
Code geass New legacy

Dez_Burns · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Birthday party

POV: zenith

Making my way towards mariannes home to celebrate the birth Day of her son I brought several games and kid toys.

I am all so bringing the Glasgow to presented to the empress cause I know she likes knightmare frames since she use the prototype that led to the Glasgow.

I am all so bringing my knight to the party since she is my bodyguard and made her my knight when I met her in the imperial Academy, where receive my military training, same as Cornelia, she and I met in the same class I recognized her instantly from the anime it's hard not to notice her beautiful, brown skin, light steel blue hair and yellow eyes.

Villetta nu a member of the fallen noble house fell out of favor with the emperor during my grandfather's era, and they've been trying to claim their way back into social status of nobility.

However, their former rivals could not allow such a thing, so they've use their wealth and power to keep the nu's down.

Villetta showed remarkable skill for firearms and operating military equipment with such skill which made me impressed enough to make her my knight.

Everyone in the Academy, who knew who I was, it's hard not to miss me, since I am the third prince of Brittania.

Because I was born in this universe, Clovis is now the fourth Prince of Brittania while I took his place as the third Prince.

Making her my knight run much uproar in the Academy back then especially Villettas families enemies.

With the help of my sister Cornelia and some of my personal soldiers, and hers was able to kindly(cough, cough threaten) those families to pipe down and not bother my knight.

When the news reached her family, they were ecstatic going so far to throw a party for their daughter. Naturally, I came alone, which made everyone there be on their best behavior.

Now here she is with me going to a birthday party as well as Bring along the Glasgow.

I had Villetta test the knightmare and other custom models, as well as have her spar with me in them, so I can gain experience with her, especially with these weapons, will become a common weapon throughout the world in the future.

Having arrived at our destination, my knight proceeded to get out of the vehicle and open the door for me. Then the both of us proceeded to go to the mansion, for the birthday party was being held.

Marianne came out to greet us as we Approached.

Marianne: welcome Zenith I am glad you came for Lelouchs birthday.

We bowed to the empress of the empire in respect.

Zenith: I am terribly sorry for not coming to his other birthdays I've been very busy my current project.

It is no secret that i have made less public appearances compared to the other princes and princesses of the empire.

Almost to the point that I'm nonexistent and if this were to continue my right to the throne could be in jeopardy, but all of it was worth it. I've completed my projects I needed and ready to present it.

But that's for later for now I had my knight take the knightmare somewhere else for its reveal later for now it's time to give Lelouch his presents.


Some hours later


Seeing my boy having fun with is siblings that came to his birthday party (Clovis, Cornelia, Euphemia,Zenith) especially with Zenith as the two of them is play chess and Lelouch is getting frustrated with not winning regardless, with what strategy he employees.

I have not known of Zenith like the other children that Charles has and want he has been up to in that Little research workshop of his down by his family's estate.

Zenith: attention everyone can I have your attention. All of you may know me and some of you already do I would like show you all something for this momentous occasion.

Well, this is getting interesting I might as well see what the young man has planned.


Third person point of view.

Zenith got everyone's attention, and proceeded to bring out his creation for everyone to see I thankfully no one has noticed his knight anywhere nearby, for she is now inside the cockpit of the knightmare.

going out and bringing the truck into the yard has everyone watched him and see what he will unveil.

He ready himself to reveal his creation to all, and potentially change the canon of the original work, but that doesn't matter what matters is what he can benefit from after all, this is only the first step.

Clicking the button, put the remote in his hand causing the truck container to unpack and reveal the Glasgow all of its glory as his knight operators the controls, and proceeds to stand up for everyone to see, as well as, revealing its facts sphere at the center of its head, opening up to get a detailed map of the area through it sensor.

as the Glasgow revealed itself to everyone in the party, making many of the noble children, gasp in surprise, while the Empress, from where he's standing, he could see her smirking, as well as it's slowly developing to smile.

Zenith:(very good now I have her attention!)

He thought to excel as he proceeds with his demonstration of his new weapon.

Zenith: as everyone can see, and some of you all may already know this is the next generation of knightmare frames as many of you already know, our beloved empress was the first pilot to test out the prototype that led to this one's creation.

He points out the obvious fact, as he continues on with his demonstration of the weapon, showing the slash harkens in action by destroying several tanks that he has brought with him to be destroyed by the knightmare Slash Harkens and show its mobility as well as other ranged weapons such as rifle and other weapons, such as the Rocco launcher cannons.

Everyone are vary is very surprised by the performance of the Glasgow. Once the performance was all done it's over with everyone gave a thunderous applause.

The Empress, herself gives her approval of the new engine of war, even going as far as to ask for a small match between my knight and herself in her Ganymede frame.