
Code Geass: Azure Prince

Claudius El Britannia, The 4th prince of Britannia, A person who wasn't supposed to exist was in fact a transmigrator. Armed with future knowledge he would control it for his benefit while not entirely changing the timeline.

9yearsoldkid · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Life as a prince

I woke up the next day, I looked around and realized that I had woken up in the same room I had slept in. I sighed knowing that what happened yesterday was all real.

Knowing the future of Code Geass I knew that I don't have enough time to slack off just like I did in the past and so after spending most of the Sunday meeting my new family and searching for clues as to my predicament, I had responsibilities it seems in this new life.

As a fourteen-year-old prince, it seems I had apparently a pretty full schedule.

From various lessons involving everything from your school basics to military tactics, and politics.

I caught on to the curriculum pretty quick, but history proved to be tricky for me as I have to start from the scratch and with having learned an alternative history to the one I was currently trapped in makes it more harder for me.

After I spent my time studying I realized one strange thing, I became smarter, I was able to study more efficiently unlike back in my past life which makes me happy. I wasn't talentless anymore and all I have to do is support my talent with hardwork. I would never be just like my past self again.

I also had to go to meetings with close family allies with my mother whose name I learned was Corrine.

Then meeting with the other families that made up the royalty of Britannia.

This meant getting dressed up for all these social events; fortunately, I had a female butler named Mary to help with that and all the minor house stuff.

Mary Taylors was a black-haired woman and despite being a female she looks very handsome. Mary seems to be about in her early 20s and sometimes I wonder with her age she was supposed to be somewhere else but she still decided to be my butler.

After I finished contemplating I finally focused the thing in front of me. I still never understood half of the fashions that existed here from elegant dresses, elaborate robes, and so many capes.

However, Mary, despite being a female which makes me uncomfortable sometimes, was an expert who knew just what I should wear for every event and saved me from future embarrassment multiple times from wearing the wrong robe and shoes to the wrong cape length for a day out.

My life at home was surprisingly ordinary.

Well as normal as it would get being a part of the royal family.

With the multiple guards, handlers, and security I was hardly alone outside of the palace or my home.

Getting the prince treatment everywhere was nice but after a while felt fake and forced.

My mother was a warm and kind woman who seemed to care for her children very much and wanted the best for us.

My relationship with Schneizel however, was an unusual one.

He was constantly on the go meeting with people, working on getting a degree in school and pursuing his projects.

But when we did spend time together he seemed to care genuinely about what I was doing and had planned.

However, I took this with a grain of salt, as this could be the same Schneizel who wouldn't think twice to betray anyone in his way. Sometimes I wonder if he would also betray me despite having the same mother but thinking of this I can't help but shake my head.

So I always had a feeling of caution when I was around him, worrying that if he found me in his way he may or may not get rid of me.

I knew he was just as charismatic as his anime counterpart as he could charm almost anyone but did this mean he was just as manipulative, cunning, and ruthless only time would tell.

My father, the emperor, was non-existent in my life, the only times I saw the old bastard was when he was at court or making a big speech, yelling about evolution, social Darwinism, and hailing Britannia.

Besides the fatherly neglect he also never seemed to give me the time or day even though I never saw him as my father, it still pissed me off that he never cared or didn't have any other expression other than looking pissed off.

Maybe that what he wanted, though, for his children to fight for his attention and prove themselves worthy to be emperor by achieving more just for their father to notice them.

But I wouldn't play his game I had already died and wasn't planning on dying due to trying to impress the old bastard, no I was going to live for myself and my happiness.

I was lying underneath of a tree in one of the many gardens that make up the surroundings of the house we lived at.

However, the house was more mansion than a house, and it was situated on a large estate that featured a picturesque landscape.

I was currently staring up at the clouds pondering the past few months since I arrived here.

It was certainly strange at first, but everyone I met seemed to know me from the past or this body's history.

But I didn't dwell on it. Instead, I got to learning more about my half siblings.

I was close to most of the principal members of the royal family from the anime.

Some of them were also in the same garden because my mother was hosting a party to celebrate the official start of spring if there was one thing that was different here from my old world was the sheer amount of parties we went to.

The nobles and royals seemed to have them almost every week for nearly every reason from garden parties to masquerades there was always somewhere to be.

That place to be today was my home, but most of the royal siblings kept to themselves as most were too young for court politics.

Looking around, I saw Cornelia standing guard ever watchful over her charges, Lelouch, who was currently engaged with Schneizel in a chess match which I assumed from his frustrated features he was losing, and Nunnally, who was playing with flowers with Euphemia. Clovis was somewhere painting landscapes or something, Guinevere and Odysseus were conversing with my mother, and the other guests discussing politics and court intrigue which to me felt like a waste of time.

Lying back down on the soft grass I thought about the huge family which I just recently got to meet and didn't bother to know most of them.

Odysseus, the crown prince and oldest sibling, he was a kind and caring brother who wished for all of us to be a kind and loving family, however, I knew that most would turn out to be bad apples. Which wasn't hard to believe even if you knew the future as our father wasn't exactly a saint. He was mostly an accepting and loving older brother who was nice to everyone and was not easy to anger. Whether that was because he was spineless or humble, I didn't know.

Guinevere, the first princess, was a prideful and vain woman who only wanted the best in life. She was a very selfish individual who was keen on buying the best things money could buy, and with her being a princess she did just that. I never was one for shopping and material possessions like she was, but we were courteous to each other, and she had would always try to dress her siblings up in her latest designs which I was the victim of on more than one occasion.

Cornelia was a strict older sister, who deep down was a kind and caring women to her family and close friends. She acted as an older sister to me whenever we were together when Schneizel was gone doing whatever businesses he does. She expected nothing but perfection in my life and let me know it if I was slacking off or slipping up. But nevertheless, she was a kind and caring person as well.

Euphemia was every bit of what I expected her to be like. She was so sweet I felt I would get sick from being too close to her, but she had the habit of sticking around and acting as the glue that held people together. She looked up at me in a weird older brother way like Cornelia was my older sister she was the younger one. So I was unofficially their middle brother. I don't know how many tea parties I was forced to attend because I couldn't say no to Euphemia and too scared to say no to Cornelia

Clovis and I were never really close, no matter how nice I was, or tried to get along he just seemed not to like me. From time to time, he would just glare at me in contempt for just existing. It also didn't help that we had nothing in common. He was self-absorbed, jealous of others, and easy to anger that didn't help my case as a glance at me seemed to set him off.

Nunnally at this point still had the function of her legs and her big eyes were still wide open and full of energy. She was a little spitfire who bugged me to play along with some of those tea parties that Euphemia threw. She was a child who loved everyone equally and new no pain or sorrow. Which made it hard for me to know that she lose so much in this next year.

Finally, the prodigal son himself the main character, everyone's favorite although he didn't know it, was a brat. To me at least, since my brother is one of the best chess players in the world I quickly lost interest in trying to learn and get to his level. But this did not deter Lelouch in an attempt to defeat me to add to his list of victories over his siblings. After I spurned every one of his requests he still insists on a game. But right now he is a momma's boy with a sister complex in the works from what I could tell. He was declared a genius at a young age and was destined to do great things; boy did they know how right they were. Still, we got along fairly well, but his nagging about the importance of chess in our lives got annoying after a while, so I avoided him altogether whenever possible.

I was genuinely surprised when I first met all these characters that I had almost forgotten that they were people as well. Or I'm a character, wait no. They are individuals who love, hope, dream and have goals for the future.

But why am I here then?