
Chapter 5[The Heir](WARNING NOT FOR KIDS UNDER 12)

*door opens creeps in and shuts door*get in why are you still there? "shut up Richard You're going to wake your dad up You're going to get us in trouble cause of your stupidity Richard"Watch your tone little piece shit of you're lucky were at home right now cause I would have grabbed a gun and test your little shield power little bitch"*Stairs creaking*"what's that noise says Richard"Aww is little bro scared you were just cursing about let me see 20 sec ago" of F you if you're not scared be a good sister and go check out the noise*pushes her*ugh your annoying as ever" she says. nana Womp womp cry me a river I don't give a damn"Richard watch your attitude and tone little boy you may be the heir but I'm still older*creaks grow louder*wait it coming from upstairs?" they both walk upstairs and see a room with light and peek inside just to find the maid on top of their father"eww my eyes can't unsee such a nonentity such disgust"*puke noises*what are you complaining about now little brother"*pushes him away*eww fuck what dad seriously go to a hotel don't do it in the guest room next to our's eww such disgust*pukes on her brothers shirt*kids I want you to pretend you aren't seeing me and Elizabeth(the maid)right now and I'll give u that Mitsubishi*richard starts laughing*no chance old man I'm not into cars like little miss imma own a car collection