This is just a guy who reincarnated to Code Geass. the mc knows he reincarnated because the reincarnated identity had not died. Updates are 7 chapters a week. Please support me on P a t r e o n. You will get 20 chapters more in advance if you do. p a t r e o without the spaces and make sure to follow the big and small letters. This Fan fic is already planned out although crudely and I plan to finish this one before trying to make an original. I need support and motivation though, that's why.. P A T R E O N Edit: I only have one tier in my Pat reon now.
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Rey did not wait for the other side to make the first move and rapidly rushed out in a quick dash.
Yeah, mobile suits do not have Landspinners because of their weight and size, they can't slide around on the ground as fast as Knightmare frames, it would even be a question if the ground can hold the mobile suit's weight or not in certain circumstances.
Although there might be some exceptions, most mobile suits are like this.
Setsuna did a defensive stance while his GN shield is on automatic mode, which will make it function whenever there is an attack that he can't intercept on his own.
On one hand, the sword, on the other, a dagger, Rey kept attacking and dodging, never once exchanging blows directly, never confronting sword to sword, always hitting Setsuna's swords on the flat side so that it would not cut off his weapon.
Everyone, especially the military staff except those up high in the ranks are looking more excited as they watch their idol go toe to toe against this highly advanced, unknown, mobile suit.
Tentatively, some of the reporters had already called it Gundam because it had that word printed/carved on its forehead.
The high officials on the other hand got their neutral faces back.
But in their thoughts, 'It seems that ace pilots can also go against a more advanced machine using the common tech, but it can almost perfectly be assumed that it is only if the enemy pilot is not an ace pilot too', As they stared at the fight and contemplated on this thought.
Some of the American officials had an additional thought though.
No matter whether Reynald takes down this unknown mobile suit or not, just the fact that he can go against the enemy toe to toe despite the odds would already give him huge credit because he made their mobile suit not look too weak, it is even looking like it is not much behind in technology.
Only experts and professionals would be able to see the real gap in technology.
These huge merits made the high-ranking officials think about how to lower it down, Rey's influence in the government should be restricted and lowered.
In truth, Rey was only able to become everyone's idol because the government needed a poster boy to support the war better.
He is now like the backstreet boys, he just doesn't need to sing and dance, and his battle videos and interviews are enough for the masses to drool over.
His popularity is even higher than most celebrities in the world, even higher than that mysterious singer, Lady Klein, especially in America.
As Rey kept attacking, he started thinking about how to penetrate this green glowing energy shield.
Setsuna on the other hand started frowning as he did not expect that the other party is truly so much stronger than he is.
He is someone who had first fought in the Colosseum, where the fight is all about duels between two people while his opponent is someone who had only ever fought in wars.
Even though wars are truly much better for experience but the Gladiator-like fighting experience in the Colosseum is much better for one on one battles.
Even excluding those, just the fact that he was personally trained by Lady Marianne is truly something, so...
So how the fuck is he being suppressed right now?!
'The madam is right! There truly are stronger people in the world right now.
There will even be more later.
I, sigh...
I need to get stronger!' Setsuna thought before his eyes started brightening up like it was lit in fire, completing his shounen protagonist awakening!
Then he started learning his opponent's moves and adapting to them before starting to fight back more rigorously, making it harder for Rey to make more offensive.
This is quickly noticed by Rey though, as he felt some kind of deja vu in this kind of situation.
'Damn, isn't this like when I was fighting Char before?!
Adapting and learning as we fight!
Can't let this go on!' Rey thought inwardly with some sweat on his forehead.
He quickly remembers his opening attack earlier.
'Can't breakthrough your glowing flashy shield with the regular strength of my machine?
Then I am going to go way beyond!
Plus ultra!' He thought again he made a decision.
He then made the distance between them with a quick back leap then transformed into the fighter plane mode before landing on the ground, quickly launching a few meters into the sky and then transforming back again into the humanoid form.
The unit's sword had gotten back into its place at the back of the machine before even getting into the fighter plane mode.
But it's fine, that is part of Rey's plan after all.
He took out two daggers as he started falling straight down into Setsuna's position before making a spin to accumulate momentum then threw the daggers out to make sure that Setsuna does not move from his position.
As Rey thought, this much force added to the throw should be enough to penetrate that flashy green shield, that is why everyone saw the unknown robot parry and block these two daggers instead of withstanding them and then changing position.
As Rey spun in the air, he quickly took out his sword to make his final blow.
Setsuna did not even plan to try and meet it with his GN shield as the machine itself warned him that this attack would break through it.
The real-time assistance is supported by Veda.
So he met this attack head-on with his folding sword.
And when the two swords met.
Both were broken into two!
Setsuna's eyes dilated when he saw that, his flaming eyes of determination and passion became blazing eyes of anger.
"My Gundam!" He shouted unconsciously as his expression broke off its original sharp look and into gritting his teeth with a vengeful look.
If anyone noticed, Setsuna did not ever try to block anything that can penetrate the GN shield.
It is part of the plan.
The GN shield is supposed to be one of their hidden trump card that can be semi-hidden for now but not completely opened up.
That's why he was also reminded to not show all of its capabilities yet.
- word count 1062 -
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