens who thought they could run and hide from their divine punishment.

So he and his forces set off to destroy and close this hole in their encirclement.

After a few minutes, later Kewell and his men found what looked to be a well put together relief center that was packed to the brim with terrified eleven's.

While the perimeter had a dozen Sutherlands looking like they were guarding the place protecting the elevens.

"Disgraceful they ignore their duty and let those filthy elevens live despite his highness's order." Kewell spat out as he saw the situation he would deal with shortly.

"Attention fellow Britannians by order of Prince Clovis Viceroy of area eleven I order you to assist in the eradication of vermin behind you," Kewell announced over his knightmare's loudspeaker.

The terrified families of elevens huddled together terrified but the Knightmares didn't turn instead they each raised their guns at Kewell and his squad.

"Sir, unfortunately, are orders are to protect all the personal who happen to be Britannians giving aid and medical attention to the local population if you perform any more hostile actions toward the people behind me I along with my men will be forced to intervene."

Dumbfounded at the opposing knightmares response Kewell's face twisted into an angry scowl.

"And whose orders take precedent over the viceroy, a prince of the empire, I'll see you and your commander court-martialed you, filthy eleven sympathizers. "

"Will you now?" A disembodied voice asked.

Looking for the source of the voice Kewell spotted a Knightmare anyone in Britannian army especially a pilot should know. The Tallgeese the personal Knightmare of the 4th Prince Charlemagne.

The prince was already considered one of the best pilots in the Empire but combine his skill with a sixth generation Knightmare like the Tallgeese and he became an unstoppable one-man army.

Coming through the parting crowd of the camp was the prince himself accompanied by what appeared to be a purple Gloucester and six more Sutherlands further outnumbering his squad 5 to 1

Kewell had conflicting feelings about the 4th prince like many in the pureblood faction.

He respected and admired for the skill and prowess of the prince as a commander and pilot, but disagreed with many of his policies and decisions, as they seemed to go against everything the purebloods stood for.

It made no sense as to why the prince took such pity in the numbers and allowed them to join the military.

"So what was that about arresting me again?" the prince's voice broke Kewell out of his thoughts as he was now in front of him with his forces at his back, guns still trained on his squad.

"Your Highness, I apologize, please forgive my behavior." Kewell quickly apologized trying to save face after insulting the Prince inadvertently.

The prince seemed to ponder his words for a moment while Kewell was on tooth and nail waiting to see if he would be forgiven for his insolence.

"First, what is your name soldier?" The prince asked him.

" Sir Kewell Soresi, your highness."

"Well, Sir Kewell I order for you and your men to stand down, disengage, exit your Knightmares, and allow yourselves to be taken into military custody for your actions. Refusal to follow these orders shall be met with the lethal force do you understand?"

"But my lord there is a battle going on not to mention we need every man we can spare to find the stolen poison gas." Kewell pleaded sounding desperate to escape punishment.

"I already knew that why do think I came here?" The prince responded then he turned to who appeared to be his second in command in the purple Gloucester

"Alya, take Sir Kewell Soresi and his men into custody and take command here, I'm going to end this little fiasco they call a battle."

"My lord please reconsider me and my men could be of use."

Before Kewell could continue he was silenced as he found his Knightmare on its back and disarmed of his rifle that was now pointed directly at his cockpit.

And towering above him holding said the weapon was the Tallgeese and Char himself who disarmed and neutralized Kewell before he could react in under five seconds.

All Kewell could do was think what happened as he was defeated and disarmed by a pilot not even using a weapon.

"I'll be borrowing your weapon Sir Kewell." The prince then sped off on his own entering the ghetto like a lion searching for his prey. Leaving Kewell with his wounded pride while he and his men were disarmed and taken into the custody of the 4th prince's forces.

Char p.o.v.

As I sped through the abandoned and ruined streets, I was relieved that I was able to stop Kewell before he tried to kill all the people there and that so many were able to get to the safe zone I set up.

But as I continued further in I saw that not all were so lucky as the streets were littered with corpses from mass executions to some only being in bits and pieces by being cut apart from knightmare fire.

Although I grew accustomed to the bloodshed through years of combat, it never got any easier to see the uncaring brutality that my country used against its foes.

Although the national policy was to attain victory at all cost in the name of the emperor and the glorious Empire of Britannia. I ignored that and even stood against other commanders and generals who suggested actions against innocents whether they be civilians or unable to fight back.

I said it was my code of honor that I would never harm the life of an innocent, and those who do should be not considered soldiers.

This policy extended to my forces in the Chimera Corps that were compelled to adhere to the same code of chivalry and honor that I did.

Clearing my head of meddlesome thoughts, I focused on the task at hand to disable any Knightmares I come across to stop the battle.

Although this made me like a certain Gundam pilot, I rationalized that all the knightmares out there are Lelouch, Kallen, the rest of the terrorists that would become the black knights and Suzaku in the Lancelot.

And I didn't want to kill any characters that I didn't have to yet.

Turning another corner, I spot a lone Sutherland labeled as friendly. I doubted that, so I continued to charge it.

"Dam another one, this is R2 another lone Knightmare on the other end of Shinjuku I need help."Fool didn't even know he had his loudspeaker on while talking on the radio.

Sure enough, the Sutherland starting firing erratically, even without new type abilities dodging fire from this guy would be easy. I weaved back and forth dodging his bullets until I raised my Knightmare rifle and shot a few controlled bursts which landed directly on the head destroying his fact sphere causing the automatic eject to activate for the blind Knightmare.

Coming to an intersection, I saw and sensed the knightmares and their pilots in the buildings before they started firing. When they did I was ready I had already shot at the first building with the Dober gun causing the floor to collapse under the attacking knightmare, and then I spun around to protect myself with the blaze luminous enhanced shield mounted on the left forearm as the enemy opened fire from my rear.

Then I returned fire with the rifle causing the pilot to eject after losing an arm and its weapon.

Feeling a tingling sense of impending doom from above my instincts and abilities kicked in as I dodged right as a rocket from a knightmare cannon exploded where I was moments earlier, and I leveled the Dober gun and shot up hitting the knightmare's weapon causing the frame to become too damaged to fight.

Cutting through an open area, I was forced to dodge incoming fire from a group of Sutherlands ahead of me.

"Trying to overwhelm me with numbers huh, someone's learning, but."

I emptied my borrowed rifle taking out the first three with my gun then threw away the empty weapon reaching for my back and activated the MVS halberd.

The halberd then extended to its full length becoming a two handed weapon and like it's namesake it acted as both a spear as well as an ax.

So with one sweeping horizontal slice, the last three Knightmares were beheaded.

Causing the pilots to eject from there now headless Knightmares forced to flee from their trap.

"You don't have enough men or machines to overwhelm me, Lelouch."

Continuing through the ghetto I met a few more groups of Knightmares but through the use of my shield and a few well-placed shots from the Dober gun I was able to destroy the frames without killing the pilots.

That was to be expected, but I can't help there should be more. Although thinking about it, I realized my presence must have been putting the pressure on Lelouch by attacking in an un-coordinated pincer assault of his position with the help of the Lancelot.

Well, let's see who gets to Lelouch first me or the Lancelot I said more to myself as I had the radio and I.F.F. off to get the drop on the terrorists, as I accelerated toward the center of the ghetto and into the heart of the battle.

Lelouch p.o.v.

How did things get like this? I asked myself wondering how my life changed for me hours ago playing chess against nobles to help pay for my tuition and care for my sister. To commanding a rebel group armed with stolen Knightmares against the Britannian army. All because of this power I gained from that girl from the capsule.

After the chess game, I left with Rivalz on his motorbike to make it back to Ashford in time for classes. But a truck nearly ran us off the road but instead it crashed off the highway and into the entrance to the old subway.

Going to check on the driver I fell into the truck where I found myself in the company of terrorists currently on the run from the army.

After a short while, the truck stopped, and I found myself reunited with my old friend Suzaku who had joined the Britannian army of all things.

As we were catching up, the capsule was supposedly containing poison gas opened.

Suzaku dived onto me shoving his respirator in my face as light emitted from the capsule and out came a girl?

Instead of a chemical weapon, a green haired girl in a straight jacket emerged from the capsule.

Before Suzaku or I could plan our next move we were confronted by my brother Clovis's royal guard.

When Suzaku refused to shoot me, he was killed by the commander, and I was about to be next, but the truck apparently was wired with explosives that went off allowing me and the girl to escape.

Continuing along to tunnel I came upon a warehouse where the royal guard who survived were finishing off killing civilians when of all times my phone rang giving away my position.

Now placed up in front of a wall I was about to be executed until the green haired girl ran out in front of me yelling, "He mustn't die!"

She then received the bullet meant for me to her forehead dropping dead on the spot or so I thought.

As I had flashbacks and regretting that I would die here never to see my little sister Nunnally again, the girl's hand grabbed mine.

I then saw a series of surreal images I didn't understand.

Through which she said I had a reason for living and asked me if I would accept her contract for power to allow me to live.

In exchange, I would have to grant her wish.

Hastily accepting I came to in the same place I was before, I then used my new power to command the royal guard to kill themselves.

Which they did so with glee shooting each other and themselves in the head.

I then stole a knightmare from a Britannian and helped arm a group of terrorists with a train of Sutherlands meant to reinforce a military base.

After arming themselves, I took command of the terrorists and was able to turn the tide of the battle rather quickly.

I had Clovis and the Britannians on the run, I was outsmarting and outmaneuvering them with the stolen Sutherlands and the rag-tag group of Japanese terrorists who started this whole mess I know found myself.

That is until I started hearing reports of a single white and gold Knightmare destroying my forces, every trap and ambush were proven ineffective thanks to its bullet deflecting shielding and performance which proved too much for a standard Sutherland and inexperienced pilot to handle.

As things couldn't get any worse a little later, another knightmare appeared at the other end of the ghetto and was carving a path through my forces. Determined to get rid of at least one of the thorns in my side I set the perfect trap at an old intersection for this mysterious red and white Knightmare to dodge all incoming fire and destroy all the Sutherlands lying in wait.

Then I sent six more to ambush it, but it just dodged everything like it could tell where the bullets would come from and disabled them all.

Eventually, I was getting desperate as two unstoppable forces crushed everything in their way and were on a collision course towards the center of the ghetto where I had set up in a ruined skyscraper.

As I was calling for any available forces left as I saw a slash harken embed itself into the ceiling pulling a knightmare up the building and I came face to face with the enemy that has been making short work of the terrorists.

"So this thing is the one ruining my plan?" I said to the white Knightmare as it closed in to take me out as well.

Suzaku p.o.v.

After being saved by the special corps and given the Lancelot from Lloyd and Cecile I was amazed at how powerful this Knightmare was.

"Yes I can do this with I can stop all this at once, and save Lelouch and that Girl."

Soon enough I encountered the terrorist knightmares; I used Lancelot's slash harkens, as well as its speed and agility to make quick work of them.

Although I ran into a couple of ambushes, I used Lancelot's blaze luminous shields on the forearms to deflect their bullets allowing me to keep moving forward while dispatching the Knightmares.

Soon I spotted what looked to be their commander in a building overlooking the ghetto.

Using my slash harkens I climbed and was about to finish him off when the floor collapsed.

Using my slash harkens to help slow my fall I spun the Lancelot and landed a kick to the other knightmare's head knocking him on his back.

I was about to destroy the machine when a red Glasgow came out of nowhere throwing a punch which I caught and fired a Slash Harken at me which I caught with Lancelot's other hand.

Cushing both, the pilot then ejected from the disabled Glasgow.

Seeing the commander in the Glasgow fleeing down the street I chased after him and was quickly gaining on him as I weaved through his fire but was forced to dodge falling debris as he started to shoot at the surrounding buildings.

"Bastard he's tearing things up for no reason." Suddenly a sensor blared alerting me to a falling woman hugging her newborn child.

Breaking off my pursuit I went to save the falling woman and child but even pushing the Lancelot to the limit I knew I wasn't going to make it.

However, a new knightmare beat me to them coming from behind and still able to catch the woman safely and protected her from harm.

Looking at the new unit, I which I didn't know was friend or foe I readied myself to rescue the woman again, but the knightmare seemed more interested in the people he saved than me as he had its back turned and was kneeling allowing the woman to step on solid ground.

Finally getting a chance to look at this new machine, that looked more similar to the Lancelot than a Sutherland.

The red and white Knightmare was much bulkier and heavily armored compared the Lithe Lancelot; the frame also had multiple weapons mounted onto the machine with a cannon on its shoulder, a rifle on its leg and a bladed weapon on its back.

Even kneeling down I knew that this knightmare was a head taller than the Lancelot and looked to be able to tear the Lancelot apart.

Activating my fact spheres I heard the pilot asking the woman if she was all right, and if she needed assistance.

The strange thing was he was speaking in Japanese. Although the woman was still shaken up from the fall and being saved by one of the machines that destroyed her home, she was surprised to hear a charming voice asking if she and her child were all right.

Saying yes that they were physically fine but just shaken up. The pilot then stood the Knightmare up and told the woman to head towards a refugee camp to the east, as it was safe from the military.

The woman who knew the place took off that way trying to get to safety.

Turning to me I saw that the head of the knightmare had a face with eyes like the Lancelot and also had a segmented gold and white plume-like a Roman helmet for a head.

The pilot of the Knightmare then activated his loudspeakers speaking to me now in English; "I thank you for the assistance in ending this battle, may I have your name pilot?"

Activating my loudspeakers, "Private Suzaku Kururugi, the pilot of the Lancelot, my lord."

"Well, I thank you again Sir Kururugi you seem to handle that Knightmare rather well, you seem to have potential as a Knightmare pilot." Shocked at the sudden compliment of my skills by another pilot even knowing I was Japanese, put me at a loss for words.

"It's been a pleasure Suzaku Kururugi, but I must return and sweep the eastern section can I trust you to take care of the west if you can handle it?" He asked sarcastically.

"Yes my lord, but what is your name if I may ask?"

"Oh, call me Char if you must." And with that he sped off the way he came to clean up any stragglers.

"Suzaku are you alright?" Miss Cécile's voice laced with concern asked through the video link.

"Yeah I'm alright I just ran into another red and white Knightmare, who took care of the other half of the terrorists and saved a civilian."

Before she could respond, Lloyd nearly pushed Miss Cécile out of the screen staring wide-eyed at Suzaku in a strangely serious face.

"Suzaku, explain exactly what the machine looked like."

So I told Lloyd what I saw of the Knightmare and as I finished my report his face was unreadable before marching off screen, but I could still hear him yelling something about that blonde haired thief and him stealing his ideas.

"Uh, Miss Cécile does Lloyd know that machine and pilot?" I asked as Miss Cécile's surprised face came back into view sporting a faint blush?

"Yeah, you can say that just watch the energy filler Suzaku and you should be okay," as she cut the feed while playing with her hair which seemed fascinating to her at the moment.

Now wondering who the hell this Char person was, I set off to sweep the western part of the ghetto making my way back towards the special corp.

Kallen p.o.v.

After ejecting, I was making my way to the group with the others thinking about that damn white Knightmare that took out nearly all of us. And who was the voice on the radio that gave us a fighting chance.

"Kallen over here," Ohgi yelled to me as he led me to a warehouse that most of our group and some civilians were hold up in.

Tamaki was screaming at some of the civilians waving a gun in their direction as they blamed us for what happened here and how they should have gone to the relief center.

Apart of me agreed with them as we did steal the poison gas from the Britannians starting this whole massacre. I had heard of the recently set up relief center, a week ago some Britannians created a haven to get medical attention and aid to any those who were in need.

The people were skeptical at first but after a while, we found that their charity and concern was genuine. I learned that the center was sponsored by a big company named Anaheim Electronics, as part of its non-profit efforts towards those in the Area's that were still being affected by poverty and discrimination.

I just hope the people there were all right.

"Kallen any idea who that voice on the radio was?" Ohgi asked me.

"No idea, you." I still thought it was strange as to how he got in possession of all those knightmares and how he was able to tell what the Britannians would do.

"Dammed if I know, he doesn't answer when I call, so maybe he bought it,"

I tensed as Ohgi was cut off by a tank shell exploding against the warehouse door killing a few people as Britannian soldiers accompanied by a tank stormed through the opening weapons raised.

"Dammit, I knew we should have used the poison gas instead of listening to that mysterious voice on the radio, Dam Nagata to hell!" Tamaki yelled as the Britannians had us outgunned.

"So this is where you eleven vermin scurried off to, prepare to fire." Announced the commander from the tank as the soldiers took aim.

No, not like this I can't die here, "Naoto," I said my brother's in despair as I thought I would join him as he was presumed dead after being captured getting the information on the poison gas.

"Commence, " the commander was just about to order his men to gun us down.

"Hold fire and stand down!" A voice shouted.

Coming into view towering over the tank and soldiers was a Knightmare like the one I saw earlier except this one was armed, much bulkier, and taller.

"My lord we were tasked by Prince Clovis to eliminate all elevens, I was just."

"Stop, I know what your orders were, I'm ordering you to stand down as your superior in the field, and if I see you or any of your soldiers act otherwise."

The pilot of the red and white Knightmare raised its massive cannon affixed to its right shoulder directly at the commander in the tank.

"I'll execute you for insubordination, is that clear." The voice from their savior said.

Said man was white as a ghost and was about to order his troops to stand down but was beaten to the punch again this time by Clovis.

"All forces ceasefire at once." The prince's declaration stunned all those in the ghetto as just earlier today the prince ordered the deaths of all those living in the Shinjuku ghetto.

"I Clovis, the third Prince of Britannia and viceroy of Area 11 at this moment command you, all forces are ordered to cease fire at once, you will also cease the destruction of buildings or property, all casualties whether Britannian or eleven will be treated equally without prejudice. In the name of Clovis la Britannia you are at this moment ordered to cease fire at once, I shall allow no further fighting."

The transmission then was cut, and the large Britannian knightmare lowered its weapon.

"Well you heard him, now you'll let these people go, or I'll find you and make sure you'll see at least a court marshal if you don't." The pilot said as he turned to leave as the commander shook fearfully at the looming threat.

Why did that knightmare which fought against us ended up saving us? I could only wonder as people were in disbelief or crying thanking their savior who piloted that red and white machine.

"Wasn't that Knightmare one of the two machines that took us all down?" Sugiyama asked aloud.

"Yeah, it took us all out in the eastern half without taking any damage at all," Yoshida added.

"Just like the other one in the west," Ohgi said jumping into the conversation.

"What that's impossible no one can be that good can they?" Asked the loud mouth Tamaki, who had recovered from cowering and quickly fell into his tough guy act.

Looking at the red and white Knightmare's retreating form, I wondered what kind of person the pilot of that knightmare was like.

Meanwhile back on the G1

Lelouch p.o.v.

"There satisfied?" Clovis asked me as I held him at gunpoint and had just forced him to declare the cease-fire.

"Very, well done," I said still hiding in the shadows out of sight.

"What should we do now, sing a few lively ballads, or perhaps a nice game of chess?" Clovis asked dryly his voice laced with sarcasm.

"That has a familiar ring to it."

Puzzled by the casual tone and familiarity Clovis furrowed his brow and squinted to make out who his assailant is.

"Don't you recall, we used to play chess together as boys, of course, I would always win at Ares Villa remember."

"Who are you?"

And I walked into the light "it's been a long time big brother."

Shocked Clovis looked like he saw a ghost as his younger brother had just appeared in the front of him the first time in eight years.

"Lelouch it's so good to see you, we should head for the homeland and tell everyone the good news."

"And be used as tools of diplomacy, I don't think so." I interrupted his loving family falsehood the Britannian royal family is nothing but a den of vipers.

"After my mother was killed by you people for being a commoner Nunnally and I were sent to Japan as hostages." I raised the gun closer, and Clovis inched further back into the thrones eyes staring up at me.

"But now the truth cannot hide from me any longer." My power flared to life as I asked, "Now by whose hand was she slain?"

Clovis's eyes adopted red rings around them and relaxed, "My brothers 2nd Prince Schneizel and 4th Prince Charlemagne, as well as 2nd Princess Cornelia they can tell you." He droned out flatly.

"They were at the heart of this?" I asked. Although Schneizel and Cornelia's names weren't surprising to hear, Charlemagne that was a surprise. Along with being younger than my other two siblings and being only four years older than me, but by being the full-blooded younger brother of Schneizel, it made sense he would be close to whatever Schneizel would be planning.

Clovis merely remained silent making no more effort to speak.

"So that's all you know isn't it." Blinking Clovis returned to his senses and quickly returned to his frantic state.

"I swear it wasn't me." Practically on the verge of tears, Clovis looked terrified.

Smirking "I believe you, however," I raised the gun to his forehead between his eyes as he was shaking uncontrollably. "You can't change the world without getting your hands dirty."

Char p.o.v.

Sitting in the back of the nondescript black car driving through the Tokyo settlement towards an industrial section near the docks, where the safe house that housed one of the high valued targets was located.

The reason for the secrecy was that I wanted to keep my presence here need to know until I assume emergency control over the area after Clovis is killed.

Next to me was Alya in her purple officer's uniform that designated her as my knight and a member of the Chimera Corps.

She was looking over after action reports as the one who manages the chimera corps as well as intelligence on matters that I did not have the information on (or memory of).

Her help was invaluable starting off in help building my, no our organization.

It was thanks to her mostly that we had the intelligence on the whereabouts of the target now in our custody.

She also organized the details that led to his transfer from Clovis's people to the "OSI" or so they thought.

Unfortunately, the other target was unable to be found despite her distinctive features green hair, and mark on her forehead.

No matter, while it would have been interesting to see her, it seemed she already recovered from the gunshot to the brain and left to seek out Lelouch.

I'll just have to wait before I can get some answers from that woman.

Closing the file on the background of the target, which I was going to have a nice discussion hopefully resulting in a mutually beneficial agreement.

After coming across and saving a warehouse from a stray Britannian tank and soldiers indirectly saving Kallen and most of the future Black Knights there. I blame myself for delaying Lelouch to get the ceasefire from Clovis by increasing the pressure on him by attacking from the opposite side as the Lancelot would.

Once I returned to where my men and Alya were stationed I help organize arrangements for those with no shelter. Then I had to let Kewell and his men off with a stern warning as they followed my orders after I put Kewell in his place.

Overall the operation was a success saving thousands of lives that would have most likely perished.

But still after seeing the bodies of families all gunned down in mass executions made me sick to call myself a Britannian let alone a prince of the empire I despise.

But I swallowed my feelings knowing that I could do the best as I am now instead of acting out in self-satisfaction by rebelling now.

Now I know how Suzaku felt, stuck fighting for a cause he didn't believe in, to accomplish a greater goal. Our situations didn't seem so different, but I was prepared to go all the way to stop things from becoming the future I know of.

Still I allowed my younger brother killed my older brother just to allow things to move along their appropriate path.

But then I remembered that my older brother Clovis had ordered an attempted genocide to hide his experiments on C.C. then I felt ok letting him die like a bitch.

Because I wasn't so sure of myself that I wouldn't do the same thing had I appeared on the G1 though I may have just used Tallgeese to destroy the bridge and be done with it.

The car then stopped at a gate guarded by men, not in uniform, but I knew they were mine as the driver checked with them as they allowed us through not bothering to salute.

As that would defeat the purpose of coming to a safe house in secret, stepping out and into the building a small detail stood at attention.

"Sir the target has been prepared and treated as per your orders he is waiting in a safe room under guard. " The soldier in charge said in clear, disciplined manner.

"Very well lead on then." The soldier turned and led us to an ugly metal door.

Opening it the room was about the size of a medium sized conference room occupied by only a table bolted to the floor and two chairs, one of which was occupied.

The occupant looked up with a face covered in bandages and his skin looked pale from the lack of sunlight.

He had red hair, blue eyes, an athletic frame, and although it was hard to tell, he had a face with both Britannian and Japanese traits indicating a mixed parentage.

"Well, Naoto Kozuki let's have a little chat." The door was then closed leaving me with Alya and a man who should be dead alone to discuss his future.