
cobra kai zane's story

Main character is someone who don't care about gender in relationships just warning he dates who he thinks is pretty and this is just a heads up

king_sake · TV
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Meet me here?

The man stepped out of the car walking towards the karate dojo "Hey, sensei, You told me to be here at five, Right? I even bought a new student." His sensei didn't look at him as he unlocked the doors of the dojo "Yeah, But today's training's canceled. Tell your friend to come back tomorrow." Miguel was confused "What? why?" his sensei still not looing at his says "Cause I said so." walking into the dojo leaving the two of them behind.

Miguel quickly followed after his sensei leaving Zane outside confused "Well, what the fuck am I supposed to do now." he said thinking aloud. Suddenly a homeless lady came over to him "Give me money." He looked at her for a second eyes pinched in irritation as she continued to bug him about it so he pulled out his wallet giving her a twenty dollar bill saying "Please, shut up." she took the money finally leaving him alone.

After a while of sitting there he walked inside the dojo "Yo, Miguel. You here?" Miguel walked out of and office saying "Zane. Umm can you come back tomorrow?" He looked at Miguel his eyes pinched in annoyance "Yeah sure." he said obviously annoyed he hated having his time wasted.

He walked home since it wasn't to far when he walked in the house his father was sitting on the couch "Where the hell you been." he asked curiously. Zane looked at his father while grabbing a drink from the fridge "Looking into getting back into karate." his father nodded his head "Ight, that's cool. Just don't be gettin in trouble at school, Or that's yo ass." Zane sighed "I know. But on another note. I'm thinking of buying another motorcycle."

His dad looked at him like he was stupid "What happened, to the other one?" Zane laughs saying "That shit got stolen. Don't you remember I was pissed for a good two weeks." His dad laughed saying " Shit, I remember now you was pissed that shit was funny as hell. But If you want a motorcycle buy it. aint my business what you do with yo money." Zane nods saying "I know I was just telling you." his dad nods looking back at the TV putting his attention into it.

Zane walked out of the house heading to the dealership near his house seeing the motorcycle he had liked, it was a high powered high speed 150 cc s2 motorcycle scooter It was all black except for the words which were red. It was 1,895 dollars, He bought the bike getting all the paper work and things of that sort before getting on it driving off toward Walmart he walked inside buying some black leather gloves, along with a Black helmet. He also bought a Dreamgirl Men's World champion costume for the Halloween dance. After he drove back to his house, parking in the spot near where his apartment was located he walked inside heading inside his room hoping on 2k playing with his friends.

That night he heard a text from his phone it was Miguel "Meet me at this address?" he said sending the address, Zane seeing the text sighed annoyed he walked out of his room and As he opened the front door his dad walked into the area "Where you going." Zane shrugged "Guess I'm hanging out with one of my new friends." his dad nods his head "Ight just don't get involved with no cops." he nodded heading out the door.