
Code Geass FF

This is just a guy who reincarnated to Code Geass. the mc knows he reincarnated because the reincarnated identity had not died. Updates are 7 chapters a week. Please support me on P a t r e o n. You will get 20 chapters more in advance if you do. p a t r e o n.com/SoldKlad001 without the spaces and make sure to follow the big and small letters. This Fan fic is already planned out although crudely and I plan to finish this one before trying to make an original. I need support and motivation though, that's why.. P A T R E O N Edit: I only have one tier in my Pat reon now.

soldklad · Anime & Comics
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359 Chs

Code Geass FF chapter 64

I am going to put every update up to until tomorrow now.

I was busy researching and thinking up the details of the next next plot so...


"Hello?! Please pay attention! This is a private property of the royal family!

You should turn back now because you are already tress passing!

I repeat! You should turn back now!" I shouted threateningly but these guys aren't replying at all and just continuing to move towards us.

"So, what do we do? There aren't any guards here because I said I wanted to have an extremely private vacation." Marianne said with a frown and a troubled tone.

"Can you contact someone with the satellite phone?" I asked.

I already have a guess but I just want to make sure.

"I'll try." She said then she got back to the others to take the satellite phone which is on the table too.

"This is it, right?" Eunalia asked as she took the satellite phone to give it to Marianne because she felt that it was a serious matter.

Then Marianne immediately tried to contact someone through the phone.

All her attempts ended up failing which made her frown more.

"I can't contact anyone Alister! The phone said I'm out of the coverage area!" Marianne shouted to me to inform me as I continue to look at visitors in the distance.

But that is a damn satellite phone! You can't be out of it's coverage area at all.

Except if you are underground.

Or under heavy jamming!


As I thought!

What do this guys want?

It seems they didn't use any electronics at all!

I didn't get any clue about this situation happening right now.

Are they here to kidnap royalty?!

It can't be?

They should know that the empire won't stop now even with a hostage.

Also, this guys seems like a mix group of people from different countries.

There is a blonde, a black American, an African(?), Russian and some Asian.

There is even a Chinese and Japanese in this group.

I don't know how they aren't fighting right now.


I can't even know their affiliation or organization at all with no clues to follow!


There are many royalty that goes to everywhere.

Most of Charles's wives have been going out on many places lately.

So why are they targeting us?

They can't be targeting the Empress because all information about Marianne going here is tightly sealed even from many higher ups.



They are going after me!

I am the only who is important enough but still easy to know the whereabouts of!

Are they here to kidnap me or to kill me?

Tsk tsk!

Even though I thought of many things but this only happened in a second because I used my 'geass' ability.

"Let's go! Marianne you go let them wear bullet proof vest and then arm yourselves with the weapons in the mansion!" I said to them with an urgent tone.

"So, they are really hostile huh..." Marianne muttered while nodding to me and then getting everyone to move towards the mansion.

"Also can you check the radar in the armory? We should see if they are the only ones coming for us.

I will go prepare some of the vehicles here that we can use to escape." I said a bit loudly because they are almost in the mansion.

"Alright!" She shouted in reply to me as she got inside the mansion with the others.

Then I got into the garage to look for a vehicle.

We can't use the yacht in the port because it will surely be already seen by the enemy.

If we tried using it to get away then we will be shot at when the time comes.

So we can only use the secret get away speed boat that was hidden here in the island just in case.

And thankfully, the planners of this vacation island for the royalty thought of doing so, because it will really be useful right now.

I should also be thankful that we didn't bring baby Lelouch here.

Taking care of Cornelia in this situation is still tolerable because she can move on her own even if we need to support her.

It will be really bad if we have to take care of a baby right now.


The car here is a military grade one too!

This closed type military jeep should be bullet proof and has some resistance to explosions.

Let's check the energy because this car should also be an electric car.

It's already been a few years since the people of the whole world all started using electric cars after all.

And, the energy battery is full.

This should be usable for a week straight.

That's right, this type of electric cars are made long lasting and very durable.

It is intentionally made to be a get away vehicle after all.

There are also many electronic ports in this car so you can use is to charge other electronic devices if needed, this is why the energy capacity of this car is made really big.

Let's check the kits here in the garage and the back compartment.

Garage drawers first, I guess.

*drawer and cabinet opening sounds.

Alright, the key for the car is here.

There are also a few knives here and two hand guns.

A shotgun is also hidden really well.

Nice! Many ammunition!

Although we might not need it at all because there are so many of this in the armory on the floor below the ground floor of the mansion.

There is even a shelter in there.

It has a huge amount of food and the best thing is, it is protected with thick metal door and walls.

The underground shelter is even missile explosion proof.

But we might not stay there if there are many more enemies than what we saw from the beach.

If there are multiple of these guys coming for us then that means this event is well planned.

They should already know the blueprint and circumstances of this vacation mansion.

Except for the secret get away speed boat.

Everything here is something that can be known by most people with a bit of a good position in this country's governing body or a high enough ranking as a noble.

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