
Code Geass FF chapter 52

I wanted to say something last night but I was too sleepy and I forgot about it now.

Oh right! Sorry for the slightly late update!

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Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!


- Flash back to the mock battle -

"Hey, can we not do this?! You have just recovered from giving birth right?! That was just a bit less than three weeks ago! How did you even recovered so fast?!" AA said in a frantic voice.

"No! We will do it! Of course, it's because I am strong! And also because they used the latest technologies when I was giving birth.

So I was able to give birth quickly and recover quickly. Hahaha! It only took me a week to completely recover!

So just go into the knightmare already! Hehehe..." Marianne said in a very malicious and amused tone while pushing Alister towards the Ganymede's direction.

"Wait! Why does it have to be me?! Can't you have another person to be your opponent?! Don't you have to take care of baby Lelouch yourself?!

Why are you even here when you should be busy with your baby?! You are just bullying me!" AA said in an accusatory way.

"Am I? Even if that is true, you will not be able to do anything about it! There are made nursing maids in the palace!

They will be able to take care of Lelouch! Also you should really accept being my son's godfather! Because I will pester you until you do! Hahaha!" Marianne replied then she gestured to her royal guard a signal.

Her royal guards then took AA forcefully to the Ganymede.

"No! You can't do this to me! I will never submit! Wait! No! Don't bully me like this! I will not be defeated from this!" AA said while being taken to the Ganymede.

The royal guards are only quite amused with this situation and finds it funny.

It was because they are already used to this kind of thing between their empress and the head scientist.

That's why they really dragged this pitiful scientist into the cockpit of the Ganymede.

Marianne just laughed at him in a very evil villainous like manner.

Then she started going to her own exclusive knightmare frame.

"I am getting back at you for this! Remember this day, for I Alister am bullied for the Nth time! And you will never be able to persuade me to become the godfather of you son!" AA shouted from the speakers built-in in the knightmare frame.

"You wish! Hahaha!" Marianne replied mockingly.

"Hmph! Let's start this farce already so we can finish it fast!" AA shouted with irritation and acceptance.

"Okay! You should attack first because if I attack at the start, you will loose to quickly!" Marianne said with a chuckle.

"Fine! Alister Aston, AF Ganymede. Here I go!" AA said as usual with his so-called traditional 'Mech dispatch sequence or launching protocol'.

His Ganymede dash to the Empress knight in a swerve then brandished it's equiped sword in a slanted slice downwards.

"Haaaa! Take this!" He shouted while attacking.

But the Empress Knight just dodge it by sliding sideways slightly.

"Hey, do it faster! Cause you wouldn't be able to hit me with just that! Hahaha!" She answered back.

He then continued to wave his sword many times but all of it was dodged easily by his opponent.

"You! Don't! Bully! Me! Like! This! Aaarrgghh!" AA shouted in between his slashes.

"I didn't think that this would be quite boring. The gap in technology is too great!" Marianne said in realization of how powerful her knightmare frame is.

Then he did an overhead slash, Marianne operated one of her knightmare's arms to deflect the sword.

"Let's end this then!" Marianne shouted then started her offensive.

The sword was thrown Quite far then a slash harken hit one of the shoulders of AA's knightmare frame, dislodging the arm connected to it.

Then another slash harken hit the other shoulder and again, separated the arm it was connected to.

Marianne then, made her knightmare frame kick the knees of AA's Ganymede.

Which resulted in the Ganymede not being able to move any more.

Then Marianne just push the Ganymede from the back to make it fall on itself.

All the people watching are just gaping from the power gap of the two knightmare frames.

They couldn't believe that the gap between the third and fourth generation knightmare frame is too wide!

"Damn! I said that this is just bullying! Why don't you believe me?!

I already know that you exclusive knightmare frame is very much more powerful than the Ganymede!" AA said furiously while getting out of the wrecked knightmare frame.

"Sorry! I didn't know that the gap is so big! Tee hee!" She replied in an attempt to act cute.

"Tee hee your head! I already explained it to you before! I even showed you the Empress knight's parameters!

You just wanted to bully me right?! Right?!" AA shouted in accusation to Marianne irritatedly.

- end of flash back -

That's mostly what happened.

Although it can be summarized as Alister being dominated one-sidedly but you won't be able to know how much power gap the two generations of knightmare frame has from each other with this kind of summary.

Now let's get back to talking about what happened in this more than one year time skip.

Marianne's wedding had happened without a hitch.

There is nothing major that happened in the wedding itself.

But Charles have started to become more detached with reality now.

It was the result of them discovering the thought elevator.

Although they also saw the sword of Akasha in there, but they don't know that it is 'the sword of akasha' because it doesn't look like a sword and they also don't know the term itself.

Charles's detachment from reality resulted in many things.

And one of it being most of his wives now can only expect artificial insemination now.

That's why Marianne had undergone this too.

Charles said that it is to make sure that his wives get pregnant and for the baby to be healthy and superior at birth.

Because apparently, due to my investments on biological field of research and my personal participation on the research itself sometimes.

The Bio technology is quite advance now that it was possible to at least remove the genetic defects on the forming fetus and even induce the direction of growth so that the baby will really become superior than others.

That's right!

This pattern is almost in the direction of gundam seed.

AA was even quite alarmed when he get know that this can be done now.

So he made sure to guide the biological field into the healing direction instead of modification and such.

Anyway, let's get back on the topic.

So Charles and Marianne didn't nut.

Even I as the Narrator/author thinks that Charles has gone 'nuts', as in crazy, for not doing it with such a beautiful lady.

Anyways, Charles is now quite obsessed with the thought elevator this may also be the reason why he is so hellbent on doing invasion.

Because he wants to get the other entrances and do more research on it.

The same as the canon code geass anime, Charles and VV became fixated on killing the 'god'.

- word count 1048 -

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There are only two tiers, you get 10 chapters advance from the first one and the whole 20 chapters advance on the second one.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

soldkladcreators' thoughts