
Code Geass FF

This is just a guy who reincarnated to Code Geass. the mc knows he reincarnated because the reincarnated identity had not died. Updates are 7 chapters a week. Please support me on P a t r e o n. You will get 20 chapters more in advance if you do. p a t r e o n.com/SoldKlad001 without the spaces and make sure to follow the big and small letters. This Fan fic is already planned out although crudely and I plan to finish this one before trying to make an original. I need support and motivation though, that's why.. P A T R E O N Edit: I only have one tier in my Pat reon now.

soldklad · Anime & Comics
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359 Chs

Code Geass FF chapter 301

This is the chapter that wasn't updated some time ago! haha!

there will be a bonus chapter because of the lateness as usual!

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A whole 20 advanced chapters! That's like, 20 days of chapters in advance!

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Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!


The five of them plus the cylindrical machine that contains Mrs. Mizuki got into the villa.

They then took a seat to relax as they all got into a peaceful and silent atmosphere for a moment.

Of course, as the more experienced people in the room, both AA and Marianne shamelessly remained silent as if they wouldn't ever speak before anyone else.

Lelouch had seen it coming so he only let a sigh of exasperation while Naoto and Kallen are both starting to get impatient and uncomfortable with this silent atmosphere that is slowly turning awkward because of the two of them.

Kallen even started getting fidgety as she glanced back and forth at Lelouch and Marianne before accepting the fact that she is not hallucinating.

'Lelouch is prince Lelouch who disappeared in Japan before, right, so he is still here.

His mother is of course the former empress!

And then this Alister...

Who is this Alister?' Fallen thought after finally calming down again and managing to start thinking with more focus.

They are currently in the living room, which had two long couches facing each other and a coffee table in between which already has a tea set in it and some snacks.

Lelouch's group of three is seated opposite AA and Marianne, with Lelouch in the middle while Naoto and Kallen are on his sides.

Naoto at this time just kept observing everyone and managed to see that Kallen seems to know the true identity of Zero and Zero's mother which made him raise his eyebrows.

After a few moments of silence, Naoto finally couldn't hold it so he just started a conversation with his sister for now.

"Kallen? Do you know Zero's true identity and his mother?" Naoto asked with narrowed eyes trying to intimidate his sister just in case she tried hiding something and also to observe Kallen more carefully.

Her reaction toward Zero and Marianne is quite something, after all. So Naoto felt like he had to focus and know everything first before doing anything further as a former leader, it is one of the habits he gained because he had to be responsible for everyone's safety.

"Uhmmm... Yes?" Kallen answered absentmindedly as she focused on her thoughts which is now interrupted by Naoto.

"Do you know them?" Naoto asked again with raised eyebrows as a gesture to Kallen that she should focus and stop being in a daze already while also briefly pointing to Lelouch, Marianne, and AA.

"Erhmmm... I know Lelouch, well... He is one of my classmates." Kellen said in a soft voice as if she is just muttering something or whispering. But everyone heard what she said in a very clear way.

"Eh?!! Classmates?! Aiya~! I did not expect that Zero is still going to school." Naoto exclaimed in shock as he looked at Lelouch again to observe him more carefully and finally realized that Lelouch does seem quite young.

Just the age to go to high school or college.

"What about Miss Marianne?" Naoto asked in a very polite tone this time as he felt that Marianne should be a big shot.

"The only person I don't know is Mr. Alister. Also... Why don't you know Miss Marianne?! She is very famous you know?!" Kallen said finally having the energy to fawn over her idol. "Besides, her highness Marianne is not only a famous authoritative figure but also a famous mech pilot! She is the officially recognized first ace pilot in the world! Don't you know?!"

Well, Marianne is the idol of all the women in the world right now, especially those who want to be independent or like being one already.

AA just remained silent with a neutral expression while Marianne smiled a little because she could already assume that Kallen is one of her fans.

Lelouch nodded at what Kallen said as he thought 'That's right. How the heck does this person not know about my mom? Is he living under a rock or something?'

"Hey! You know that I was not a fan of robots before, when we were little, what I have always wanted to be is a samurai or a ninja.

So I wasn't paying attention to robots and even now, am still not doing so..." Naoto explained to everyone while scratching the back of his head with a wry smile.

When AA heard the phrase about not being interested in robots/mechs, his eyes flashed slightly as they turned sharp while he started staring at Naoto.

"What about the fact that her highness Marianne is the former empress?!" Kallen said loudly as she started glaring at Naoto because she felt like her idol is being belittled or something.

"Ermm... I especially wouldn't bother about the affairs of Britannia, you know. I'm the leader of the former rebel group remember? Even if you say that my position requires me to know even more so, it's not valid because I do remember that the former empress disappeared quite some time ago now, a few years.

Area eleven is still Japan at that time, I think." Naoto explained again before getting into nostalgia.

"Hmph!" Kallen just humped and snorted before loving her gaze toward Marianne with bright sparkling eyes.

When Kallen was positioned as the main mech pilot of the Black Knights, she also got more into mechs so she binged all the famous information about mechs that are scattered on the internet.

This is how she became a solid fan of Marianne.

And now, she is even the mother of Lelouch, whom she unknowingly started liking now, so she is feeling very close to Marianne with some slight nervousness.

AA sighed in disappointment at this time because the conversation topic he wanted to talk about did not come up at all.

'And Marianne is hogging all the limelight, which she would surely boast to me later when we're alone.

I'm the only one that is allowed to boast around!' AA thought righteously and proudly.

Lelouch had finally let go of most of his frustration and even started sipping some tea to calm down even more.

'I just hope that mother would forget about me, talking back to her earlier.' He thought while maintaining a poker face but the cold sweat on his face betrayed his expression a little.

- word count 1056 -

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