
Code geass New legacy

Dez_Burns · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Fall of Japan

Zenith and Cornelia's royal guard as well as the respectable knights began to approach the enemies back line, where they kept all the reserve ammunition and weapons.

Enemy did not anticipate the enemies going behind their lines, so they were caught, unaware Zeniths Gloucester utilized its shoulder missile boxes firing the first barrage of six missiles on each shoulder being fired each one flying against the air, hitting the target with Great accuracy.


If the enemy did not know of them, yet, they did now that their weapons depot and ammunition have been blown up, as well as the other locations being hit by the other squads under Zeniths command.

Their reports were positive all targets were hit with such a limited enemy resistance, and the enemy had no KMFs of their own would make this very easy, especially with Zenith develop the KMFs early compared to canon timeline.

See no reason longer in this area he orders the rest of his squads. They hit their secondary targets, while his squad, as well as Cornelia's heads towards the shrine.

Although before their operation began, they already received the reports of several KMFs squads being destroyed thankfully their pilots ejected in time. Thanks to their ejection blocks.

Thanks for the information Zenith has on hand, he knows exactly what's happening, just like the original canon timeline, the Japanese people first real victory against the Holy Britannian Empire.

Kyoshiro Tohdoh The Japanese commander responsible for such a loss for Britannia and for the Japanese people event itself would later be known as the miracle of Itsukushima.

However, it would be their only victory. After all, the Japanese people do not have the required armaments to resist the empires advance.

Zenith also wanted to rescue his siblings if they have not already gone into hiding, he's hoping to save them so they would not have to live their lives and hiding.

The next moment Zenith KMF Sensors were going off indicating they were enemy forces on his flank. When he turned his machine, he noticed several battalions of enemy tanks.

Zenith: pathetic don't they realize resistance is pointless now. Oh well, the more the dies is here the better.

Zenith squad followed him, and they proceeded to decimate the tank battalions that was trying to flick them thanks to their machines flexibility, Evan maneuverability, as well as our newly equipped weapons made quick work of the enemy tanks.

One after another, were ultimately destroyed by either the rail, gun fire, or their missiles.

Cornelia: Brother, we need to move on. We cannot spend all of our time destroying enemy tanks. We need to fall back and refill there energy, fillers before are KMFs runs out of power.

Zenith: very well sister, I was thinking of the same thing.

Issuing his forces back since they've done their job, they all regrouped at their recharge point.

On their way to their recharge point they were engaged by several other Japan forces several tanks, infantry, and several helicopters. However, they were all insignificant To the power, Britannia and there KMFs.

As well as the new models were better than expected especially the custom-made Sutherland that Valletta that is piloting especially with her auto guns on her machine, just tearing through the enemy infantry and tanks, especially when they were swarmed by multiple enemy helicopters.

Proving that shoulder weaponry are very useful Zenith can easily see Britannia utilizing the technology for most of their forces or even they're more experienced pilots to get it.

as they replace their energy, fillers, both Prince and Princess and the royal guards, and the rest of their soldiers made their way towards Kururugi shrine for both Zenith and Cornelia hope that their siblings are still alive.

As they approach closer to their destination and target, they met more fierce resistance, as well as more heavily insurance troops. Hell even had to avoid several kamikaze attacks. Such attacks made them lose three of their KMFs with their pilots.

However, before they continue on anymore, they heard a wide announcement opened on all channels.

Japanese announcer: attention all forces, and Britannian forces by order of the Japanese government, we hear by surrender!!!!!! I repeat, we surrender!!!!!!

There it is just like in Canaan, Japan surrendered even after their leader Genbu Kururugi ordered for Do or Die resistance however Zenith knows why they did so because their leader is dead, and the rest of the Japanese government lied that he took his own life he knows this, but he lets it play out.

Since they surrendered his team and unit cannot move upon the shrine, he and his sister may be Prince and Princess, however, they are not in charge of this invasion. Therefore, they have to follow their orders for now.


5 months later

Japan surrendered to the overwhelming power of the Holy Britannian empire Which resulted in Japan being renamed area 11 and their citizens renamed 11s.

However, that is not the only thing of note since the introduction of new KMFs models by the third prince of Britannia Zenith especially the other world countries took notice of the young prince and his achievements and his creation of these new engines of war because thanks to them Japan fell in only a month.

Making it the quickest conquest, in history, and in response to The Holy Britannian Empire rising power, the other nations began their own KMF Projects while their spot is also stole the early plans from Britannia in order to get the necessary knowledge to start their own projects.

However, in the meantime, the Empire, after its conquest of Japan, re-organized its forces and began massive invasions into the EU territory of Africa.

The first regions of Africa, that were invaded and quickly conquered by Britannia were Ghana, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Senegal Gambia The military forces within these regions quickly fell under the boot heel and power of Empires KMFs.