
Code 0: Worlds Unleashed

In a universe where ancient alien races wage a cosmic war, Earth finds itself caught in the crosshairs of an intergalactic conflict that threatens the very fabric of existence. Zack Adams, a seemingly ordinary 17-year-old high school student, discovers his hidden powers and a destiny that will thrust him into the heart of this cosmic battle. With the help of his crush, Lily Evans, and a group of extraordinary individuals known as the Number, Zack must learn to harness his newfound abilities, confront his fears, and make sacrifices to protect the people he loves and the world he calls home. As the fate of the universe hangs in the balance, Zack embarks on an epic adventure that will test the limits of his courage and determine the survival of all life as we know it in Code 0: Worlds Unleashed.

iwroteCode0 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 11: The Second Attack

The sky above London was painted an ominous shade of red as the Darka launched their most challenging attack yet. Xarbada, the two-headed Darka leader, and Corbeus, the alien assassin, led their forces with ruthless precision. The once-bustling streets of the city were now a battlefield, filled with the sounds of explosions and the cries of the innocent.

Zack and Number's member found themselves locked in a fierce battle with Xarbada after went through the portal from the Number Headquarter in the middle of North Pacific Ocean, their powers clashing in a dazzling display of elemental fury. Fire and water, wind and shadow, the two warriors fought with everything they had, neither willing to yield an inch.

"You fight well, human," Xarbada sneered, his two heads speaking in unison. "But you are no match for the might of the Darka!"

Zack gritted his teeth, his eyes blazing with determination. "We'll see about that," he retorted, summoning a massive ball of fire and hurling it at the Darka leader then followed up with a globes of water targeting Xarbada with the speed of a bullet.

Xarbada countered with a blast of dark energy, the two attacks colliding in a blinding explosion. The shockwave rippled through the battlefield, sending both warriors stumbling backward.

Around them, the other Number warriors fought with equal determination, their skills and teamwork put to the ultimate test. Igna, the fire clan leader, unleashed a torrent of flames upon the Darka warriors, her eyes blazing with determination.

"Stay focused, everyone!" she shouted over the chaos. "We can't let them gain any more ground!"

Paani, the water clan leader, worked in tandem with Igna, creating a protective barrier to control the damage caused by the raging inferno. "We've got your back, Igna!" she called out, her voice filled with confidence.

Conor, the wind clan leader, rode the winds with his fellow warriors, tearing through the enemy ranks with the speed and ferocity of a hurricane. "Let's show these Darka scum what happens when they mess with Earth's rider of the Wind!" he roared, his voice carried by the howling winds.

Bobo, the earth clan leader, and Yoma, the dark clan leader, led their clans in a desperate effort to evacuate the Londoners from the battlefields. They created rock barriers and shadow portals, guiding the terrified civilians to safety.

"Quickly, this way!" Bobo urged, his deep voice reassuring the panicked crowds. "We'll get you to safety, I promise."

Yoma, her face grim with determination, nodded in agreement. "Leave the fighting to us," she said, her dark energy swirling around her like a cloak. "We'll make sure the Darka pay for what they've done."

Noland, the light leader, worked tirelessly to heal the injured, his hands glowing with a soothing, radiant energy. "Stay with me," he murmured to a wounded civilian, his voice filled with compassion. "You're going to be alright."

As Zack and Xarbada's battle reached its climax, a sudden movement caught Zack's eye. Corbeus, the alien assassin, had appeared out of nowhere, his blade poised to strike at Zack's unprotected back. Time seemed to slow down as Zack realized he couldn't defend himself and fight Xarbada at the same time. Zack prepared for impact.

Just as Corbeus was about to land the killing blow, a wall of flames erupted between him and Zack. Igna had seen the danger and had reacted with lightning speed, her fire shielding Zack from the assassin's attack.

"Not today, assassin!" she snarled, her eyes blazing with fury.

With a grunt of frustration, Corbeus retreated, melting back into the shadows. Zack nodded his thanks to Igna, then turned his full attention back to Xarbada.

"You may have escaped Corbeus," Xarbada taunted, his two heads grinning maliciously, "but you won't escape me!"

With a roar of rage, the Darka leader charged at Zack, his fists encased in crackling energy. Zack met him head-on, his own powers surging through his body like a raging storm.

The two warriors clashed in a flurry of blows, each strike sending shockwaves rippling through the air. Zack ducked and weaved, his movements a blur of speed and agility, while Xarbada pressed his attack with relentless fury.

"Give up, human!" Xarbada growled, his two heads snarling in unison. "You cannot hope to defeat me!"

"I, I mean we, Xarbada will need your head as a souvenir for our Emperor Zorgon" one of Xarbada's head roared.

Zack's response was a blast of searing fire, the flames engulfing Xarbada's body and forcing him back. "I'll never give up," Zack declared, his voice filled with unwavering resolve. "Not as long as I have the strength to fight!" Zack created an ice spear in his hand trying a new spell and throwed the ice spear to Xarbada and followed up with a wind blade spell.

With renewed determination, Zack pressed his attack, his powers growing stronger with each passing moment. He summoned the winds to his aid, using them to propel himself forward and strike at Xarbada from every angle.

The Darka leader retaliated with blasts of dark energy, but Zack countered with walls of solid earth, the rocks absorbing the impact and shielding him from harm.

As the battle raged on, Zack could feel his strength beginning to wane. But he refused to let up, refused to let Xarbada gain the upper hand. He thought of Lily and drew strength from the knowledge that she was fighting just as hard as he was.

"This ends now, Xarbada!" Zack roared, his voice echoing across the battlefield. He gathered all of his remaining power, focusing it into a single, devastating attack as a thunder and lightning starting to generate around one of Zack's fist.

Xarbada's eyes widened in shock as Zack unleashed a massive beam of lightning elemental energy, the blast slamming into the Darka leader with the force of a thousand suns. Xarbada screamed in agony, his body consumed by the searing light and burning sensation.

When the smoke cleared, Xarbada lay motionless on the ground, his two heads lolling lifelessly to the side. Zack stood over him, his chest heaving with exertion, his eyes blazing with triumph.

But the victory was short-lived. A deafening explosion rocked the city, and a blinding light filled the sky. The force of the blast was unlike anything the Number Organization had ever seen. In an instant, around 400,000 lives were lost, and 20 of their own members lay dead among the rubble. The iconic London Eye and Big Ben crumbled to the ground, and half of Westminster Abbey was reduced to dust.

As the smoke cleared, the Darka retreated, their laughter echoing through the devastated streets. They claimed victory, leaving behind a city in ruins and a population in shock.

The Number Organization regrouped, their hearts heavy with the weight of their first defeat. Zack, overwhelmed with guilt and despair, blamed himself for the loss.

"I should have been faster," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I should have stopped them before they could set off that bomb."

But it was the news of Lily's injury that truly broke him. As he sat by her hospital bed, his anger and pain manifested in a terrifying aura of killing intent, directed solely at the Darka.

Elder Zaphir, sensing Zack's turmoil, teleported him to his quarters. There, in the privacy of the elder's sanctuary, Zack finally allowed himself to break down. He poured out his emotions, his grief for the lives lost, and his fear for Lily's well-being.

"I failed, Elder," he sobbed, his shoulders shaking with each word. "I failed Lily, I failed the city, I failed everyone."

Zaphir placed a comforting hand on Zack's shoulder, his ancient eyes filled with wisdom and compassion. "You did not fail, Zack," he said softly. "You fought bravely, as did all of our warriors. The Darka may have won this battle, but the war is far from over."

The elder waved his hand, summoning a holographic map of the world. Three cities glowed with an eerie light: Tokyo, Bangkok, and Singapore. "These are the locations where we believe the Darka will strike next," Zaphir explained. "They seek Onyxxa, a powerful artifact that could turn the tide of this war. We must be ready, Zack. The fate of our world depends on it."

Zack stared at the map, his eyes burning with a newfound resolve. He thought of Lily, of the promise he had made to keep her safe. He thought of his fallen comrades, of the sacrifices they had made in the name of Earth's defense.

"I won't let them down, Elder," he said, his voice filled with steely determination and a little bit of anger. "I'll train harder, fight harder, do whatever it takes to stop the Darka and protect the people I love. I don't really care on how hard it takes, I will persevere"

Zaphir smiled, his eyes shining with pride. "I know you will, Zack," he said. "You are a true hero, a champion of the elements and a defender of the innocent. Together, we will face the darkness and emerge victorious."

Zack stood tall, his heart filled with a newfound sense of purpose. He knew that the path ahead would be fraught with danger and sacrifice, but he also knew that he could not let the Darka win. For the sake of Earth, for the memory of those lost in London, and for the love he shared with Lily, he would fight on, no matter the cost. "No matter the cost," Zack said quietly. Not only the newfound sense of purpose is found, but something in Zack is also switched on.

Hi readers, this is the last chapter of our first volume. What do you think of the story so far? Please let me know in the comment! Add to library also!

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Thank you so much for reading the story, I would like to keep readers entertain on the Journey of Code 0 and our boi Zack!

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